Why did the Reformed clergy encourage the stories about Faust? Family-backed investment platform partnering with carefully selected alternative asset managers with a long-term mindset | Heritage is a family . His longing for her was so great that he thought if he looked at her, he might throw himself through the window to grab her and take her away. He feels passionately about this woman and he may be afraid of the depth of the passion. They are connected to the main themes of the plays and define their tones. 2 Marley sees God as a living person who helps in a practical way on earth. Try now! Heritage Holdings | LinkedIn Othello is a well-educated general. 7. 2. who Othello is speaking to; He is speaking to his soul. 2 146.3 Es. Performer Heritage - Zanichelli 5 156.6 Es. What words or phrases refer to the heros warriors in lines 18-27? The whole structure of the Abbey is based on vertical lines. When was a church called a cathedral? 6 Elizabeth is identified with her country she is the symbol of justice, order, peace and stability. What happened to her local village in the Swat Valley? It is his love for Juliet which makes him dynamic and courageous: he risks his life at the Capulets house to be near her and later breaks a banishment order risking death, to see her again. Say which documents it directly influenced. 7. It symbolised the end of the civil war between the two royal families, as highlighted by the crown on top of the two roses. Es. 3. During his reign Erasmus of Rotterdam brought the Humanism of the Renaissance to the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, while the scholar Sir Thomas More moved England closer to North-European thought and the origins of Protestantism. It was laid on a burial-ship. 4. Lines 1-4, 10. The queen earned the name Bloody Mary giving the Protestant Church about 300 martyrs by burning them at the stake. 4. 4. 5. 1. Here virtue acquires many meanings: humanity, charity, love, good faith. i colori della matematica volume 1 soluzioni F She sings with a fine intonation. 10. 17-24): The ghost says that if he could reveal the secrets of the a erdeath, Hamlet would be deeply distressed, his blood would freeze, his eyes would start from their sockets and his hair would part. 6 1. Why did the Anglo-Saxons settle south of Hadrians Wall? 7 The main features of the epic poem in the text are: the presence of a hero and the celebration of heroic values the description of a funeral the description of a military society the use of vivid language and formulaic phrases. 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu https://solu.christmas/wiki/Performer_Heritage_-_Volume_1#The_Words_of_Literature 90/239 Donne wants to say that the lovers bed is like the earth, at the centre of the universe, and that the walls are its orbit. He married Egertons niece, 17-year-old Ann More 16 5. Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too? They provide an example of dramatic presaging. What is the style of this play like? 2 Highlighted in pink: causes of Iagos jealousy Light blue words: Othellos virtues, that is, the real cause of Iagos envy Green words: simile between Iagos jealousy and a poisonous animal. Cromwell gave himself the title of Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland. 4 1. Faustus does not believe in predestination and in life a er death. He is worried about the safety of the people involved in the tempest, and he does not want to kill them but to make them experience what loss and sorrow mean. 1 38.2 Es. Laws: In 1651 Parliament passed the Navigation Acts, giving a sort of monopoly of trade to British ships. C 12. Famous for: Dramatic masterpieces such as Tamburlaine the Great (1587), Doctor Faustus (1588-89), The Jew of Malta (1590) and Edward II (1591). 4. who he is watching; He is watching his wife sleeping (lines 3-5). A formulaic phrase that is used in place of a name or noun. 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu https://solu.christmas/wiki/Performer_Heritage_-_Volume_1#The_Words_of_Literature 42/239 7. Lady Macbeth has a more practical attitude and suggests washing the blood away Es. Es. Where he lived: He lived in London from 1587 until his death. So the king broke with Rome, divorced Catherine and, in 1533, he married Anne Boleyn. 3 1. Imagery is all about oxymora. Material, visible, capable of speech, yet insubstantial, a ghost is a thing that is not a thing. Why did Mary, Queen of Scots, represent a danger for Elizabeth? The womans despair voices the despair of those people who have survived traumatic, even monstrous events and who are now being exposed to a comfortless future. Henry VII sponsored John Cabot to explore eastern America and planted the Tudor flag in Nova Scotia. Literary competence, per scoprire il valore estetico e culturale del brano. How is dramatic tension achieved? He objects to the prejudice according to which the Jews are considered an inferior race. In the first act Romeo Montague is presented as a man belonging to the courtly love convention because of his intense adoration and respect for a lady who is chaste and impossible. 