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The sky was gloomy, and the shortest streets were choked up with a dingy mist, half thawed, half frozen, whose heavier particles descended in shower of sooty atoms, as if all the chimneys in Great Britain had, by one consent, caught fire, and were blazing away to their dear hearts content. He dont make himself comfortable with it. Sit ye down before the fire, my dear, and have a warm, Lord bless ye!, No, no! Hark! For, the people who were shovelling away on the housetops were jovial and full of glee; calling out to one another from the parapets, and now and then exchanging a facetious snowballbetter-natured missile far than many a wordy jest laughing heartily if it went right and not less heartily if it went wrong. Give your view on Scrooge was the Ogre of the family. Yellow, meagre, ragged, scowling, wolfish; but prostrate, too, in their humility. He dont lose much of a dinner.. Bob Cratchit But they know me. Alas for Tiny Tim, he bore a little crutch, and had his limbs supported by an iron frame! Dickens says of Scrooge: ''To Tiny Tim, who did NOT die, he was a second father. Im very glad to hear it, said Scrooges nephew, because I havent great faith in these young housekeepers. This boy is Ignorance. The sky was gloomy, and the shortest streets were choked up with a dingy mist, half thawed, half frozen, whose heavier particles descended in a shower of sooty atoms, as if all the chimneys in Great Britain had, by one consent, caught fire, and were blazing away to their dear hearts content. Bob Cratchit told them how he had a situation in his eye for Master Peter . By this time it was getting dark, and snowing pretty heavily; and as Scrooge and the Spirit went along the streets, the brightness of the roaring fires in kitchens, parlours, and all sorts of rooms, was wonderful. It was the first of their proceedings which had no heartiness. asked Mrs Cratchit, when she had rallied Bob on his credulity, and Bob had hugged his daughter to his hearts content. Lauren has taught English at the university level and has a master's degree in literature. He always knew where the plump sister was. A Christmas Carol Stave 3. - The Circumlocution Office The mention of his name cast a dark shadow on the party, which was not dispelled for full five minutes. Then Bob proposed: A Merry Christmas to us all, my dears. There never was such a goose. on which one drinks the health of such an odious, stingy, hard, unfeeling man as Mr. Scrooge. It does not matter to them that their meal is small, that the pudding smells like laundry, or that they dont have enough punch cups. Once home, he falls asleep only to be awakened by the spirits of Christmas past, present and future who torment him with visions. Again the Ghost sped on, above the black and heaving seaon, onuntil, being far away, as he told Scrooge, from any shore, they lighted on a ship. Spirit, said Scrooge submissively, conduct me where you will. (c) Copyright 2012 - 2023 The Circumlocution Office | All Rights Reserved | Built by The Circumlocution Office using WordPress. After finally allowing him to leave for the night, Scrooge heads home. Study Questions, Activities, and Resources, 136. Introduce him to me, and Ill cultivate his acquaintance. At least you always tell me so., What of that, my dear! said Scrooges nephew. As good as gold, said Bob, and better. Study Questions, Activities, and Resources, 58. A great deal of steam! There was nothing of high mark in this. Spirit! He is especially emotionally affected by Tiny Tims poignant words and behavior, by seeing how much the child is loved and how much he loves others, even when his own lot in life is so difficult. The mention of his name cast a dark shadow on the party, which was not dispelled for full five minutes. By this time it was getting dark, and snowing pretty heavily; and as Scrooge and the Spirit went along the streets, the brightness of the roaring fires in kitchens, parlours, and all sorts of rooms, was wonderful. A Christmas Carol: Key Quote by character with detail And perhaps it was the pleasure the good Spirit had in showing off this power of his, or else it was his own kind, generous, hearty nature, and his sympathy with all poor men, that led him straight to Scrooges clerks; for there he went, and took Scrooge with him, holding to his robe; and on the threshold of the door the Spirit smiled, and stopped to bless Bob Cratchits dwelling with the sprinkling of his torch. An old, old man and woman, with their children and their childrens children, and another generation beyond that, all decked out gaily in their holiday attire. It ends to-night., To-night at midnight. He told me, coming home, that he hoped the