Both boys are due around the same time and have decided on a homebirth. Thankfully, he has something someone. Mostly because of the baby currently cooking in his belly. They've discussed the possibility of having children before, but never did anything about it. Also they screwed as well. We cant get to the hospital! Embarrassingly, a few tears slid down his cheeks. Why did the man have a blanket in his office? You will find the fics arranged according to season. Not that Sam cares about that -- his only concern is that as much fun as watching Dean trying to stay (resentfully but obediently) flat on the floor with his stomach making that impossible is, he doesn't want the puppies to be hurt. (Read and find out more).NOTE: THIS IS AN ALPHA/ALPHA FIC. He loves sucking on Dean's nipples, pulling the milk from them, and fingers Dean or plays with Dean's cock while he does it. Dean offers Cas help with his little mate problem. He was the eye to Jensens hurricane; his life preserver when the boat sank. If you dont calm your ass down right now, I will shove my foot so far up it, youll taste my shoe. Too bad it was just down hill from here. Lets go to my office then. But, a few weeks later, he isn't sure that was what Amara meant. In a pregnancy support group for single expectant parents. What happens next is up to the writer. Its too soon, Jensen cried out on the verge of completely breaking down. What if *men* were the ones who got pregnant Jensen is extremely ready to meet their daughter--mostly so he can regain some control over his bladder. Character pages (Characters with over five fics get their own page; those with less can be found under 'other', where a pregnant!character tag has been added to the line of tags.) A blanket from the couch was quickly thrown over his legs, though, keeping his modesty intact. It took a lot of wiggling and finagling to finally get the desk top part of the chair out of the way, and then he had to build up some momentum before he could launch himself from his seat, having to stop once to let out a low, horrible moan as every muscle in his stomach and hips cramped in excruciating pain. But I safely delivered that baby girl in a battlefield. Now? Eloise by Shadow_Of_Castiel Hes so tiny, Dean whispered, running his finger over the back of his sons hand. Dean was born a genetic anomaly a hermaphrodite with fully functioning male and female reproductive systems. Deans physical and emotional boundaries are broken. Come on. Castiel was there to help with the pain when he could, but mostly he was assisting Sam, ready to take the baby as soon as it was born. Dean is pregnant. Sam seemed to be the only calm one and he had his nose in a book. His days as hunter are long gone and, now, trapped in Purgatory, Dean is a fine prey for every monster he had met previously. The followers knew the story immediately! Watching his dogs fuck a very pregnant Dean, much to Dean's discomfort/pain. Jeff quickly gathered the tests and threw them in his bag, before hooking an arm around Jensens and leading him out the room. The Secrets Out Chapter 1, a supernatural fanfic | FanFiction When it was all said and done, you held you baby boy in your arms. And Jared, Jensen briefly interrupted, as he squeezed his eyes shut, sucking in a shaking, stuttering breath and nearly collapsing to his knees in agony. Chapter 1. Please keep them coming! Are you okay, son? Professor Morgan glanced over his book to peer at Jensen. Please ask if you would like another added to the list. A pregnant man may not be an Act of God, but insurance sure as hell won't cover it regardless. You did an amazing job delivering out first son, and youre gonna be just as awesome with the next.. Just because there were no bullets flying around their heads and they werent at risk of being overrun by opposing forces at any second, didnt make it any easier to deliver a baby. Sometimes I sleep here, Jeff shrugged in response to his inquiry and turned to call 911. Youre the strongest person I know, he panted into the phone as if he was out of breath from running. What is it, Dean? Castiel voice asked from behind you. His powers ensure that there's always enough food for their children as well, but he loves marking Dean as his in this way. fic | r | dean/sam | pregnancy | body horror; crack. A boy? Jared wouldnt be freaking out like this, Jared would go with the flow, make shit up on the spot if he had too. A stranger did it. ), It would have been easier, he thought, if he had just said a stranger. | As always un-beta'd, so all mistakes are my own. Suggestions? But they were pretty committed to each other. Characters - Castiel - A Supernatural Mpreg Directory - LiveJournal Or the story in which Jensen is 8 months pregnant and goes into labor with his twins during his final exam and Professor Morgan is awesome.Rating: P-13 for slash, mpreg, semi graphic description of birth, and a few curse wordsDisclaimer: I do not own nor do I know Jared, Jensen or JDM. fic | t | castiel/dean | post-pregnancy | depression; stillbirth. #mpreg story #mpreg fic #mpreg #mpreg birth #mpreg kink #fanfiction #a03 #original work. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Im sorry, he groaned when Jeff got off the phone with 911 and Jared. Who also happen to be twins. And Alpha!Cas will do anything for his mate. 'The Adventures of Bobby John' and 'Anyone Else But You' seem to have been fully deleted, but 'The Wolf and The Walker' can be found on here. Doesn't really matter that neither Winchester boy was really ready for children. 2(Arthur Ketch x fem!Winchester reader) Soulmate AU, Fighting it is Useless pt. Hey, you okay? Sam asked. Egg by geek6 fic | t | castiel/dean | pregnancy, post-pregnancy | crack; egg fic Cas lays an egg, gets the wrong end of the stick, and Bobby yells idjit a lot. Five minutes later and only one question left to go, Jensen clenched his teeth and stifled a cry of pain as another contraction attacked his bulging stomach. Im reading up on how to deliver a baby. Work Search: An ambulance is on its way, Jeff reassured. So 20 hours later, I delivered that baby barely a hundred feet from the barricade with bullets whizzing past my head and having to leave twice to attend to injuries in my platoon. You were waddling behind him, your lip between your teeth. After his brother goes to Hell to save the world, and things dont work out with him and Lisa, Dean decides to have a baby with the one person he can trust to be there for his child. Since hehad begun to show dressing grew increasingly more difficult. Everything was set, he even had a job waiting for him after the honeymoon was done. Dean hates it, but Sam can't get enough of watching his dogs fuck Dean. fic | nc-17 | dean/sam | pre-pregnancy | alpha/beta/omega; knotting; self-lubrication. Points if the monster fucking them is the best sex they've ever felt and the reason they keep going back. fic | nc-17 | dean/himself | pre-pregnancy | intersexed character; selfcest. His and Jareds parents were even fighting already over who got to look after the twins during the honeymoon. huggh hugghh AAGGHHH! His brows were furrowed in concern. Dean hazily stops and slowly smiles happily at Sam as his brother's words slowly register in his brain. Ugh. This wasnt the birth plan you had in mind. Two days in, we were still holding position, valiantly fighting off the enemy, when this heavily pregnant woman approaches our barricade from the village. The pain was too much. Castiel and Dean have just had their first child. Sam and Dean knew the older Winchester would be going into heat soon and both had planned for it. Too bad the twins never got the memo. Apparently Dean and Castiel have been very busy in the future. Spiked just discovered yet another miracle slapped into him, unlooked-for, and all Buffy could feel was this cold resignation, this familiar weary suspense of adding still more logistics to the calculation of their existence. The other hellhounds are locked away, but he isn't too concerned about this. Thank you, so much for taking care of me and my twins. You can do this, sweetheart. His professor grabbed his phone and dialed his fianc, briefly explaining the situation before putting his cellphone on speaker and laying it near Jensens face. His steps faltered and the only thing keeping him going was Jeff. DEAN! Jared and Jensen grew up attached at the hip, they have a friendship that neither quite understand until it all changes. Dazed from the last contraction, it took him a few moments to realize something wet and slimy was running down his legs. This kis is coming and were the only ones here. And Jared, Jeff smiled. His professor eased him onto the floor of his office, situated so he could lean against the couch. This time, Sam and Dean thought they knew what they were in for, but this pregnancy quickly becomes much more complicated than the first one. That is, until his best-friend-and-occasional-sex-buddy makes an offer that he can't refuse, but will having a child complicate their relationship in ways Dean hadn't anticipated? Jared reluctantly handed Lucas over to the EMTs care as Lane was taken from his arms. Okay?. fic | nc-17 | castiel/dean, balthazar/sam | pregnancy | heat/mating cycles; knotting; oral sex; wing fic. Summary (if fic- if art, summary will be included only if the artist includes one). He just wants to spend a little quality time with Jared and then sleep but apparently destiny has something else in hand for him. Everyone else finishing early, except a few others, Jensen ended up being the one of last people left in the testing room with Professor Morgan overseeing, sitting at his desk, feet kicked up and reading what might have been a Stephen King novel. This list contains only non-slash work. #fanfiction Have you been labor all day? Total Eclipse of the Heart: A SPN Fanfic. Dean Winchester is now the new Alpha(mateless) of the Winchester pack, handed down by his father. After trying to re-enact the very inspiring kinky sex they had, Dean comes up with a crazy idea that might satisfy their new needs and at the same time get the angels off their backs. I cant have this baby, now! Love your stories!! 2- One Year Later(Dean Winchester x fem!demon reader), Not the Same Dean(Demon!Dean/Dean Winchester x fem!reader), Dreams Become Reality (Crowley x fem!Winchester reader), Honey I'm Good (Dean Winchester x reader), Hairy Situation (Dean Winchester x fem!reader), Protected by Death(Death; Sam Winchester x fem!reader), Dreams Become Reality pt.2 (Crowley x fem!Winchester reader), Fighting it is Useless (Mr. Arthur Ketch x fem!Winchester) Soulmate AU, Fighting it is Useless pt. Dean looked over at you with a similar expression. I need to check something. Jeff placed his hands on his stomach and prodded the sore, tender area. fic | g | gen | pregnancy | angst; crack; cursed pregnancy. Sex happens. Total Eclipse of the Heart (Supernatural Mpreg Dean), a - FanFiction Take a deep breath.. You still with me, son?. Except when he tried to get up, Jensen nearly started crying when he realized he was stuck in the chair. When you were almost 8 months pregnant with twins, graduating college in less than a week, getting married in three months, and about to enter the workforce with an actual, real, and fulltime job for the first time, you couldnt afford to be disorganized. Once upon a rainy morning, Jared Padalecki opens the door to a rain-soaked, pregnant omega who claims that Jared is the other father. Y/N, babyare you in labor? You sniffled and actually managed a nod as the pain subsided. He breezed through the first three parts of the last question and then struggled hopelessly through the last three. Sam smiled. This is all your fault and its time you paid back., fic | t | castiel/dean | pre-pregnancy | crack. Knowing he slept with Brady both before and after he was possessed, Sam worries about what might be growing inside of him finally calling his brother and father for help. Lesser men would be freaking out right about now, but Jeff was a sturdy rock, and the only thing keeping Jensen together. What if what Dean Winchester had needed most wasn't Mary back, but was for his long coveted Angel to finally be HIS Angel. #spn Can you fly her there? Castiel shook his head and explained that it would not be safe for the baby. It didnt matter, because all that did matter was his two beautiful sons and the wonderful man he couldnt wait to marry. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you. Can be read separately but better as part of the series. Family is complicated, but full of love and joy. An encounter with a witch leaves Dean in a disturbing predicament. Jensen let himself relax for the first time since he woke up that morning. He couldn't get an abortion, for who would believe that a man was pregnant, none the less actually perform one on a man. W-what happened? he mumbled as the contraction eased up for a few spare moments. fic | nc-17 | jared/jensen, dean/sam | pregnancy | birth (graphic); teenage pregnancy. Ack, seems "The Adventures of Bobby John", "Anyone Else But You" and "The Wolf and The Walker" are no longer working (could be more though). Bryce finds his curiosity overriding his better judgment. Ill drive you to the hospital, Jeff calmly said as he slowly led Jensen to the exit of the building. (Mick Davies x fem!reader), Distrusting Soulmates (Benny Lafitte x fem!reader) Soulmate AU, Love at First Spell (Mick Davies x fem!reader), Am I Not Good Enough? His whole body, every nerve, every muscle, every fiber of his very being, was focused solely on delivering his son. I figured out pretty quickly she was in labor, Jeffs gruff voice cut through the agony. Yeah this man was his mentor, his advisor, and Jensen liked to think they were friends, but