A handful of states have made election day a state holiday, including New York, Hawaii, Kentucky, and, in Apr. Making Election Day a holiday would not necessarily involve adding a new holiday, which employers might resistparticularly following the addition of Juneteenth as a national holiday last week. Pro/Con: Make Election Day a holiday along with The bill had zero co-sponsors and went Pew Research Center found 71 percent of Democrats and 59 percent of Republicans support that. Should Election Day Be a National Holiday? But these days, Tuesdays are actually quite inconvenient for many Americans, particularly those who cant take time off work to cast their ballots a problem that disproportionately affects Black, Latino and lower-income voters. However, it gives voters the choice of not having to detour from their routines on Election Day. But making Election Day a holiday because you want to increase voter turnout? And it will, in turn, help strengthen the idea that businesses can and will come together for a worthy common purpose: protecting our democracy by empowering all American workers to be good citizens. [30], Solutions such as automatic voter registration, same-day registration, early voting, no-excuse absentee voting, restoring voting rights to former felons, improved civics education, and voter outreach would all improve voter participation more reliably than a national holiday. Dont give the nation a day off, but do a better job of giving voters options for getting involved. In a number of states, polling places have been closed in minority neighborhoods, which has created long lines and tremendous inconvenience for affected votersinconvenience with a cost, especially for those paid hourly wages. ProCon.org. If not, youre out. 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 200 Bensons proposal would make Election Day a state holiday, not a national holiday. Rose Marcario, CEO, stated, demonstrating your companys commitment to voting will reinforce how essential it is that every eligible voter shows up. Trying one of these alternatives would avoid the negative economic impact of closing businesses for Election Day. And these two nuggets, stashed inside Section 1903. First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Lets look at why Congress has never made Election Day a Arizona, for example, allows employees who do not have three consecutive hours before or after work when the polls are open to take paid time off to vote at the start or end of their work days. I invite you to follow me onTwitter:@hooverwhalen, This is a BETA experience. If so, how? Litigation pending before the Supreme Court this term in Brnovich v. DNC, however, threatens to undermine this rule. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 4. But if you must, then I insist we move the election to April 15, Tax Day, to remind everyone how much these elections cost. Low 38F. It would only make it harder and more expensive for all candidates to have a fair shot at competing. If Election Day is a national holiday, would that mean the post office would be closed, she asked. Should Election Day Be a National Holiday? | ProCon.org Not everyone is jumping at the idea of making Election Day a state holiday, however. Accessed April 27, 2023. https://www.procon.org/headlines/election-day-national-holiday-top-3-pros-and-cons/, potential benefits and difficulties of changing election day, election day should not be a national holiday. Okun's son is mentioned in this Nationally in 2018, turnout was above 50%, with 35 million more voters than the previous midterm election in 2014. How to Become the US President. Election Day in the United States is the Tuesday following the first Monday in November of an election year. But would such a change turn out the voters Democrats covet most? Virginia Gov. So what are the odds of Election Day 2020 becoming a federal holiday (an idea Vermont Bernie Sanders was peddling back in 2015)? And some countries, like Australia, require people to vote by subjecting those who dont to a minor fine equivalent to a traffic ticket. Today, of course, holding the election on the first Tuesday of the month is deeply inconvenient for the vast majority of Americans, whether they work in an office, in food service, or on a farm, as they did in the olden days. Citizens have a right to vote. It is the duty of the state to make exercising this right as accesible as possible by making the election day a holiday. Top Issues for Voters. I feel the commenter's central thesis is that there are way more Dems in the US then Repubels. ProCon.org is the institutional or organization author for all ProCon.org pages. [31][32] Trying one of these alternatives would avoid the negative economic impact of closing businesses for Election Day. 2020, Virginia. Should People Who Have Completed Felony Sentences Be Allowed to Vote? Many other democracies make election day a holiday and they all have higher voter turnout than we do. Pros and Cons of making election day a national holiday WebAt the opening of Congress this past January, House Democrats introduced a proposal to make Election Day a national holiday. WebPro: making election day a national holiday will increase voter turnout by enabling more people to vote. Other solutions would more reliably increase voter turnout than a national holiday. A subreddit to discuss political science. Before that point, states could hold their presidential elections on any day within a certain 34-day window. Creating laws in all states that let people vote before or after work would be more effective than a holiday. That puts us behind countries like Australia, Belgium, and Luxembourg, which all have higher participation rates than the United States. Compulsory