- Dekat Puskesmas Balas Krumpik Surabaya - Alamat Lokasi Rumah: Perumahan Alam Gunung Anyar Timur II Blok E-12 Rungkut Kel. Please dont go. This property is a 100 SqM house with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom that is available for sale.. You can buy this house for a base price of Rp1,500,000,000 (Rp14,300,000/SqM). 42 - Sertifikat Rumah: SHM (Sertifikat Hak Milik) It is located in Lakar Jl. Buick Regal TourX listings also offer automatic transmission. Sqm - Alamat Lokasi Rumah: Jl. 150 - Dekat Pakuwon Mall Surabaya Jawa Timur (10 menit) Sidotopo Wetan, Kec. With purchase or lease of your New, Pre-Owned or Certified Pre-Owned Buick GMC purchased or leased from Performance GMC Buic VIN: W04GU8SX1J1133416 Stock: GW0038 Certified Pre-Owned: Yes Listed since: 04-26-2023, Located in San Jose, CA / 322 miles away from Brea, CA. Alamat Lokasi Rumah Jl. Lokasi Rumah strategis Jalan Bisa Masuk Mobil dekat kemana2, Lingkungan rumah tenang aman nyaman dan bebas banjir. I had been considering a vehicle change for sometime, but the thought of spending the good portion of a day at a dealership was downright depressing. Receive pricing updates, shopping tips & more! Harga Rp.360.000.000 Jika berminat silahkan hubungi pemilik rumah Telp/WA: 083117453983 Used Buick Regal for Sale Near Me - CARFAX 135 - Kamar Tidur: 2 kamar - Luas Tanah: 250 m2 (10x25) - Sertifikat Apartemen: SHGB - Dekat Gerbang Tol Juanda (12 menit) Alamat Lokasi: Apartemen Bess Mansion Lantai 18 Jl. Mohon maaf sebelumnya, rumah ini dijual hanya untuk pembeli langsung yang serius Tanpa Perantara, Land: 110 - Dekat Stasiun Ngagel Surabaya (5 menit) This property is a 80 SqM house with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom that is available for sale.. You can buy this house for a base price of Rp1,250,000,000 (Rp14,900,000/SqM). Lokasi rumah sangat strtaegis dekat kemana2 dekat kampus dan pusat perbelanjaan, Lingkungan rumah tenang aman nyaman dan bebas banjir. - Rumah Dibangun Tahun: 2005 30 Best Houses for Sale in Surabaya, East Jawa - FazWaz.id See if you can save on car insurance on KBB.com, Pre-qualify for a car loan with no credit score impact. Great road trip car and sorry to see GM screw up the launch of a really good car. - Ada Taman Mini di Carport Spesifikasi Rumah: Spesifikasi Rumah: - Jual Rumah Dekat Stasiun Surabaya Kota (14 menit) - Rencananya akan di fungsikan sebagai sekolah TK dan PAUD, karena lokasi TK dan PAUD jauh, sedangkan kondisi lingkungan padat penduduk dan banyak kos2an. - Dekat Pasar Pogot Surabaya (3 menit) - Dekat Pusat Perbelanjaan dan Pendidikan. This property is a 250 SqM house with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms that is available for sale.. You can buy this house for a base price of Rp3,300,000,000 (Rp12,600,000/SqM). - Dekat Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya (12 menit) Mohon maaf sebelumnya, Apartemen ini dijual/disewakan hanya untuk pembeli/penyewa langsung yang serius dan TANPA PERANTARA, Interior: Kalilom Lor Timur GG V. No.23A & 23B Kel. Harga Jual Rumah Rp.990.000.000 Jika berminat silahkan hubungi pemilik rumah Telp/WA: 081330728225 Find used Buick Regal TourX inventory at a TrueCar Certified Dealership near you by entering your zip code and seeing the best matches in your area. Kalilom Lor Timur GG V. No.23A & 23B Kel. Sqm Rumah Dijual Dekat Transmart Carrefour Rungkut Surabaya (9 menit) Price, mileage, and condition are all important factors to consider when buying a used Buick Regal TourX. Contact the dealer for delivery details, restrictions and costs. - One Gate System - Rumah Dijual Dekat Transmart Carrefour Rungkut Surabaya (14 menit) - Fasilitas Dalam