it was a lot to ask a man to deliver his children, in his office no less. Take the baby, he gasped out to Jeff as the man finished clamping and cutting the umbilical cord. Archive of Our Own. Castiel will do whatever it takes to make Dean his mate. Before Jeff could respond, all three of them turned to the window when finally sirens were heard approaching the building. There are a bunch of links on here -not just this list, the others too-, if I were you I'd go through and check them.. Jensen is of course his shy self and Dean is very much intrigued. fic | r | dean/sam, dean/john (past) | pregnancy |. If he had realized that he was in labor sooner, then this could have been avoided. He can either go into labor while taking the exam or while handing his exam into the professor. And the look in Deans eyes as he looked at his son made it all worth it. Jensen nodded dumbly and let himself be led by Jeff when all he really wanted to do was lie down. But authors either are MIA on AO3 as well, or changed, fic or art | rating | pairing/s | pregnancy/pre-pregnancy/post-pregnancy**. But, after Connor lands a gig babysitting for a couple hailing from Fortune 500 royalty, he starts spending money on extravagances well beyond the means earned by a mere babysitter. It felt like a knife was cutting open his insides and he squeezed his eyes shut and pursed his lips to keep from crying out again. PLEASE READ BEFORE REQUESTING! As always, feel free to request (through private messaging). A muffled whimper still managed to find its way through to the phone. Below, is a list of fanfics Ive collected over the years. His water breaks and he has a very painful contraction and Professor Jeff Morgan helps him. When Dean goes into labor, Sam is determined to be as supportive as possible, except he's hiding something - He's in labor, too. Im almost there, sweetheart. What he finds will bring new meaning to the idiom "my brother's keeper., *Image isnt mine, the creator is mpregbelly1 on Deviantart.*. Jeff should so be their godfather since he was already looking out for them before they were even born!! Witches usually are in the scope of hunters. I dont think so, Jensen replied, earning glares from the remaining students, and returned to his test without a second thought. FA content. From that day on she vowed that she would always love her son no matter what, ensure that he will survive. That boyll break every speed limit and traffic law just to get here. The thought made him briefly smile. (Metatron x reader), A Light in the Darkness (Dean Winchester x reader), Spilled Coffee -Pt. "Come baby, one more push," Dean whispered in your ear. Dean goes to get some coffee after being with Bobby at the hospital for a while, but he collapses in the coffee shop. Castiel has come of age and needs to find a willing partner to relieve the urges he feels. This does not end as originally planned. The only things that make Dean important are that he looks good with a dog on top of him, and his stomach is fucking gorgeous all swollen out from, fic | nc-17 | castiel/dean, sam/gabriel | pregnancy | cursed pregnancy, Im a Sower. Oh yeah? Dean cocked a cheeky eyebrow, The chunks I blew at the side of the road back there would prove otherwise., Youre not sick, Cas repeated, deathly serious. All he wanted was for Jared to be with him right now to comfort him and hold his hand and tell him everything was going to be okay. He was so close to being finished, so close to being done with school forever. Even worse: Dean appears to be pregnant, and they cant think of an explanation for that either. How this works, and list of character pages. Jeff urgently, but gently, took his son from his arms as Jensen writhed in pain on the ground, a fresh set of contractions stealing his breath away and forcing a startled cry past clenched teeth. Still smut free! It came to him that the soldier boys had done something more to him than strip away his entire vampiric existence, but he decided, a bit desperately, that he didn't mind the heat so long as that was all it was. And you had a beautiful, healthy baby boy from it. fic | r | dean/sam | pregnancy | crack; schmoop; tentacles; wing fic. He barely made it to Jeffs desk, slapping his test down on the hard oak surface, before another intense wave of pain trampled through his belly forcing him to cry out and hunch over, hands gripping the edge of the desk tightly to keep him on his feet. Title: Unexpected BusinessAuthor: rockondeanRating: NC-13? Yeah? Jensen gasped out, clutching desperately to his professors hand like a lifeline as the next