voting. All rights reserved. Lets get early in-person voting in place in Michigan, so that everyone has an opportunity that fits their schedule. Making Election Day a national holiday will increase voter turnout by enabling more people to vote. Sign up now to get our FREE breaking news coverage delivered right to your inbox. Whether the voter has to go to office or has an important meeting, they may not be able to find any excuse to miss the voting procedure if election day is declared as a national holiday. - Vincent Hutchings, a University of Michigan political science professor, - Gil Troy, American presidential historian, Whether accurate or not, elected officials likely think that making it easier to vote would advantage one party traditionally it is believed to help the Democrats at the, Joaquin Corbalan / EyeEm via Getty Images, as travel and communication improved in the 19th century, being too busy or having a conflicting schedule, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, substantially increase the cost of running elections, move that would make it easier for Americans to vote, The types of workers least likely to reap the benefits. Opponents say it allows only a few states to select the president. According to the U.S. Census Bureaus data on nonvoters, registered voters from households making more than $150,000 are most likely to say they dont have time to turn out on Election Day. As the chart shows, presidential turnout corresponds with midterm turnout and in 2018, turnout skyrocketed from 36.7% four years previously to 49.6%. In the Golden State, a majority of voters make their choices by mail rather than going to polling places on Election Day. One way to judge that: prioritized legislation. ProCon.org. While many countries hold national elections on holidays, Americans are at liberty to stay at home. Should the Voting Age Be Lowered to 16? Making weekday elections a national holiday is a popular idea that would align the US with other countries. Here are the proper bibliographic citations for this page according to four style manuals (in alphabetical order): [Editor's Note: The APA citation style requires double spacing within entries. That nations turnout in 2017s national election was only 46%(you want to get the Swiss fired up, put a contentious idea in front of them a vote vote tojoin the EEA in 1992brought out 79%; the 2016 vote todeport foreign criminals, 63%). Making election day a holiday would improve the ability of the government to conduct elections. This comes with complications that non-blue states might not like like allowing provisional ballots to be counted, a vote-counting that can be painfully slow (it takes California over a month to certify statewide election results). But experts say improving voter turnout is a complicated issue that no single silver bullet strategy can solve. Plus, some experts say moving to weekend voting could substantially increase the cost of running elections. Move Voting to Veterans Day - Politico As Congress continues to grapple with voting rights legislation this week, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) has used his considerable influence as the Senates key swing vote to set the terms of the debate. Election Day There was a Reddit comment saying that the only reason Republicans oppose Election Day being a national holiday is because it'll result in a higher turnout, which would almost completely ensure the Democrats will win for the foresable future. They stated, Citizen Day would do more than give our democracy the honor that it deserves; it would help our democracy work better. [20][21][22] A part-time hourly worker is more likely to have multiple jobs, none of which are likely to offer time off for a national holiday. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If 118 million people did it in 2018 without a holiday, why do we need to shut down the post office and close the banks to get them to do it again? Russia, Turkey, Iran, Syria Meet In Moscow: Whats Afoot? Election Day holiday: The bill would make Election Day a legal public holiday, making it easier for voters to get to the polls. Establishing Election Day as a holiday, taken together with the pending federal voting rights reforms, would go a long way towards stabilizing democracy and ensuring basic democratic rights. Examine this opinion article from Evil HR Lady Suzanne Lucas on why election day should not be a national holiday. These efforts challenge fundamental values of American democracy and constitute a serious threat to the one person, one vote principle. Managing Editor However, rules, dates and deadlines vary by state, which can be confusing to some voters. our colleagues on the other side, on their campaigns.. an important step in ensuring the right to vote for all Americans and stabilizing democracy. WebMore people would vote if Election Day was a national holiday. In 1800, 83% of the American labor force was agrarian, but today only 11% of total US employment is agriculture-related. Should the United States Use the Electoral College in Presidential Elections? Additionally, many of these individuals rely on school days as childcare for their children. [16]. She's also done some online freelancing and worked on documentary films. WebProCon.org - Pros and Cons of Controversial Issues Kneeling during National Anthem US Presidents on Money PROS AND CONS OF CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES PROCON.ORG HEADLINES - Our Issues in the News Are DACA and the DREAM Act Good for America? Other solutions would more reliably Cookie Notice Source: Matthew Haag, "Mitch McConnell Calls Push to Make Election Day a Holiday a Democratic Power Grab," nytimes.com, Jan. 31, 2019, Differences in Conservative and Liberal Brains, The Electoral College: Top 3 Pros and Cons, Coronavirus: Timeline of Comments by Trump and Biden with Context')" href="https://www.