2. What are the key ideas of Doctor Faustus? 5. 2. 5 8.6 Es. B The extra letters are A, D and E Romeo and Juliet Es. Students activity. What does the word Malala mean? It opens with a precise statement of the theme of the epic Of Mans First Disobedience,as do all traditional epics. C 4. 1 150.2 Es. She is connoted as a precious person, while Shylock is corrupt (the black colour of jet) and ordinary (red wine) Highlighted in light blue: words referred by Shylock to Antonio. The text introduces a member of B the high clergy 2. 3. What was the Tudor rose like? R 4. Es. Other works Paradise Regained (1671), a much less grandiose poem on Satans temptation of Christ, and Samson Agonistes (1671), a tragedy in verse on the final days of the biblical Samson, his moral recovery and self-sacrifice. 7. 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu https://solu.christmas/wiki/Performer_Heritage_-_Volume_1#The_Words_of_Literature 50/239 7. assert 8. treaty 9. consent 10. raised 11. shi 12. landowners Es. He is a tragic hero because he is linked both to Prometheuss myth of eternal dissatisfaction, and Icaruss myth of the overreacher. Faustus perceives time subjectively because of his great anxiety: time seems to be faster when you wish it went slower Es. Paradise Lost Es. 3 55.4 Es. Education: He studied at the University of Cambridge, where he took his BA in 1584. It contains all the typical elements of the revenge tragedy: a violent crime committed against a family member of the hero, the heros period of doubt which involves complex planning, the appearance of a ghost to get the avenger to carry out the task, the avengers soliloquies and asides, his isolation which may turn into madness. End-stopped lines: Lines 1, 21, 22. 9 8.10 Es. Therefore, the make-up Elizabeth wore for most of her life used to protect her delicate skin from a suntan. 1 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu https://solu.christmas/wiki/Performer_Heritage_-_Volume_1#The_Words_of_Literature 91/239 Origin He was born in London into a wealthy Puritan family in 1608. 5 59.6 Es. 2 3.3 Es. When she wakes in the tomb and finds Romeo dead beside her, she does not kill herself because of her weakness as a woman, but rather because of her strong love, just as Romeo did. 1 152.2 Es. 5 4 1.2 The Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings 4.1 Es. 6. 7 104 Link to Contemporary Culture: The myth of Robinson 104.1 Es. In his last two desperate pleas, what elements does he ask to be turned into? 7 102.8 Es. Thus the king or the queen became the symbol of stability and unity, and the murder of the king/queen was considered as an act against nature which would lead to chaos and disorder. 9. what was buried in the barrow A treasure, jewels and necklaces were buried together with what had remained of Beowulfs corpse a er the fire (lines 24-25, 27-28). Es. He uses the image of a tomb to describe his cell in order to make the reader visualise his life in prison better Es. What did he think of Martin Luther? 2 155.3 Es. Dopo qualche istante, tra i risultati, dovresti trovare il riquadro Soluzioni compiti vacanze. Othellos last words in this scene are important. 8. However, she is also an unconventional female character as she expresses her love vividly and through concrete images. 6 Milton put a great deal of his own soul into Satan; since the poet himself was a rebel against the political authority of the king and the religious authority of the Church of England, his sympathy was for Satan, the rebel. What motives does Iago offer for his trickery? 5. 4 154 4.15 John Keats 154.1 Es. She longs to be with her husband because of their marriage. He has also become aware of the limitations of magic: although it has made possible great achievements in material terms, there has been no improvement in the minds of men. 5 49.5 Es. Why was he expelled from the university communities? 2 155 T53 La Belle dame sans Merci 155.1 Es. Hierarchy forms the background of every play. Es. 1 106.2 Es. It was an age of stability, religious toleration and victory at sea. K 3. 1 Marley sees religion not as a promise of paradise but something to help you live on earth life is a struggle to maintain your basic rights. When did the Wars of the Roses start? Romeo kisses Juliets hand. 2. 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu https://solu.christmas/wiki/Performer_Heritage_-_Volume_1#The_Words_of_Literature 75/239 Othello strangles Desdemona in her bed. The burning plane Es. They are decorated with pinnacles. They mourned and chanted some dirges (lines 35-36). Link to Contemporary Culture: The ballad through time Es. T 3. 4 1. cursing 2. cramps 3. belong 4. resources 5. effort 6. speak 7. civilised 8. rape 9. populate 10. obeys T30 Prospero renounces his magic powers Es. a sleepless entity (line 12); This refers to the city and the fact that it is always awake, because there are always lights, activity and movement at any time in a large town or city. C 2.6 The sonnet Es. Shakespeare chose Venice as the setting of his tragedy. 