wave of pain assaulted him barely seconds after the last. Baby Steps by Juli No clue what she was saying.. Jensen took stock of his situation, how close the contractions were at barely a minute apart, how he could almost feel the first twin pushing lower, demanding to be let out as the pressure grew to be unbearable. fic | nc-17 | dean/sam, dean/omcs | pregnancy |. What was he supposed to do without Jared? But when a stranger helps him out after his car breaks down, he finds himself with an arrangement that could be more permanent. I have to admit- I don't usually read fics that include mpreg!Jared, but i'm glad i decided to have a look at this one anyway because i quickly got into it and really enjoyed the fic. For once he could look out for and protect HIS brother. Follow. Hed done well enough on previous tests and assignments that he didnt even need to do all that well on this test. Sam looked down at his watch. Oneshot, Dean Mpreg, non wincest fic - Never back chat a pagan goddess of fertility . I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant: Supernatural mpreg!Cas and - Wattpad Teasing brothers and mothers don't help. When Dean unexpectedly goes into heat, a soulless Sam offers to help him through it. Pregnant Dean Winchester - Works | Archive of Our Own Dean gets lost in the woods. That was great. Not wanting to scream into the phone, Jensen bit his lip as the next throb of misery attacked his stomach with an army of pure fire. Jeffs soothing voice was like aloe on a hot burn, and while he couldnt make out all the words in his haze of pain and single-minded concentration on birthing his children, he heard enough to get the gist. "Sure, Sammy. It was All In The Game, Yo by Sonofabiscuit77. Between the weight of Deans secret and a shaky wall in Sams head, its easier said than done. Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement, Just FYI, the link for "Just the Way You Are" only links to the first half of Part 1. Is now really the best time to read, Sam? Castiel asked, cocking his head to the side. Jensen still cant explain why to this day, but the sound of Jeffs serious and concerned voice, one look at his tiny little baby mewling softly on the couch, and the stress and pain of the situation and suddenly he burst out crying. The one her kind hates most is the most . Life changes, fast. This wasnt at all how you pictured bringing your son into the world, but its what happened. Jensen thought. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (182), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic description of Labor and Childbirth, British Men of Letters (Supernatural) Being Assholes, FWB to boyfriends who are having a baby together, Adam Milligan/Dean Winchester/John Winchester/Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester is Capable of Becoming Pregnant, Original Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester Child(ren), there will be a happy ending to this i promise, just be warned in advance that it is not a light read, they just go through a lot of shit before they get the happy ending, Castiel and Jimmy Novak are Twins (Supernatural), edited with Grammarly and a screen reader, not beta read i don't have friends to help me, Dean Winchester/Female Character - Freeform, Castiel Without Angelic Grace (Supernatural), Dean Winchester/Original Female Character(s). Before Sam leaves for Stanford or right after, Dean comes out to John. #crowley You let out a sob as Dean kissed your sweat-slicked temple. It was one of the reasons why Jensen fell in love with him in the first place. Jared is shocked to learn that he's supposed to become a dad, all the more so as he never met the other man, Jensen. As it was, he didnt realize it, wasnt prepared at all to go into labor because it wouldnt have fit into his carefully constructed plans. Previous Chapter Dean couldn't hear this brother, he was too focused on getting to the end of the Pregnant Dean Winchester Cunnilingus It would have been easier, he thought, if he had just said 'a stranger. Total Eclipse of the Heart (Supernatural Mpreg Dean), a supernatural fanfic | FanFiction. Dean Winchester, you let him do what needs to be done to get this baby out of me safely. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. I've started writing Supernatural one-shots!! With his youngest twin still tucked tightly against his chest, Jensen was already starting to drift off again, but snapped awake. All ten fingers and toes. Living most of his life on the road, surviving on truck stops and greasy diner food, Dean had had plenty in his time.