Perumahan: Jogging Track, Taman yang asri, tersedia fasilitas parkir jika memiliki mobil lebih dari satu unit. Tanah Kali Kedinding, Kec. - Sertifikat Rumah: Surat Hijau / Ijo Kedinding Tengah V, Kel. Harga Rp.2.500.000.000 (Nego) Jika berminat untuk survei lokasi silahkan hubungi Rini (Xavier Marks Betterland) Telp/WA: 082234837411 - Dekat Plasa Marina Surabaya (16 menit) - Daya Listrik: 1300 Watt Rumah Dijual 2 Lantai Siap Huni di Karangpilang Kota Surabaya, Alamat Lokasi Rumah Kebraon Indah Permai, Kel. Spesifikasi Rumah: COMES WITH A 3 MONTHS 4,500 MILES POWERTRAIN WARRANTY INCLUDED AT LISTED PRICE----VIRGINIA VIN: W04GU8SX5J1058459 Stock: HK5849 Certified Pre-Owned: No, Located in Leominster, MA / 1,289 miles away from Rutland, ND. Jemur Wonosari, Kec. michael-s2. - Dekat UNAIR Universitas Airlangga Kampus B Surabaya (9 menit) Lakarsantri, Kec. - Token di masing-masing kamar 900 VA However, the tech features are operated through GM's now-dated interface, which falls short of the speed and resolution of the best systems. - Sumber Air: PDAM - Jumlah Lantai: 2 Lantai Sambikerep, Kota Surabaya. | Interior: | Interior: - Jumlah Kamar Tidur: 2 BR This price does not include tax, title, and tags. - Dekat Transmart Rungkut Surabaya (12 menit) This property is a 500 SqM house with 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms that is available for sale.. You can buy this house for a base price of Rp10,000,000,000 (Rp19,100,000/SqM). - Sumber Air: PAM Dealer Advertised Price . Photo: Okkisafire, CC BY-SA 3.0. - Kamar Tidur: 2 kamar - Kamar Tidur: 3 + 1 kamar - Rumah Hadap Selatan (tidak panas jika pagi, siang dan sore) Rungkut, Kota Surabaya. Rumah Dijual Dekat Bandara Juanda Surabaya (10 menit) - Carport Mobil: 1 Prices for a used Buick Regal TourX currently range from $17,000 to $32,000, with vehicle mileage ranging from 14,803 to 147,604. 15K Items sold. Impex Auto VIN: W04GU8SX6J1109015 Stock: 1BC9015 Certified Pre-Owned: No Listed since: 03-09-2023, Located in Cape Coral, FL / 1,589 miles away from Rutland, ND. The dealership says its $12,000 to fix. See our, Used 2018 Buick Regal Tourx Essence For Sale, Used 2018 Buick Regal Tourx Preferred For Sale. - Ada Dapur 2018 Buick Regal TourX Preferred | eBay - Lantai bangunan tinggi, jadi anti banjir Rumah Dijual Dekat UPN Veteran Jawa Timur Surabaya (6 menit) Wonocolo, Kota Surabaya. TJ 0000040, Land: - Jual Rumah Dekat Grand City Mall Surabaya (8 menit) Gunung Anyar, Kec. - Luas Bangunan: 75 m2 Used 2018 Buick Regal Preferred. - Garasi Mobil: Tidak Ada . Shop Buick vehicles in Etna, OH for sale at Cars.com. Mileage: 21,835 miles MPG: 21 city / 29 hwy Color: Red Body Style: Wagon Engine: 4 Cyl 2.0 L Transmission: Automatic. Lokasi Rumah Sangat strategis dekat kemana2 dekat pusat perbelanjaan, lingkungan rumah tenang aman nyaman dan bebas banjir. Used Buick Regal Wagons for Sale Right Now - Autotrader - Dekat Kampus POLTEKPEL Surabaya (5 menit) McGovern interest charges are much higher than good credit rating deserves. - Harga Rumah: Rp. Saat ini rumah dalam keadaan kosong tapi tetap dirawat disapu dan dipel 2x seminggu. - Berbatasan dengan Dharmahusada Indah Lokasi Rumah Sangat Strategis: Sights and Sounds Pkg Driver Confidence Pkg #1 LPO, Buick Interior Protection Pkg. This property is a 148 SqM house with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms that is available for sale.. You can buy this house for a base price of Rp3,025,500,000 (Rp19,500,000/SqM). Alamat Lokasi Rumah di Jl. TJ 0000007, Land: Harga Rp.4.999.000.000 (Nego Setelah Lihat Lokasi) Jika berminat silahkan hubungi pemilik rumah Telp/WA: 081217015565 120 Rumah Dijual Dekat UBAYA Universitas Surabaya (13 menit) Raya Jemursari No.15AA, Kel. | Interior: Ngagel Jaya Selatan, Baratajaya, Kertajaya, Manyar, Pucang - Dekat SMA Negeri 19 Surabaya This property is a 230 SqM house with 7 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms that is available for sale.. You can buy this house for a base price of Rp2,100,000,000 (Rp8,700,000/SqM). 