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=007115">, Election Day National Holiday: Top 3 Pros and Cons, 2008 Presidential Election (archived 1/19/09), 2012 Presidential Election (archived 1/22/13), 2016 Presidential Election (archived 1/21/17), College Football Playoffs (archived 9/18/12), Insider Trading by Congress (archived 4/18/12). We would put in place automatic voter registration, same-day registration, extended voting days, Election Day as a National Holiday, and other reforms, including mandatory voting (vote or pay a moderate fine) as practiced in Australia, Belgium, and much of Latin America, with a None of the Above option that would trigger a new election if it wins. Lets assume there wont be an election holiday anytime soon not until Democrats control both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. American election laws have been reformed before with minimal impact on voter turnout which remains low compared to other democracies around the world. When turnout is high, it becomes increasingly fruitless for politicians to play to their base in ways that allow a vocal minority to rule, which is how many American leaders currently operate. She says thats especially important right now with more voters casting absentee ballots. CON. For purposes of any law relating to Federal employment, the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November in 2020 and each Overall, White adults are less likely to favor making Election Day a national holiday and automatically registering all eligible citizens to vote than are Black, Hispanic Changing state laws and individual companies policies would be more effective ways to help people vote. Proponents say the Electoral College ensures everyone selects the president. Presidential Election History. [27], Companies including Abercrombie & Fitch Co., Farmers Insurance, Kaiser Permanente, Patagonia, and Walmart have joined Make Time to Vote campaign, which encourages employers to provide paid time off, schedule no meetings on Election Day, and give information on mail-in ballots and early voting. ], ProCon.org, "Should Election Day Be a National Holiday?,", ProCon.org, "Should Election Day Be a National Holiday? Coronavirus: Timeline of Comments by Trump and Biden with Context. In previous elections, that percentage was even higher. So, since this effort does not receive bipartisan support, it is difficult to enact.. These changes would send a strong rebuke to those who are attempting to scale back voting rights and make it more difficult for African-Americans and Latinos to vote. Or is it an optimistic idea that would exclude already disadvantaged voters while failing to increase turnout? Local View: Former Gov. US Political Parties. A number of bills like the Weekend Voting Act have been proposed in Congress over the years, often by Democrats. ", ProCon.org. Instead, lawmakers could simply move nearby Veterans Day to Election Day, emphasizing that voting is both a service to the country and a celebration of the rights and freedoms for which our servicemembers fight. Please enable javascript and refresh the page to continue reading local news. 11 . [email protected], 2023 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Mallory McMorrow (@MalloryMcMorrow) February 3, 2021. And the last thing that we want to do is not get someones ballot in because the postal service was closed down.. Election Day National Holiday Top 3 Pros and Cons - ProCon.org Veterans deserve a day that stands on its own without the distractions that come with arriving at the polls and casting votes. Postings about current events are fine, as long as there is a political science angle. For example, Australia typically has a turnout in the 90 percent or more range, and other nations such as Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Costa Rica, and Mexico achieve very high turnout via universal voting and time off for voting. For more information, please see our According to the AFL-CIO, 30 states require employers to allow employees time off for voting. The dream of busy voting booths is the goal of House Democratic legislation to make Election Day a [+] federal holiday. Election Day could be made a holiday if a bill were passed by the House and Senate then signed into law by the president. [3] In 1800, 83% of the American labor force was agrarian, but today only 11% of total US employment is agriculture-related. It shouldnt all come down to just one day., Despite Olive Branch from Whitmer,GOPShowing No Interest in Cooperation in2021, A Michigan Reporters Harrowing Experience Inside Capitol DuringInsurrection, New Year Means New Democratic Majority on State SupremeCourt. [10][11]] 2. Elections are federal holidays in Singapore, which, when combined with mandatory voting, resulted in a voter turnout of 93.6% for the 2015 election of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. WebElection Campaign Cons. Making Election Day a national holiday would turn voting into a celebration of democracy. Low 38F. COLUMN: Point Counterpoint: There are pros and cons [15] A survey showed that US adults would rather have a federal holiday on Election Day than on Christmas Eve, the Friday after Thanksgiving, or St. Patricks day. shouldnt voting be mandatory However, I feel like this is painting with a broad stroke. [8], In the 2016 presidential election, 55.7% of the American voting-age population cast a ballot. Is that really an improvement? 