8. From History to Screen: Elizabeth Es. 2 96.3 Es. 3. Find all the words and phrases linked to the sea in lines 22-30. Do not think because Im giving in to you, that my feelings are only superficial. The main causes of the conflict were: both houses were direct descendants of King Edward III the ruling Lancastrian king, Henry VI, surrounded himself with unpopular nobles it was a time of general discontent and unrest there were a number of powerful lords who had their own private armies at their personal command Henry VI was considered to be mentally unstable. What are the most important differences between Dantes Satan and Miltons? Charles I was captured in 1648, condemned to death and finally executed. 2. 2 1. 2nd section (lines 14-28): Description of the ghosts punishment in the other world. O then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. 1 1. what Perowne sees from his window; He sees a burning airplane in the sky above London. In a duel arranged by Claudius, Laertes wounds Hamlet with the poisoned tip of his sword. What is the cause of Hamlets madness, according to Polonius? Shylock. B 3. Es. He uses metaphor, simile and, above all, wordplay. In 1162 Henry appointed one of his favourites, Thomas Becket, to be Archbishop of Canterbury. 1 Italian or Petrarchan sonnet English or Shakespearean sonnet Number of lines 14 lines in iambic pentameter 14 lines in iambic pentameter Layout 2 sections: the octave presents an issue or a situation; the sestet contains the solution of the problem or personal reflections 4 sections: three quatrains present a theme or three different arguments; the final couplet solves or summarises the problem Rhyme scheme octave: ABBA ABBA sestet: CDE CDE or CDC DCD first quatrain: ABAB second quatrain: CDCD third quatrain: EFEF couplet: GG (wp ndr) Turning point at the end of the eighth line, and the ninth is sometimes introduced by words like and, if, so, but or yet at the end of the eighth line, and the ninth is sometimes introduced by words like and, if, so, but or yet Language full of oxymora full of oxymora and conceits Themes love and desire for a lady who cannot return the poets love love, beauty, decay and art 2.7 Metaphysical poetry 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu https://solu.christmas/wiki/Performer_Heritage_-_Volume_1#The_Words_of_Literature 55/239 2.9 Christopher Marlowe Es. 8 35 From History to Screen: Elizabeth 35.1 Es. 1 3.2 Es. They are four herbs: parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. 2 44.3 Es. The queen denies having committed a bloody act. 4. 2. The boy wants his girl back, but only if she really loves him. 6 135.6 Es. C Unsettled. The Tudors represented the universal order as a chain of being, which had two main characteristics. What is Stonehenge? A Confusion of values. The unreal, dream-like atmosphere is given first of all by the description of the darkness and blackness of the night. Sewing involves needle work and seams, and cannot be done without either. What was Danegeld? In The Rainbow Portrait there are many symbols: the rainbow, which stands for peace and prosperity the eyes and ears embroidered on the queens mantle, which symbolise her ability to know everything through her subjects the snake on the sleeve, which stands for wisdom. H 3. What is the function of this linguistic image? What materials were used to build Norman cathedrals? 3 1. 3 159.4 Es. 6. Who opposed them? Lines 8-9. What features does Satan share with the epic hero? It is also a way of saying that he cannot join in with the communion of good people. What can he hear at the end? This Latinate syntax creates an elevated style suitable to an epic poem. D 8. J 3. She says there are 66 million girls. Es. France 3. middle class 4. Their society was founded on loyalty to the family, or clan, and the centre of communal life was the hall, where they gathered and swore loyalty to the chiefs in return for their protection. One of the great institutions of English history which reflected the change in wealth that had taken place in the Tudor period with a shi from the medieval Church and the landed aristocracy to a rising middle class of small landowners, city merchants and the professions. It shows the Seven Kingdoms established by the Anglo-Saxons, some of which still mark county or regional names. 3 1625 Charles became king 1628 The Petition of Right 1635 Charles I extended ship money 1640 Charles I summoned the so-called Short Parliament, which refused to give him the money he needed to pay his army to fight a rebellion in Scotland. 3 142 T46 Composed upon Westminster 142.1 Es. 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Roman control of Britain came to an end in 409 AD. 3 93.4 Es. 1 43.2 Es. Some examples: Number of syllables in a line: Lines 3, 4, 7. 