This might not always be what you want. What i need to do is set the variable to create the date range, search and display the results of every sales order of the defined month and year. 3) It would be very nice if the warning message itself were in the file and could be edited. What it will be when updated and during other times? Ans:- Yes, there is a difference. That states that no undo handling is wanted for this specific variable in case of a transactional roll-back. Procedures can use parameters and other mechanisms to share data between procedures. If you need to share buffers among procedures, use the DEFINE SHARED BUFFER statement. The other use of temp-table is u can assign the data from single temp-table to multiple database tables at on shot. With the CONNECT statement (in the Progress Procedure Editor or in a Progress Procedure). will include (any day now, we promise, Thomas). DEFINE VARIABLE dt AS DATE INTIAL TODAY NO-UNDO. Ans:- 1. find is a statement and can-find is a function. Ans: MRP ignores blanket orders, and receipts cannot be processed against them. 4. on how to make old code and new code work together, something which I think is a bit weak in the current, But, there also should be good guidance in best, practices with new features (and what not to use. DEFINE VARIABLE a AS CHARACTER EXTENT 5 NO-UNDO. In set it directly update the data from record buffer to database. Normalization is a design technique that is widely used as a guide in designing relational databases. You don't "access" a .pf. I think that Sal is proposing a reasonable compromise. They don't want to make people feel like they have to change what they are doing in order to move to the latest release. Another factor is that a set of best practice, standards is not well established and universally. If someone on the outside were to go through and make a list of all the bad examples, then it might be manageable to respond to those, but fixing them internally means that someone has to do the scan who would recognize a bad example. How will you use more than one for each statement? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. The problem is, as long as we do support something, we want to support it consistently. Is it safe to publish research papers in cooperation with Russian academics? I'm not dealing with other languages though, I'm dealing with the ABL & it's documentation, which keeps touting shared variables as a possible solution to different problems. Progress 4GL is an application development language which has a highly readable syntax employing a default behavior while performing the work of multiple 3GL statements. The iteration can also be stopped by using next statement. In find statement u can define no-error but, in can-find u can't. That's not true, since you have instantiated and deleted this context object all over your code! Q:- What is the diff between for first and find first? I need a column value set by a trigger to be available after running an INSERT without having to do another SELECT. It is easy to be dismissive but it would be more useful to be clear about what exceptions or qualifications you are making. Over and over and over again I see, Actuate developers define global variables in order to pass some, information from one context to another when it is quite possible, to pass this info in a good OO way by having the objects, interrogate their context. Multi-table deadlocks can be avoided by locking the tables in same order in all applications, thus preventing a deadlock condition. If field is set from expression, field can include all of the elements that are defined for the . I know I didn't read the entire book, and I have no intention of doing so since I was only looking for specific material I need to figure out. A query is a request for information from a database. It isn't as clean as how it would be done in Oracle, but it might get you to where you want to be. 2) We would certainly like to encourage honest feedback and robust debate on this forum. The reference I related described shared variable programming as "traditional", not "historical". The solution that's been in my head for awhile is to let users indicate what things in the syntax they don't want to support, sort of a reverse reserved keyword kind of thing. Function will return single value to the caller. Untill then the data can be undone using undo statement. Using Comma(,) we can define more than for each statement. another way to pass parameters to a Progress 4GL procedure is passing the parameters with the -param option. But let's foster and maintain a professional and friendly tone. I can understand existing "shared" support remaining in the language, but adding support for shared "stuff" in new technology like PDS??? It returns 0 if the expression is not in the list. I wonder why we have to persuade you all the time, I would rather persuade PSC Based on my experience with OEA, the parser behind ProLint is better than the one PSC is using although they really aren't trying to do the same thing. The update statement let you make changes to the record and progress upgrades the shared-lock to an Exclusive Lock. It can execute by name using the RUN statement. I tried to RUN it from Unix (ksh shell), but received a message ksh: run: not found. Can I use an 11 watt LED bulb in a lamp rated for 8.6 watts maximum? Individual positions i the array is accessed using "standard" c-style brackets. I'm not running any ABL code at all, it's all Ruby and Java (using JRuby; a Ruby interpreter running on the JVM). chand = STRING(whand). Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, +1 because I didn't define my requirements well enough, and for all I know this might work when staying strictly within the AVM. If the time does permit, one runs it through ProLint and deals with the report. UNFORMATTED - Tells Progress to display each expression in the same format produced by the EXPORT statement, but without quotes. What will be the lock when we read the record and update the record? But right now I cannot see any overwhelming advantage to be had. ', referring to the nuclear power plant in Ignalina, mean? A progres 4GL procedure you can execute with run withina progress session and is normally not saved in the database. Were this "feature" added, I would have to read through these nag messages with every compile to make sure that there were no real errors lurking. Why are players required to record the moves in World Championship Classical games? The mis-use is what makes them evil, not their existence. The calling procedures temp table and the called procedures temp table must match with respect to the number of columns, the data type of each column, and the number of extents of each column. ENTRY - Returns a character string entry from a list based on an integer position. BEGINS uses an index wherever possible. In can-find u can't use the exclusive-lock, but in find u can. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. DEFINE VARIABLE v-int-work AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. Saying "never" to shared variables is similar to saying "never" to denormalised data and we all know that there are some very specific cases where we might need to denormalise. I truly appreciate the time and work you put into sharing your knowledge. Or, you can put the value in an SP or singleton. However - something as outdated as shared variables should be termed "obsolete", "legacy" or something to convey that it's an old way of doing thins. If there existed a SQL function that would return a special session ID that corresponded to the client's transient connection to the SQL engine, it would be possible to have the client and trigger/stored procedure communicate using a pre-determined table as a request queue (by using the session ID as a key). The concept of sharing was originally introduced in early versions of the 4GL before parameter passing was implemented in the product. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Progress KB - SESSION:TEMP-DIRECTORY does not change when Windows current directory is changed with Win32 API call. Can someone point to an example or paste code snippet here ? You can make this much better and more efficient with any regexp describing exactly what you want to look for. 1. If anything, it should be a separate process to be used when wanted or, at the least, a flag whose default is the current behavior. 3. We could refer to it as the keywordtrytoforget list. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Scanning for deprecated usage is exactly the same kind of scanning for other things one doesn't want in one's code that ProLint was designed for. My question is that you seem to be suggesting that OO is good for some problem domains and that something else is better for other problem domains. The function returns TRUE if the specified user ID has access according to the list. It might be used as a facile excuse but it isn't the real reason. Q:- What is the diff between find and can-find? A preprocessor directive is a statement that begins with an ampersand and is meaningful only to the preprocessor. I'm saying their disadvantages need to be consistently emphasized, not just be stuck in one spot and then that section pointed to as a disclaimer. Why, in the docs used to describe cutting-edge ABL technology, is shared variables mentioned front-and center, when it should be relegated to "other mechanisms"? It does not make record available to the procedure. Why don't we use the 7805 for car phone chargers? Some people report, it as a critical bug even if we didn't intend to do. DEFINE VARIABLE chand AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. It can be done using the extent statement during the variable declaration. The variable which can be used by the entire mfg pro once you successfully login to the editor is called the globally shared variable. You have no argument that it is not a silver bullet. What is the difference between Find first and For First Statement? Prompt-for statement only accepts the input and stores it in the screen buffer. How much RAM does my database and processes use. People are just lazy about learning how. The "%TEMP%" will be taken as a literal path; it won't be expanded by the shell.. For Windows you could try SetCurrentDirectory: This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. ANS:- By Defining the STREAM you can send the data(output) to more than one destination at a time by single stream name. One-down frame displays single iterations of data and down frames displays multiple iteration of data. There is no separate definition for shared lock. progress-4gl Tutorial - Variables - SO Documentation (If you use shared variables instead of arguments, the procedure can be precompiled. In other environments you can tell the compiler to suppress certain warnings. If you invoke the ENABLE statement for a frame, Progress brings the frame into view unless the HIDDEN attribute for the frame or one of its ancestor frames or windows is TRUE. And, clearly they should be provided with guidance. Progress automatically supplies looping services to REPEAT and FOR EACH blocks. If QC Ok then Make APV otherwise Purchase Return. See Trademarks for appropriate markings. Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. At the very least, it would seem that one would need a run statement in a loop with many iterations and, of course, this would first imply the use of a persistent procedure so that the run is a run of an IP and any fixed parameters were set once outside the loop. Is it necessary to use a READKEY Statement in the EDITING Phrase? Ubuntu won't accept my choice of password, Generating points along line with specifying the origin of point generation in QGIS. For example, Social Security number could be a unique index. Share-Lock(default lock, other user can read but not update), Exclusive-lock (other cannot read and update). Continuing the "Shared" thread - why is the "shared" concept being carried forward with new language elements? Indicates that the specified block is undone. Do any of these relate to a domain where one would be writing ABL code of any form? What will you write in the CIM program to specify F1, F4 key, Enter and for Default option? OpenEdge SQL: 'variable' feature similar to Oracle PL/SQL "RETURNING INTO"? Progress automatically puts a SHARE-LOCK on a record when it is read and automatically puts an EXCLUSIVE-LOCK on a record when it is updated. It gets used when one is ready, willing, and able to fix things that are undesireable without getting in the way of day to day development. If you don't set all extents the remaining will get the last set value: Using LIKE you can base the definition of you variable on another variable or a field in a database or temp-table. A Trigger is a block of 4GL code that executes whenever a specific database event occurs. More correctly, I think it is "Static variables get, used", but where are they a better solution than a. What are the 4 ways to connect a Database? You can use the name of an include file as an argument to another include file. I can go with that a few releases, but sooner or later the docs need to be gone over, updated, and cleaned up. Not the answer you're looking for? Perhaps we should stop and think about whether or not the OO kool-aid is really all that it's knocked up to be. Identifies the process that follows each keystroke during a PROMPT-FOR, SET, or UPDATE statement. For any given release, there is, substantial work required to update and add new, documentation to cover new features, so it is not, surprising that there isn't a lot of resources, available for going back to material that hasn't. What are the different PROGRESS data types? Since I do not have anything except consoles and notebook parsing, certain procedures are more complicated. Record buffer:- A temporary storage area in data memory for a record, field, or variable. User interface trigger - A block of 4GL code associated with an event-object pair. Wouldn't it be interesting to have a new, separate best practices manual? Pxmsg.i to display the error message level of error etc. SESSION:TEMP-DIRECTORY does not change when Windows current directory Folder's list view has different sized fonts in different folders. What will be the lock when we read the record and update the record? If the current procedure is the event procedure specified to handle the PROCEDURE-COMPLETE event for an asynchronous remote procedure, the value comes from the corresponding OUTPUT or INPUT-OUTPUT parameter of the remote procedure. How will you avoid that? Progress 4GL - Define variable month/year Ask Question Asked 7 years, 10 months ago Modified 7 years, 10 months ago Viewed 2k times 1 Here's the problem, i need to create a date range on the variable below. It will commit the data to the database only at the end of the outer repeat block. Can-find is used only for data existence. Progress ABL is statically typed. This is a functionality provided by Progress to upload data into the tables with proper validations. "Traditional" ways of doing things need to be replaced when better ways of doing things come along. What is the difference between find first and for each statement? Other methods (like "choose") have been deprecated by PSC, but nothing's been suggested to replace it. We cannot compile an include file. Interpreting non-statistically significant results: Do we have "no evidence" or "insufficient evidence" to reject the null? So maybe we should be documenting "worst practices". How do you sort records with the use-index option? Just joking, but it is something we've considered. Ans: Three type of Purchase Order are there in MFG/PRO: Ans: Use these for single transactions with a supplier, where there is no assumption that further transactions will occur. A trigger is a block of 4GL code that executes whenever a specific event occurs. If you need more than one record at a time from a table, you can use the DEFINE BUFFER statement to define additional buffers for that table. As things are now, there is no circumstance that I have encountered where I get messages except when there is something I have to fix the program might run, but not as intended, e.g., the colon move. That's nothing new. For example, the installation automatically sets the %DLC% environment variable to your OpenEdge installation path. I'm using 10.2B. Because they're an insidious cancer in an application's development that should be replaced by other, newer and safer methods of sharing information between procedures, rather than being touted as a plausible option for an unwitting developer to use. TO execute a DISPALY. MIP Model with relaxed integer constraints takes longer to solve than normal model, why? So I would say that shared variables were discussed in the book "for historical reference", and if their disadvantages weren't sufficiently emphasized, well, shoot me, but we are doing our best to move the community forward while at least acknowledging that newer better programming mechanisms co-exist (happily, for the most part) with older code that remains successful for what it does and will continue to do so. Is it possible to give different formats to the variables while defining using shared and new shared statements? No, only external Procedures will create .r file during execution and can have more than one Internal Procedures. Has the Melford Hall manuscript poem "Whoso terms love a fire" been attributed to any poetDonne, Roe, or other? Why does progress use frames? database. We have ProLint for telling us things like the use of deprecated features. And, there is an opportunity to provide guidance toward good usage. Where does the version of Hamapil that is different from the Gemara come from? And you think we hear it about continuing old conventions, you should hear what happens when we don't! Defines and identifies a variable to be shared by a procedure called directly or indirectly by the current procedure. Q:- What is the use of defining the EXCLUSIVE-LOCK with NO-WAIT. Tell about ENTRY Function with one example? What are the types of frames? Does a password policy with a restriction of repeated characters increase security? Progress has the ability to use and understand SQL, but the overwhelming majority of application development is done using the native 4GL, which is held in high regard because it gives programmers the power that SQL has historically lacked, and that products like Oracle's PL/SQL and Power builders Transact/SQL attempt to provide with varying degrees of success. Have access to the frames, widgets, and variables defined in the enclosing procedure. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. u can check this by using the ETIME() Function to check the time taken by these two. This is used, as it is faster to upload with all validations. How to define a shared lock in for each block? there is an entire sub-section earlier in the book. This modified text is an extract of the original. [Stackoverflow] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] How to get labels from temp table if its field datatype is LIKE table-name - Progress 4GL? So without further ado, the code: Now, I don't know if this does you any good, since you can't probably interfere with behavior at will. But the index starts at 1. I'll assume you don't own the source code. The default buffers in progress are Data Buffer, Record buffer, Screen Buffer, Edit Buffer which are mainly used for input output operation. You can use the ACCUMULATE statement only in blocks with the implicit looping property. HANDLE function - Progress We can use a release statement to release table before the end of the block. Example: PROPATH= PROPATH + ",/dlc,/dlc/proguide,/dlc/appl1/procs", Purchase Requisition (Requisition or Blanket Order). For any given release, there is substantial work required to update and add new documentation to cover new features, so it is not surprising that there isn't a lot of resources available for going back to material that hasn't changed to see if it can be improved. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Since session triggers are executed from within an enclosing procedure, they have access to the frames, widgets, and variables defined in the enclosing procedure. Eg deletion of sod_det where so_mstr is deleted. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Specifying NO-UNDO for a variable is useful if you want to indicate an error condition as the value of the variable, perform an UNDO, and later take some action based on that error condition. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I find it very difficult to believe that the overhead of the run itself doesn't swamp out the overhead associated with a parameter versus a shared variable. New shared Variable - Defines a variable to be shared by a procedure called directly or indirectly by the current procedure. You cannot precompile a procedure to which you pass arguments. This will create two cross referencing text files that will look like this: "NEW-SHR-VARIABLE bool" in proc1xref.txt tells you that a shared variable named bool has been created and "ACCESS SHARED bool" tells you that it has been used. While updating it will be upgrading to exclusive lock else it will be in shared lock status. How to find all the defined variables in Progress-4gl? Compares a character expression to a pattern and evaluates to a TRUE value if the expression satisfies the pattern criteria. When I pass Temp table as parameters, what are the rules apply to Temp table parameters? Where does the version of Hamapil that is different from the Gemara come from? A transaction is a unit of work that is either completed as a unit or undone as a unit. is there such a thing as "right to be heard"? Why does Acts not mention the deaths of Peter and Paul? By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Interesting to read that ABL triggers run in the context of the client, while SQL triggers run on the server (source: OpenEdge 11 SQL Development p151). Display - is used for take the data from record buffer to screen buffer, means display the data on screen. But, this doesn't seem to be making it out in to the examples. In the PSDN materials in the OE Practices area, we are trying to establish firmer guidelines for "modern" programming in ABL, which of course will include (any day now, we promise, Thomas) material and examples on class-based programming and other features of OE10.1 and more releases to come. Progress 4gl interview questions Learn progress-4gl - Progress ABL is statically typed. What will it return if expression is not in the list? Trusting execution of code that ensures database integrity to the client's runtime seems very insecure to me, but what do I know (never drank the OE Kool-Aid). And display. DEFINE VARIABLE i AS INT64 INITIAL -200 NO-UNDO. Boy, you step out of the room for a minute (well, to, Greece and back and various other places) and all. All validation used in these programs during normal data entry is available during a CIM load. It will change the output destination in a procedure; the output goes to that destination until you close it with the output close statement, or until you name a new output destination. Progress uses transactions to automatically handle this processing. The variables need to be declared and the datatype cannot be changed during run time. Progress KB - How to change the current working directory of a 4GL session on Windows? Boy, you step out of the room for a minute (well, to Greece and back and various other places) and all hell breaks loose. To be sure, it should be clear to people that, they can move to the latest release and it, just works. .lg (time of database up and shut down). Updated Jul 21, 2021 A handle to the current ABL session object. I'm not saying that instruction of historical language element usages should be eliminated. The calling procedure cannot pass a literal value. Quantities and due dates can be entered up to the time when a blanket order becomes a purchase order. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Yes, I think the original question is asking about passing parameters into a start-up command line.