5. The question remains: is such a holiday good public policy? Should People Who Have Completed Felony Sentences Be Allowed to Vote? ProCon/Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. Veterans Day typically is about one week after Election Day so this would involve little disruption in terms of job schedules and monthly routines. If that level of participation gnaws at you, then consider: turnout for UKs Brexit vote was a shade over 77%; while 67.9% of the French electorate turned out for 2017s presidential election. Consider this: Even if Election Day were moved to a weekend or turned into a national holiday, retail and service industry employees would still need to work. Automatic Voter Registration Last modified on April 13, 2020. [14][35] In Australia, where voting is mandatory, elections are celebrated with parties and barbeques nationwide, resulting in turnout rates around 90%. ProCon.org is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity. Over 60 court cases reviewed the evidence and judgesappointed by both Republican and Democratic presidents alikereached the same conclusion: there was no compelling evidence of fraud. Bartons concerns about the possible unintended consequences of an Election Day holiday haveled a Democratic sponsor of legislation to create the holiday to reconsider her bill. Why or why not? Changing the laws and individual policies would be more effective ways to help people vote. If your thoughts have not changed, list two to three ways your better understanding of the other side of the issue now helps you better argue your position. Jake Neher is senior producer for Detroit Today and host of MichMash for 101.9 WDET. What America needs isnt more voters. This year, more than 30 million Americans had already voted two weeks before todays Election Day an electoral surge never seen before. Pro/Con: Don't make Election Day a holiday; we don't need more Marshall is an attorney in Washington and Okun is a corporate strategic advisor in Singapore for McLarty Associates. Hey, you know who really has high voter turnout? Others have suggested making Veterans Day (Nov. 11), which is already a paid national holiday, Election Day. Under normal political circumstances, more Americans follow the race to the World Series than to the White House. WebElection Day National Holiday; Electoral College; Lowering the Voting Age to 16; Voting Machines; Ronald Reagan; Bill Clinton; Election Day National Holiday: Top 3 Pros and Cons. Incidentally, Australia routinely reaches more than 90 percent voter turnout, compared to the United States, where average voter turnout in presidential elections since 1965 has been only 54%. [23], Annie McDonald, Editor of the Berkeley Public Policy Journal, noted that the workers who are least likely to get paid holidays are those who already have less of a voice in the political process: Americans working in retail, hospitality, and service jobs, for example, would most likely not receive the benefit of a paid holiday to vote. To Feed His Ravenous Flock, Ron DeSantis Ignores the Real Problem With the Fed, The Flat Tax Revolution In State Capitals Is Thriving, Amazon Tax Subsidies Are Inefficient Job Creators, New Immigration Initiatives Promise Improvements In U.S. Migration From Southern Countries, Latest Biden Regulation Will Cause Massive Trouble For New Homebuyers, retired matadors and mathematical savants. Benson is dreaming big, and in doing so shes getting out in front of a lot of the conspiracy fueled calls for election reform from some Republicans. 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 200 However, a national primary day is a recipe for failure. The United States currently has 10 national holidays, includingMemorial Day,Independence Day, andChristmas Day. The nature of a public holiday is that businesses close and workers are entitled Partly cloudy skies. No: Too Inconvenient, Early-Voting Options Ample, orlandosentinel.com, Nov. 5, 2018, Henry Farber, "Increasing Voter Turnout: Is Democracy Day the Answer?, princeton.edu, Feb. 2009, Sarah Issenberg, "The Mystery of the Puerto Rico Voter, slate.com, Jan. 27, 2012, Paul LeBlanc, "Virginia Governor Makes Election Day a Holiday and Expands Early Voting,". Poland, for example, holds elections on weekends. Should Election Day Be a National Holiday? - ProCon.org John M. Cunningham, "Why Are U.S. One major reason: It comes down to tradition, Troy said. Is there any veracity to what this dude is claiming? See the pros and cons of declaring Election Day a holiday across the nation. [28][29], Patagonia, an outdoor clothing retailer, paused operation on Nov. 6, 2018 so that all employees could vote. And if they get sick on Monday, the day before the election theyre not trying to get an emergency ballot, or something like that. Really? Countries that have weekend or holiday elections do tend to have better turnout overall. Winds light and variable.. [24] Holidays usually mean more work hours for retail workers, because stores run promotions and sales. Another positive: This would turn the day into a celebration of democracy. States such as Georgia and Iowa already have passed restrictive measures and many others appear poised to do the same thing. WebElection Day could be made a federal holiday if a bill were passed by the House and Senate then signed into law by the president. Chicago, Illinois 60654 USA, Natalie Leppard While some states have made Election Day a civic holiday (though it primarily applies to public workers) and most have laws that require companies to give employees some time off to vote, none of the legislative efforts to enact these changes on a national level have been successful. WebPros: A day will be marked on your calendar for voting. But this arrangement began to raise concerns as travel and communication improved in the 19th century: Results from states that