250 Lokasi Rumah Sangat Strategis: - Alamat Lokasi Rumah: Jl. - Jual Rumah Dekat MERR Surabaya Middle East Ring Road - Harga Rumah: Rp.275.000.000 (Bisa Kredit KPR) Lokasi Rumah sangat strategis dekat kemana2, dekat kampus2 ternama dan dekat pusat perbelanjaan di kota surabaya, row jalan depan rumah lebar. - Dekat Bandara Juanda Surabaya (15 menit) - Rumah Kost Dijual Dekat Masjid Agung Sunan Ampel Surabaya (15 menit) - Dekat Benteng Kedung Cowek Surabaya Jawa Timur (11 menit) and TrueCar, Inc. All rights reserved. Dekat Jl. 15,768. - Dekat SMA Negeri 19 Surabaya Jawa Timur (8 menit) - Jual Rumah Dekat Kaza Mall Surabaya (11 menit) - Sharelock Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/k55fUREifx36cc3y5 Edmunds found 2 Great, 6 Fair and 4 Good deals near you, so you can be sure to get the best price. Saya pemilik rumah langsung SHM atas nama saya sendiri dan ada di tangan sertifikatnya. - Harga Rumah: Rp.2.500.000.000 (Nego) Keunggulan Rumah ini: - Sumber Air: PDAM & Pompa Take a look at those reviews first, as they're most likely to describe reliability issues with the vehicle. - Dekat Bandara Juanda Surabaya (10 menit) - Daya Listrik: 4.400 Watt - Daya Listrik: 1300 Watt Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 2018 Buick Regal TourX Preferred at the best online prices at eBay! TrueCar has 37 used Buick Regal TourX models for sale nationwide, including a Buick Regal TourX Essence AWD and a Buick Regal TourX Preferred. 2019 Buick Regal TourX . - Dekat Komplek Pergudangan SIER Surabaya (5 menit) - Dekat SMP Negeri 15 Surabaya There are 3 dealerships near you that received an Edmunds Five Star Dealer Award that have the Buick Regal TourX for sale in stock. Dark Moon Blue Metallic 2019 Buick Regal TourX Preferred AWD 8-Speed Automatic 2.0L 4-Cylinder DG VIN: W04GU8SX6K1011779 Stock: K1011779 Certified Pre-Owned: No Listed since: 11-25-2022, Located in Manassas, VA / 1,136 miles away from Rutland, ND. ** OIL CHANGES FOR LIFE!! me most so far, is I drive 50 miles a day, and the gas ,mileage is great. 128 Dekat RS Siti Khodijah Muhammadiyah Sepanjang 2018 Buick Regal AWD TOURX ESSENCE-EDITION(RARE WAGON) | eBay Gubeng, Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Mohon maaf sebelumnya, rumah ini dijual hanya untuk pembeli langsung yang serius Tanpa Perantara, Land: [ TJ ], Rumah Dijual Cepat Milik Pribadi di Perumahan Taman Wiguna Selatan Kota Surabaya Dekat Kampus UPN Surabaya, Dekat Kampus POLTEKPEL Surabaya, Dekat Galaxy Mall Surabaya, Dekat Bandara Juanda Surabaya dan Dekat Transmart Carrefour Rungkut Surabaya. Property types include condos, houses, townhouses, land and commercial. - Sertifikat Rumah: SHM (Sertifikat Hak Milik) + IMB Atas Nama Pribadi Located in Paris, KY / 1,890 miles away from Brea, CA. You will be provided with a bill of sale and wiring/check instruction post deposit. Additional fees may also apply depending on the state of purchase. - Dekat BAWASLU Provinsi Jawa Timur (5 menit) - Jumlah Lantai: 2 Lantai - Alamat Lokasi Rumah: Perumahan Citra Sentosa Blok I No.8 Kel. - Dekat RS Premier Surabaya (15 menit) - Dekat RSI Jemursari Surabaya (10 menit) Harga Jual Rumah Rp.875.000.000 Jika berminat silahkan hubungi Telp/WA: 082299772232 - Dekat RS Gotong Royong Surabaya (18 menit) - Kamar Mandi: 2 Join the auto auction to bid on this BUICK REGAL TOUR, which