people saw him in the church, because he was a cripple, and it might be pleasant to them to remember upon Christmas Day, who made lame beggars walk, and blind men see.. The Importance of Being Earnest: Act III, 63. Now, when Scrooge sees the Crachits in their own home, they start to become real people to him. Suppose it should not be done enough! Here Scrooge sees how despite the family's poverty, they enjoy celebrating Christmas as best they can with joy and love for one another. Study Questions, Activities, and Resources, 162. The mention if his name cast a dark shadow on the party. His active little crutch was heard upon the floor, and back came Tiny Tim before another word was spoken, escorted by his brother and sister to his stool before the fire; and while Bob, turning up his cuffsas if, poor fellow, they were capable of being made more shabbycompounded some hot mixture in a jug with gin and lemons, and stirred it round and round and put it on the hob to simmer; Master Peter, and the two ubiquitous young Cratchits went to fetch the goose, with which they soon returned in high procession. Ha, ha, ha!. ", Thus chastised, Scrooge, "bent before the Ghost's rebuke," lifts his head as he hears his name. eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. How does Dickens show this to be true? Study Questions, Activities, and Resources, 115. The two young Cratchits laughed tremendously at the idea of Peter s being a man of business; and Peter himself looked thoughtfully at the fire from between his collars, as if he were deliberating what particular investments he should favour when he came into the receipt of that bewildering income. This girl is Want. What then. The Spirit stood beside sick beds, and they were cheerful; on foreign lands, and they were close at home; by struggling men, and they were patient in their greater hope; by poverty, and it was rich. 5. Who suffers by his ill whims! Will you decide what men shall live, what men shall die? Heres Martha, mother! cried the two young Cratchits. Admiration was the universal sentiment, though some objected that the reply to Is it a bear? ought to have been Yes; inasmuch as an answer in the negative was sufficient to have diverted their thoughts from Mr Scrooge, supposing they had ever had any tendency that way. Bob Cratchit said, and calmly too, that he regarded it as the greatest success achieved by Mrs Cratchit since their marriage. Scrooge was the Ogre of the family. They are always in earnest. Columbus Day is celebrated, on October 12 in many states and cities. He has given us plenty of merriment, I am sure, said Fred, and it would be ungrateful not to drink his health. Delete commas used incorrectly, using the delete ( \gamma ) symbol. Ill give you Mr. Scrooge, the Founder of the Feast! Scrooge! said Bob; Ill give you Mr. Scrooge, the Founder of the Feast!, The Founder of the Feast indeed! cried Mrs. Cratchit, reddening. Wed a deal of work to finish up last night, replied the girl, and had to clear away this morning, mother., Well! Wouldnt you?, You seek to close these places on the Seventh Day, said Scrooge. He may rail at Christmas till he dies, but he cant help thinking better of itI defy himif he finds me going there, in good temper, year after year, and saying Uncle Scrooge, how are you? Then all the Cratchit family drew round the hearth, in what Bob Cratchit called a circle, meaning half a one; and at Bob Cratchits elbow stood the family display of glass. After it had passed away, they were ten times merrier than before, from the mere relief of Scrooge the Baleful being done with. There was nothing very cheerful in the climate or the town, and yet was there an air of cheerfulness abroad that the clearest summer air and brightest summer sun might have endeavoured to diffuse in vain. Study Questions, Activities, and Resources, 172. God bless us every one! said Tiny Tim, the last of all. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Christmas Day., It should be Christmas Day, I am sure, said she, on which one drinks the health of such an odious, stingy, hard, unfeeling man as Mr Scrooge. He rejoices to remember a "visit" from the storybook character Ali Baba. Nobody knows it better than you do, poor fellow!My dear, was Bobs mild answer, Christmas Day.Ill drink his health for your sake and the Days, said Mrs. Cratchit, not for his. Mrs. Cratchit in A Christmas Carol - Study.com If you had fallen up against him (as some of them did), on purpose, he would have made a feint of endeavouring to seize you, which would have been an affront to your understanding, and would instantly have sidled off in the direction of the plump sister. It was the first of their proceedings which had no heartiness. Scrooge reverently did so. Martha, who was a poor apprentice at a milliners, then told them what kind of work she had to do, and how many hours she worked at a stretch, and how she meant to lie abed to-morrow morning for a good long rest; to-morrow being a holiday she passed at home. They are Mans, said the Spirit, looking down upon them. He wouldnt catch anybody else. He watches as Bob Cratchit takes Tiny Tim's, . A smell like an eating-house and a pastrycooks next door to each other, with a laundresss next door to that! Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol - BBC Bitesize It was the first of their proceedings which had no heartiness. They are Mans, said the Spirit, looking down upon them. Then up rose Mrs Cratchit, Cratchits wife, dressed out but poorly in a twice-turned gown[8], but brave in ribbons, which are cheap and make a goodly show for sixpence; and she laid the cloth, assisted by Belinda Cratchit, second of her daughters, also brave in ribbons; while Master Peter Cratchit plunged a fork into the saucepan of potatoes, and getting the corners of his monstrous shirt collar (Bobs private property, conferred upon his son and heir in honour of the day) into his mouth, rejoiced to find himself so gallantly attired, and yearned to show his linen in the fashionable Parks. He told me, coming home, that he hoped the people saw him in the church, because he was a cripple, and it might be pleasant to them to remember upon Christmas Day, who made lame beggars walk, and blind men see.. How it bared its breadth of breast, and opened its capacious palm, and floated on, outpouring, with a generous hand, its bright and harmless mirth on everything within its reach! to hear the Insect on the leaf pronouncing on the too much life among his hungry brothers in the dust.. It is a fair, even-handed, noble adjustment of things, that while there is infection in disease and sorrow, there is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good-humour. For they said, it was a shame to quarrel upon Christmas Day. Id give him a piece of my mind to feast upon, and I hope hed have a good appetite for it.My dear, said Bob, the children! Long life to him! Answer each of the following questions in the form of a sentence. Five minutes, ten minutes, a quater of an hour went by, yet nothing came. "A tremendous family to provide for!" muttered Scrooge. Altogether she was what you would have called provoking, you know; but satisfactory, too. Scrooge had observed this change, but never spoke of it, until they left a childrens Twelfth Night party, when, looking at the Spirit as they stood together in an open place, he noticed that its hair was grey. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This work (A Christmas Carol: Stave 3 by Charles Dickens) is free of known copyright restrictions. She often cried out that it wasnt fair; and it really was not. Bring wintertime, he is forced to try and stay warm with thick clothes and heat himself by the flame of a candle. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased. How is Scrooge affected by seeing the Cratchits in It was a remarkable quality of the Ghost (which Scrooge had observed at the bakers), that notwithstanding his gigantic size, he could accommodate himself to any place with ease; and that he stood beneath a low roof quite as gracefully and like a supernatural creature, as it was possible he could have done in any lofty hall. I wish I had him here. This boy is Ignorance. The Daughters of the Late Colonel: XI, 186. The mention of his name cast a dark shadow on the party, which was not dispelled for full five minutes. In his pamphlet, Sunday Under Three Heads, Dickens opposed attempts to pass a Sunday Observance Bill, which would have limited peoples right to enjoy leisure activities and to buy bread on Sundays. Scrooge was the Ogre of the family. There were pears and apples, clustered high in blooming pyramids; there were bunches of grapes, made, in the shopkeepers benevolence to dangle from conspicuous hooks, that peoples mouths might water gratis as they passed; there were piles of filberts, mossy and brown, recalling, in their fragrance, ancient walks among the woods, and pleasant shufflings ankle deep through withered leaves; there were Norfolk Biffins, squat and swarthy, setting off the yellow of the oranges and lemons, and, in the great compactness of their juicy persons, urgently entreating and beseeching to be carried home in paper bags and eaten after dinner. If you had fallen up against him (as some of them did), on purpose, he would have made a feint of endeavouring to seize you, which would have been an affront to your understanding, and would instantly have sidled off in the direction of the plump