1 51.2 Es. K 7. They were attacked by terrorists while on their bus going to school. - Test e soluzioni - eBook per il docente su DVD-ROM volume 1 - eBook per il docente su DVD-ROM volume 2 - confezione 6 CD audio per la classe volume 1 . There are several reasons. It is a comedy because it begins with the material for a comedy, like the instant attraction of the young lovers, the masked balls, the comic servants and the superficial life of street fights. Caliban showed Prospero the beauty and fertility of the island and how to exploit it. 4 102 T37 Man Friday 102.1 Es. What themes are linked to the theme of revenge? 2. 4 The precise, rich details of the queens dresses. please confirm your attendance to the meeting Cromwell banned Christmas and Easter and replaced them with days of fasting TOWARDS B2 Reading and Use of English - Part 6 Es. 3. Who brought Christianity back to Britain? Decide whether the following statements referred to Desdemona are true or false. The king dismissed the Petition of Right of 1628 because he thought that he was king by divine right. 4 82.5 Es. 3 80.4 Es. 7. Harold had to fight the Danes in the north of England and then William, Duke of Normandy, in the South, who was claiming the English throne. o Some years later his father was released and the family finances improved o He started studying in . Hamlet is a play of life and death and of mans ambiguous relationship with both. 5 Examples of repetition: red red, her her her, If If, be be, wires wires. 6 103.7 Es. The queen says she is as strong as a man. R 8. The connection with the devil is made clear Highlighted in orange: Shylocks reaction to Jessicas elopement. Thomas Cromwell, the kings chancellor, suppressed 400 small monasteries and confiscated their lands and money. 3 1. 4 129.5 Es. 6. 2 88 3.4 The Age of Reason 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu https://solu.christmas/wiki/Performer_Heritage_-_Volume_1#The_Words_of_Literature 11/239 88.1 Es. The adjectives used are very negative and connote Caliban as a disgusting, unreliable creature connected with the devil (got by the devil himself, hag-seed) 2. 9 1. The rams horn is curved and cannot work as a plough, and one seed will not produce a whole field of crops. 2 35.3 Es. 2 88.3 Es. No unrelated content is introduced. Es. Se non l'hai gi fatto, registrati su myZanichelli. 1 57.2 Es. He refers to astrology. 5. why Desdemona must die; She must die otherwise she will betray other men (line 6). 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu https://solu.christmas/wiki/Performer_Heritage_-_Volume_1#The_Words_of_Literature 41/239 My day will come Es. Danegeld was a tribute paid to the Vikings by the Anglo-Saxons to be le alone. It was signed at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15th June 1215. Suggestion: The megaliths of Stonehenge are impressive. Per confermare l'opera nella nuova edizione fare riferimento al codice 5. 2. 3. 2 62.3 Es. 1 1. frame 2. smooth 3. balmy 4. guiltiness 5. 1 1. shields 2. arrow 3. infantry 4. army 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu https://solu.christmas/wiki/Performer_Heritage_-_Volume_1#The_Words_of_Literature 25/239 1377 Edward III died and the crown passed to his 10-year-old grandson, Richard II 1381 Introduction of a poll tax by Richard II and Peasants Revolt 1453 End of the Hundred Years War against France Es. 6. Es. History and Culture, Literature and Genres, Authors and Texts: attraverso queste tre sezioni si sviluppa lo studio dei diversi periodi della letteratura inglese. Do the changes alter the meaning of the impossible tasks? He also wonders if he ought to go and make himself available to the hospital. 3. Who marries Romeo and Juliet? He did everything he could for his people, and their grief for his death is clearly pointed out in the last lines of the poem. Es. L'unica differenza che le copertine dei libri appariranno leggermente modificate, in modo da evitare problemi di copyright. 8. He used different levels of speech and action. 3 Person Description Actions Parents (Ann and Hugh) sitting in front of the fireplace, on the floor Keith sitting on the floor, building a stereo receiver Sammy naked except for a pair of khaki shorts; blond, bronze and blueeyed, good-looking sprawled out on the couch Jade wearing a loose, old-fashioned blouse and a pair of unflattering shorts that reached almost to the knee; she looked chaste and sleepy, her face seemed waxy and blank curled into an armchair, looking at the wall, sitting unnervingly still, holding a ballpoint pen; she had a clipboard wedged between her hip and the side of the chair 1. Where does Shakespeare set the scene? Most of the surviving abbey was built in the Gothic style for Henry III between 1245 and 1272. Why did the Romans conquer Britain? If he had conformed by putting on prison clothes, his nightmarish cell would have been changed Es. 5 97.6 Es. 4. No, he does not, but he makes her understand that he has been listening to her and tells her that she hates his name, so he must be Romeo.