has a FL - CERT OF TITLE SLVG REBUILDABLE. - Row lebar jalan depan rumah 5 meter Texas Direct Auto has happily served the greater Houston area for more than 20 years. This 2018 Buick Regal TourX Preferred AWD with 65763 miles was carefully inspected and reconditioned by our service team. Spesifikasi Rumah: - Ada akses langsung ART ke depan tanpa melalui ruangan utama - Jual Rumah Dekat UNESA Universitas Negeri Surabaya (24 menit) Dark Moon Blue Metallic 2019 Buick Regal TourX Preferred AWD 8-Speed Automatic 2.0L 4-Cylinder DG VIN: W04GU8SX6K1011779 Stock: K1011779 Certified Pre-Owned: No Listed since: 11-25-2022, Located in Vancouver, WA / 847 miles away from Brea, CA. Dan Cummins Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram of Paris, No accidents, 2 Owners, Personal use only, 1 Accident, 2 Owners, Corporate fleet vehicle, Bought new regal awd, and so far very impressed . Sambikerep, Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60188 Lokasi apartemen sangat strategis dekat kemana2, lingkungan apartemen tenang aman nyaman dan bebas banjir. - Kamar Tidur: 2 kamar - Jual Rumah Dekat Monumen Tugu Pahlawan dan Museum Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (16 menit) Find a Used Buick Regal TourX Near You. By using the website, you agree to the use of cookies to collect information on and off FazWaz.id. Sqm, Rumah Dijual Cepat BU Siap Huni Tanpa Furnish (Posisi Hook) di Baruk Merr Rungkut Surabaya Dekat UPN Veteran Jawa Timur, Dekat UBAYA Universitas Surabaya, Dekat RS Premier Surabaya, Dekat RS Gotong Royong Surabaya dan Dekat Transmart Carrefour Rungkut Surabaya. Awesome ride! - Jual Rumah Dekat Galaxy Mall Surabaya (11 menit) - Carport Mobil: 1 - Jumlah Lantai: 2 Lantai - Daya Listrik: 4400 Watt (Prabayar Token) - Nego Setelah Lihat Lokasi Used Buick Regal TourX for Sale (with Photos) - CarGurus Add filters to save your search and get notified when new inventory arrives. Philippines - Sumber Air: PDAM - Rumah Kost Dijual Dekat UNMUH Surabaya Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya (14 menit) Fresh Arrival!, CALL 239-424-7514 to set up a VIP APPOINTMENT!, 4-Way Power Driver Lumbar Seat Adjuster, 4-Way Power Front Passenger Lumbar Seat Adjus VIN: W04GV8SXXK1015993 Stock: W2T468035A Certified Pre-Owned: No Listed since: 03-21-2023, Located in Freehold, NJ / 1,230 miles away from Rutland, ND. - Sumber Air: PAM - Jual Rumah Dekat Jembatan Merah Plaza Surabaya (13 menit) * Delivery of any kind does not apply to Alaska and Hawaii. - Pintu Jati - One Gate System - Kamar Tidur: 3 kamar (Bawah 2, Atas Los) Surabaya Map - East Java, Indonesia - Mapcarta - Ada Ruang Cuci Kering - Dekat Jalan Toll . - Dekat UBAYA Universitas Surabaya (16 menit) - Alamat Lokasi Rumah: Jl. VIN: W04GU8SX9J1170181 Stock: c1786726 Certified Pre-Owned: No Listed since: 04-12-2023, Located in Woodbridge, VA / 1,149 miles away from Rutland, ND. Spesifikasi Rumah: Key features of this 2019 Buick Regal TourX Preferred in Arlington, TX . This property is a 525 SqM house with 6 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms that is available for sale.. You can buy this house for a base price of Rp8,000,000,000 (Rp14,500,000/SqM). - Ada wifi serta wireless CCTV - Kamar Tidur: 3 kamar - Dekat SMP Negeri 15 Surabaya Jawa Timur (7 menit) - Alamat Lokasi Rumah: Jl. - Alamat Lokasi Rumah: Jl. - Akta Jual Beli atas nama pribadi - Rumah Dijual Dekat Kampus UPN Surabaya (7 menit) The base trim of the 2020 Buick Regal TourX comes standard with manually operated cloth seats, a 7-inch infotainment touchscreen, dual-zone climate controls, multiple USB ports, a Wi-Fi hotspot, keyless entry and ignition. - Ada Taman Mini di Carport - Alamat Lokasi Rumah: Jl. - Kanopi (Sedang Dalam Progress Pemasangan) Dekat SMA Negeri 22 Surabaya That's why we provide you with a convenient, fast, and hassle-free car buying experience that puts you VIN: W04GU8SX1K1022382 Stock: 2002314064 Certified Pre-Owned: No Listed since: 04-17-2023, Located in Woodbridge, NJ / 1,222 miles away from Rutland, ND. Sqm, Rumah Dijual Cepat Milik Pribadi di Perumahan Taman Wiguna Selatan Kota Surabaya Dekat Kampus UPN Surabaya, Dekat Kampus POLTEKPEL Surabaya, Dekat Galaxy Mall Surabaya, Dekat Bandara Juanda Surabaya dan Dekat Transmart Carrefour Rungkut Surabaya. Mohon maaf sebelumnya, rumah ini dijual hanya untuk pembeli langsung yang serius Tanpa Perantara, Land: - Dekat Plaza Marina Surabaya (9 menit) - Luas Tanah: 84 m2 (6 x 14 m2) The Buick Regal TourX only comes with gas as a fuel type option. 200 I highly recommend Fremont Hyundai to anyone who is considering buying or leasing a car. All cars Horrible horrible. - Masing-masing kamar sudah ada meteran sendiri, jadi terpisah dengan tuan rumah 2020 Buick Regal TourX Essence Rioja Red Metallic AWD 2.0L 4-Cylinder DGI DOHC VVT Turbocharged 8-Speed AutomaticBuick Certified Pre-Owned Details: * VIN: W04GV8SXXL1001299 Stock: U30227A Certified Pre-Owned: No Listed since: 02-23-2023, Located in Manassas, VA / 2,256 miles away from Brea, CA. 100% Positive Feedback. Sidomulyo 1B No.15a RT.02/RW.05 Kel. handles much better than a Cross-Over or SUV. Gunung Anyar, Kota Surabaya 60294 - Ada Ruang Serbaguna - Jual Rumah Dekat Pasar Fresh Market Citraland Surabaya This vehicle has a VIN: W04GV8SX7K1010928 Stock: N0258A Certified Pre-Owned: No Listed since: 04-24-2023, Located in Burkesville, KY / 1,834 miles away from Brea, CA. Lokasi Rumah Sangat Strategis: - Garasi Mobil: 1 Carport - Alamat Lokasi Rumah: Jl. Surabaya is one of the most popular cities in Indonesia. Kenjeran, Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60129 - Daya Listrik: 450 Watt That's why we provide you with a convenient, fast, and hassle-free car buying experience that puts you VIN: W04GU8SX1K1022382 Stock: 2002314064 Certified Pre-Owned: No Listed since: 04-17-2023, Located in Columbus, OH / 1,964 miles away from Brea, CA. Buy your next car from home, pressure free. - Alamat Lokasi Apartemen: Apartemen Bess Mansion Lantai 18 Jl. - Luas Bangunan: 110 m2 Used Buick Cars for Sale in Etna, OH | Cars.com Rumah Dijual Dekat POLTEKPEL Surabaya (2 menit) He reviewed everything with me from the engine to the rear bumper. - Sertifikat Rumah: SHM (Sertifikat Hak Milik) + IMB - Jual Rumah Dekat Jembatan Merah Surabaya (13 menit) This property is a 180 SqM house with 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms that is available for sale.. You can buy this house for a base price of Rp2,900,000,000 (Rp15,400,000/SqM). - Jual Rumah Dekat Rumah Sakit Umum Haji Surabaya (10 menit) The average mileage on a used Buick Regal TourX 2019 for sale in . This property is a 500 SqM house with 6 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms that is available for sale.. You can buy this house for a base price of Rp10,000,000,000 (Rp19,100,000/SqM). We took the car to Infiniti and they sat aged the entire ABS system was modified (this was not disclosed to us). At Lazudi, we offer more than 17 properties for Sale in Surabaya. Harga Jual Rumah Rp.875.000.000 Jika berminat silahkan hubungi Telp/WA: 082299772232 - Luas Bangunan: 75 m2 (5 x 15) Sqm, Dijual/Disewakan Apartemen Bess Mansion Surabaya Dekat CITO Mall Surabaya, Dekat Plaza Marina Surabaya, Dekat UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Dekat Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya, Dekat RS Bhayangkara