sister. Accessed 1 May 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. The Ghost was greatly pleased to find him in this mood, and looked upon him with such favour, that he begged like a boy to be allowed to stay until the guests departed. Himself, always. Oh, no, kind Spirit! By the time the Ghost of Christmas Present takes Scrooge to see the Cratchit family celebrating their meager Christmas, Scrooge's heart has begun to be softened. Uncle Scrooge had imperceptibly become so gay and light of heart, that he would have pledged the unconscious company in return, and thanked them in an inaudible speech, if the Ghost had given him time. cried Scrooge. Suppose somebody should have got over the wall of the back-yard, and stolen it, while they were merry with the goosea supposition at which the two young Cratchits became livid! Martha didnt like to see him disappointed, if it were only in joke; so she came out prematurely from behind the closet door, and ran into his arms, while the two young Cratchits hustled Tiny Tim, and bore him off into the wash-house, that he might hear the pudding singing in the copper. Just before the selfish Scrooge met the first of his ghostly visitors, the knocker on his door seemed to turn into his dead partner Marley's face. Readers might infer that Scrooge developed self-containment by emotional necessity. Its tenderness and flavour, size and cheapness, were the themes of universal admiration. This girl is Want. Scrooges niece was not one of the blind-mans buff party, but was made comfortable with a large chair and a footstool, in a snug corner, where the Ghost and Scrooge were close behind her. Are there no prisons? said the Spirit, turning on him for the last time with his own words. What has ever got your precious father then? said Mrs Cratchit. The mention of his name cast a dark shadow on the party which was not dispelled for full five minutes. The chimes were ringing the three quarters past eleven at that moment. (c) Copyright 2012 - 2023 The Circumlocution Office | All Rights Reserved | Built by The Circumlocution Office using WordPress. Likewise at the game of How, When, and Where, she was very great, and to the secret joy of Scrooges nephew, beat her sisters hollow: though they were sharp girls too, as Topper could have told you. How it bared its breadth of breast, and opened its capacious palm, and floated on, outpouring, with a generous hand, its bright and harmless mirth on everything within its reach! The compound in the jug being tasted, and considered perfect, apples and oranges were put upon the table, and a shovel-full of chestnuts on the fire. Scrooge sees the family make much of a simple goose for dinner. It is a fair, even-handed, noble adjustment of things, that while there is infection in disease and sorrow, there is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good-humour. It was clothed in one simple green robe, or mantle, bordered with white fur. I dont think I have, said Scrooge. So Martha hid herself, and in came little Bob, the father, with at least three feet of comforter exclusive of the fringe, hanging down before him; and his threadbare clothes darned up and brushed, to look seasonable; and Tiny Tim upon his shoulder. \underline{\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad}\\ \underline{\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad} God bless us!. To-night, if you have aught to teach me, let me profit by it." "Touch my robe!" Scrooge did as he was told, and held it fast. Mrs Cratchit said that now the weight was off her mind, she would confess she had had her doubts about the quantity of flour. Study Questions, Activities, and Resources, 146. In A Christmas Carol, Scrooge is dramatically affected by the Cratchit familys poignant scene. The spirit reminds Scrooge that in the past, he has wished that the sick would just die and decrease the population. Will you decide what men shall live, what men shall die? Look, look, down here! exclaimed the Ghost. A piece of lace or the like worn around or within the top of the bodice. Again the Ghost sped on, above the black and heaving sea on, onuntil, being far away, as he told Scrooge, from any shore, they lighted on a ship. It would have been flat heresy to do so. All this time the chestnuts and the jug went round and round; and by-and-bye they had a song, about a lost child travelling in the snow, from Tiny Tim, who had a plaintive little voice, and sang it very well indeed. One half hour, Spirit, only one!. The pudding was out of the copper. After it had passed away, they were ten times merrier than before, from the mere relief of Scrooge the Baleful being done with. Scrooge now has "an interest he had never felt before.". Of course