voted earlier could sway the outcome in states that voted later. Not me. One must [4][5], The United States currently has 10 national holidays, including Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Christmas Day. a list of voting rights provisions he would support, Congress in 2019: The need for bipartisan action on voting rights and election integrity, Voting rights, the next Attorney General, and a less divided America, Republicans in 48 states have introduced 389 bills, Generational change divides GOP, unites Democrats. (Photo: Patrick T. Fallon/Bloomberg), Controversial Program Could Diminish NASAs Credibility And Its Federal Funding, Shelter From A Storm: Protecting The Housing Market From Itself. Election Day Here are the proper bibliographic citations for this page according to four style manuals (in alphabetical order): [Editor's Note: The APA citation style requires double spacing within entries. Please make a gift today. Keep in mind that in the mid-1800s, the U.S. was largely an agricultural society. If Election Day is a national holiday, would that mean the post office would be closed, she asked. That year, just over 36% of eligible voters showed up. 10 . Way too many Americans are voting already. Were a country thatll spend as much this year on ads for video games as presidential campaigns (around $5 billion, according to CNBC). Election Day National Holiday Top 3 Pros and Cons - ProCon.org Even some Democrats are saying that it could have unintended consequences. Other countries take heroic efforts to ensure that people can vote if they desire. But would such a change turn out the voters Democrats covet most? Election Day Explore which countries have weekend voting with Pew Research. https://www.britannica.com/story/pro-and-con-election-day-holiday. So, no, please dont make Election Day a holiday. The bill would also effectively revive Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which requires states with a history of voter discrimination have all changes to their election laws approved by the federal government, updating the law in response to the Supreme Courts 2013 holding in Shelby County v. Holder. Federal law doesnt require private employers to give employees paid holidays. ], [Editors Note: The MLA citation style requires double spacing within entries. In 2016, there were about 245 million Americans 18 and older, according to Pew Research, and only 56% of them voted in the Donald-Trump-vs.-Hillary-Clinton throwdown. Voter turnout in the U.S. is generally quite low, trailing behind that of other developed democracies around the world, according to another Pew study. All this despite the fact that these types of restrictions have typically been considered illegal under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, which requires that elections be equally open to all people. In addition, those who wish to cast their ballots have ample opportunity to do so. Accessed April 27, 2023. https://www.procon.org/should-election-day-be-a-national-holiday/. If you make election day a federal holiday, youll have all the people who work in these types of jobs still having to work, being inundated with customers who have the day off and they wont have child care because the schools will be closed, Suzanne Lucas, who previously worked in human resources, wrote in a piece for Inc.com. Could that ever happen in the U.S.? But thats not guarantor of a higher turnout. If changes need to be made nationally, those changes should relate to job security and compensation. The answer dates back to 1845, when Congress passed a law declaring that federal elections would be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. 25, 2016, Chris Talgo, "Make Election Day a National Holiday? [9], Former Editor-in-Chief of the Northwestern University Law Review, Beau C. Tremitiere, JD, stated, The demands of school and work schedules keep millions of Americans, especially those with children or long commutes, from ever getting to their polling stations The ideal solution is simple: Congress should make Election Day a national holiday, or move Election Day to the weekend. [10] A holiday would allow more citizens volunteer at polling places or drive the elderly to vote, and make a difference in states where long lines at the polls keep voters waiting for hours. Election Day Holiday., For purposes of any law relating to Federal employment, the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November in 2020 and each even-numbered year thereafter shall be treated in the same manner as a legal public holiday described in section 6103 of title 5, United States Code., It is the sense of Congress that private employers in the United States should give their employees a day off on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November in 2020 and each even-numbered year thereafter to enable the employees to cast votes in the elections held on that day., Leave it to a House bill-writer to use 98 words when eight will suffice: Were giving you the day off to vote.. Congress would shore up the peoples right to vote while guaranteeing the time to engage in this fundamental right. Everyone will get equal opportunity to vote. It would also blunt the impact of many of these baldly anti-democratic movesopening the doors to the house as Republicans attempt to shut the windows. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. In addition to honoring the sacrifices veterans have made, it would remind Americans that voting is a national duty, an obligation both to one another and to the nation; and it would strengthen American democratic political culture, by way of new rituals and traditions, Jill Lepore a Harvard professor of American history wrote in an essay for Politico.