Surabaya, Dekat Terminal Bungurasih, Dekat Bandara Juanda Surabaya. - Dekat UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya (2 menit) - Lantai Granit - Luas Tanah: 128 m2 This property is a 400 SqM house with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms that is available for sale.. You can buy this house for a base price of Rp15,000,000,000 (Rp35,700,000/SqM). - Luas Tanah: 100 m2 Lokasi Rumah sangat strategis dekat kemana2, Lingkungan rumah tenang aman nyaman dan bebas banjir, Lebar jalan 10 meter, Ada AC 3 Unit dan Kolam ikan di belakang rumah. Lontar, Kec. My complaints are minor-rear one touch up AND down would be nice and rear heated seats. Condition. Alamat Lokasi Rumah Jl. 2019 Buick Regal TourX Preferred AWD, Rear View Camera**, Great service history, Non Smoker, Fresh trade in, Fuel Saver, Bluetooth**, Power Windows**, VIN: W04GU8SX1K1025864 Stock: 19865MA Certified Pre-Owned: No Listed since: 03-10-2023, Located in Saint Clair Shores, MI / 1,972 miles away from Brea, CA. - Dekat Benteng Suramadu Surabaya Jawa Timur (12 menit) VERY WELL KEPT!!! Tol Suramadu Surabaya (6 menit) Rumah Dijual Dekat RS Premier Surabaya (13 menit) - Jumlah Lantai: 1 Lantai - Harga Rumah: Rp.930.000.000 VIN: W04GU8SXXJ1075774 Stock: HL2268A Certified Pre-Owned: No Listed since: 04-08-2023. - Jumlah Lantai:2 (Bagian Belakang Saja) - Daya Listrik: 1.300 Watt - Sertifikat Rumah: SHM (Sertifikat Hak Milik) Surat2 Lengkap - Kamar Tidur: 3 kamar - Dekat Royal Plaza Surabaya (13 menit) 135 - Dekat SMK Kristen Harapan Sejati Surabaya Jawa Timur (3 menit) - Luas Bangunan: 120 m2 This property is a 220 SqM house with 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms that is available for sale.. You can buy this house for a base price of Rp5,700,000,000 (Rp24,700,000/SqM). Terms & Conditions and - Garasi Mobil: 1 - Dekat Taman Suroboyo (12 menit) - Dekat Pantai Kenjeran Lama Surabaya Jawa Timur (16 menit) CARFAX One-Owner. in Indonesia, Thailand - Nama Tower & Di Lantai: Bess Mansion Lantai 18 Upon entering the office, I was promptly greeted at the reception desk with a welcoming smile. Can take 4 passengers comfortably without folding the rear seats down while carrying a lot of cargo. 77,889 miles. Harga Jual Rp.2.850.000.000 (Nego) Jika berminat silahkan hubungi pemilik rumah - Rumah Dijual Dekat Galaxy Mall Surabaya (10 menit) There are 107 used Buick Regal TourX vehicles for sale near you, with an average cost of $26,558. - AC: 4 Unit - Dekat RS Premier Surabaya (17 menit) After the test drive, she explained the different buying options, such as cash vs. lease, and patiently answered all my questions. Gunung Anyar, Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60294 Lokasi Rumah Sangat Strategis: - Daya Listrik: 2.200 Watt He was very friendly and super helpful. ----------------See the full listing at shift.com/s/1280140 -------------- Shift offers delivery and provides financing at competitive rates. - One Gate System Alamat Rumah Jl. 140 Kenjeran, Kota Surabaya 60129 - Luas Bangunan: 72 m2 This price does not include tax, title, and tags. B. Fasilitas / Kelebihan: Those reviewers like its exterior and performance. - Dekat Galaxy Mall Surabaya (10 menit) ONLY A 1 OWNER WITH A CLEAN CARFAX!!!! Consumer reviews are a great resource for determining how reliable a used Buick Regal TourX will be. Ngagel Tama Gubeng Kota Surabaya Dekat Marvell City Mall, Dekat Grand City Mall, Dekat Plasa Marina Surabaya, Dekat UNAIR Universitas Airlangga Kampus B, Dekat Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Surabaya, Dekat RS Premier Surabaya, Dekat Kebun Binatang Surabaya.
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