there was. A decorated cake made for a Twelfth Night (January 5, the eve of Epiphany) celebration. Ghost of Xmas Past "A solitary child, neglected by his friends, is left there still - Scrooge sobbed." At every fresh question that was put to him, this nephew burst into a fresh roar of laughter; and was so inexpressibly tickled, that he was obliged to get up off the sofa and stamp. Have never walked forth with the younger members of my family; meaning (for I am very young) my elder brothers born in these later years? pursued the Phantom. A Christmas Carol: Ebenezer Scrooge Quotes | SparkNotes Stave 3: The Second of the Three Spirits - Page By Page Books Scrooge bent before the Ghosts rebuke, and trembling cast his eyes upon the ground. Eked out by apple-sauce and mashed potatoes, it was a sufficient dinner for the whole family; indeed, as Mrs. Cratchit said with great delight (surveying one small atom of a bone upon the dish), they hadnt ate it all at last! Man, said the Ghost, if man you be in heart, not adamant, forbear that wicked cant until you have discovered What the surplus is, and Where it is. At last, however, he began to thinkas you or I would have thought at first; for it is always the person not in the predicament who knows what ought to have been done in it, and would unquestionably have done it tooat last, I say, he began to think that the source and secret of this ghostly light might be in the adjoining room, from whence, on further tracing it, it seemed to shine. Scrooge started back, appalled. Without venturing for Scrooge quite as hardily as this, I dont mind calling on you to believe that he was ready for a good broad field of strange appearances, and that nothing between a baby and rhinoceros would have astonished him very much. Scrooge was the ogre of the family. Stave Three: The second of the three spirits However, his offences carry their own punishment, and I have nothing to say against him., Im sure he is very rich, Fred, hinted Scrooges niece. The images of isolation from his family eventually disintegrate and form a new image of love and unity. The way he went after that plump sister in the lace tucker, was an outrage on the credulity of human nature. The Grocers! Oh, no, kind Spirit! He adds that Scrooge very much knew that Marley was dead, having been . The sky was gloomy, and the shortest streets were choked up with a dingy mist, half thawed, half frozen, whose heavier particles descended in a shower of sooty atoms, as if all the chimneys in Great Britain had, by one consent, caught fire, and were blazing away to their dear hearts content. View over 250 locations associated with Charles Dickens in our trail. He wouldnt take it from me, but may he have it, nevertheless. It was a long night, if it were only a night; but Scrooge had his doubts of this, because the Christmas Holidays appeared to be condensed into the space of time they passed together. Learn how your comment data is processed. The old man, in a voice that seldom rose above the howling of the wind upon the barren waste, was singing them a Christmas songit had been a very old song when he was a boyand from time to time they all joined in the chorus. Theres father coming, cried the two young Cratchits, who were everywhere at once. An old, old man and woman, with their children and their childrens children, and another generation beyond that, all decked out gaily in their holiday attire. The two young Cratchits laughed tremendously at the idea of Peters being a man of business; and Peter himself looked thoughtfully at the fire from between his collars, as if he were deliberating what particular investments he should favour when he came into the receipt of that bewildering income. Bobs voice was tremulous when he told them this, and trembled more when he said that Tiny Tim was growing strong and hearty. And their assembled friends being not a bit behindhand, roared out lustily. The Daughters of the Late Colonel: II, 177. Why, bless your heart alive, my dear, how late you are! said Mrs. Cratchit, kissing her a dozen times, and taking off her shawl and bonnet for her with officious zeal. Where graceful youth should have filled their features out, and touched them with its freshest tints, a stale and shrivelled hand, like that of age, had pinched, and twisted them, and pulled them into shreds. More shame for him, Fred! said Scrooges niece, indignantly. I have a big packet of the Christmas Carol Questions and I have barely read the book. Well! Suppose it should break in turning out! So surely as they raised their voices, the old man got quite blithe and loud; and so surely as they stopped, his vigour sank again. Oh, perfectly satisfactory! Prior to this visit, Scrooge had declared that if poor people would rather die than go to the workhouse or poorhouse, then they should just do it and decrease the surplus population. He did not care about their lives, and he does not seem to have cared about anything other than money. With this in mind, Scrooge asks the Spirit what will become of Tiny Tim in the future. But this the Spirit said could not be done. Come in! Scrooges niece played well upon the harp; and played among other tunes a simple little air (a mere nothing: you might learn to whistle it in two minutes), which had been familiar to the child who fetched Scrooge from the boarding-school, as he had been reminded by the Ghost of Christmas Past. The children drank the toast after her. Introduce him to me, and Ill cultivate his acquaintance. 7. The crisp leaves of holly, mistletoe, and ivy reflected back the light, as if so many little mirrors had been scattered there; and such a mighty blaze went roaring up the chimney, as that dull petrification of a hearth had never known in Scrooges time, or Marleys, or for many and many a winter season gone. But finding that he turned uncomfortably cold when he began to wonder which of his curtains this new spectre would draw back, he put them every one aside with his own hands; and lying down again, established a sharp look-out all round the bed. And Martha warnt as late last Christmas Day by half-an-hour!. Bob Cratchit thenmakes a toast to the health of Mr. Scrooge, "the Founder of the Feast." Who is Belle in A Christmas Carol, and why was she important to Scrooge? A Christmas Carol: The Second of the Three Spirits | SparkNotes A tremendous family to provide for, muttered Scrooge. There were pears and apples, clustered high in blooming pyramids; there were bunches of grapes, made, in the shopkeepers benevolence to dangle from conspicuous hooks, that peoples mouths might water gratis as they passed; there were piles of filberts, mossy and brown, recalling, in their fragrance, ancient walks among the woods, and pleasant shufflings ankle deep through withered leaves; there were Norfolk Biffins[3], squab and swarthy, setting off the yellow of the oranges and lemons, and, in the great compactness of their juicy persons, urgently entreating and beseeching to be carried home in paper bags and eaten after dinner. Hide, Martha, hide!. I am afraid I have not. Down in the west the setting sun had left a streak of fiery red, which glared upon the desolation for an instant, like a sullen eye, and frowning lower, lower, lower yet, was lost in the thick gloom of darkest night. Hark! And your brother, Tiny Tim? They are always in earnest. Not coming! said Bob, with a sudden declension in his high spirits; for he had been Tims blood horse all the way from church, and had come home rampant. I went forth last night on compulsion, and I learnt a lesson which is working now. " His wealth is of no use to him. The ghost replies by saying that if things go on as they are, then the poor boy will die. The children drank the toast after her. Theres such a goose, Martha!. Have never walked forth with the younger members of my family; meaning (for I am very young) my elder brothers born in these later years? pursued the Phantom. Scrooge is saddened to hear this. Never mind so long as you are come, said Mrs. Cratchit. Learn how BCcampus supports open education and how you can access Pressbooks. The Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxeds Church, 11. He always knew where the plump sister was. Study Questions, Activities, and Resources, 213. When two men approach Scrooge about donating to charity, he asks them whether there are prisons and workhouses for the poor. He hasnt the satisfaction of thinkingha, ha, ha!that he is ever going to benefit us with it.. Are there no prisons? said the Spirit, turning on him for the last time with his own words. More than eighteen hundred, said the Ghost. Tiny Tim in a Christmas Carol - Study.com To any kindly given. He dont do any good with it. At last the plump sister, falling into a similar state, cried out: I have found it out! But they know me. I have no patience with him, observed Scrooges niece. Then Bob proposed: A Merry Christmas to us all, my dears. And now two smaller Cratchits, boy and girl, came tearing in, screaming that outside the bakers they had smelt the goose, and known it for their own; and basking in luxurious thoughts of sage and onion, these young Cratchits danced about the table, and exalted Master Peter Cratchit to the skies, while he (not proud, although his collars nearly choked him) blew the fire, until the slow potatoes bubbling up, knocked loudly at the saucepan-lid to be let out and peeled. Scrooge entered timidly, and hung his head before this Spirit.