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There were two broad Sufi orders: Bashara - Those who obeyed Islamic laws. UPSC Prelims Previous Year Question Paper. To them, rituals and sacrifices were meaningless. , including Ramanuja, Chaitanya, Jaidev, Kabir, Ramanand, believed in the unity of God. within the body the incense, the lamps, and the food-offerings, The poem mentions their long association, bonding, anger, and disappointment. In the ancient period Hinduism had to face challenges from new religions like Buddhism and Jainism. These Islamic ideas threw a powerful challenge to the existing corrupt aspect of Hinduism and the accompanying social evils. Goswami Tulsidas wrote his writings in the Awadhi language. The Bhagavad Gita, a post-Vedic scripture composed in 5th to 2nd century BCE,[34] introduces bhakti marga (the path of faith/devotion) as one of three ways to spiritual freedom and release, the other two being karma marga (the path of works) and jnana marga (the path of knowledge). Account Disable 12. The impact of the Bhakti movement in India was similar to that of the Protestant Reformation of Christianity in Europe. Positive principles of truthfulness, non-violence, harmony, morality and humanistic values were their creed and motto. [85][87] It is the same Brahman, but viewed from two perspectives, one from Nirguni knowledge-focus and other from Saguni love-focus, united as Krishna in the Gita. The feeling of appreciation of the difference between the thought and practices of the two religions emerged. Main Features of the Bhakti Movement: Unity of God or one God though known by different names. Their efforts ultimately helped spread bhakti poetry and ideas throughout India by the 12th18th century CE.[44][45]. within the body all the Jangamas[95] Nanaks teachings emancipated his followers to break the social shackles and caste system of Indian society. The society also suffered from polytheism, segregation, severe economic disparity due to casteism, untouchability etc. Formalities or external rituals were of no avail to realize God. Adi Shankaracharya, an 8th-century Hindu religious reformer and scholar, was also instrumental in extending the Bhakti movement throughout India. Under the impact of the Muslim rule, the Hindus had suffered a lot materially, morally and spiritually. "The main results of Bhakti movement were the development of vernacular literature, modification of caste exclusiveness, sanctification of family life, elevation of status of women, preaching of humaneness and tolerance, partial reconciliation with Islam, subordination of rites and ceremonies, pilgrimages, fasts etc, learning and contemplation to 6. of Venkatam After searching so many lands, This movement originated in South India in the 7 th and 10 th CE, mostly in the poems of Alvars and Nayanars. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Bhakti soon spread to North India, appearing most notably in the 10th-century Sanskrit text the Bhagavata-purana. The Bhakti saints were social reformers also. Image Guidelines 4. It developed a humanitarian attitude. With such long-lasting impacts, the religious depression of the medieval society was set aside. Some of the main principles of Bhakti Movement are given below God is one All men are equal Give up caste practices Devotion is more important than rituals. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. PMVVY Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana, EPFO Employees Provident Fund Organisation. Solution Verified by Toppr Following are the main features of Bhakti: This was the result of people's struggle to free the religion from control of the priests and varna boundaries. Because such knowledge might be obtained through a teacher or guru, the Bhakti movement placed a high value on obtaining authentic knowledge through a guru. The Bhagavata Purana's references to the South Indian Alvar saints, along with its emphasis on bhakti, have led many scholars to give it South Indian origins, though some scholars question whether this evidence excludes the possibility that bhakti movement had parallel developments in other parts of India. The Bhakti movement was a huge religious development in the history of medieval India. Bhakti Movement: Meaning, Features and Impact, Notes on the Bhakti Movement | Medieval India, Effects of Bhakti Movement on India | Medieval Period, Forts in India: 5 Magnificent Ancient Forts in India, Mosques in India: 15 Ancient Mosques in India. It was a challenge to the Hindu religious leaders. 2. [130][131], Bhakti has been a prevalent practice in various Jaina sects, wherein learned Tirthankara (Jina) and human gurus are considered superior beings and venerated with offerings, songs and rat prayers. The Bhakti movement aimed at the purification of Hindu religion and liberation of the people from the monopoly and injustices of the priestly classes. [127], Some Sikh sects outside the Punjab-region of India, such as those found in Maharashtra and Bihar, practice Aarti with lamps in a Gurdwara. Causes Of Bhakti Movement For instance the followers of Kabir came to be known as Kabir Panthis. These people were known as the Nayanars and the Alvars. 6. It gave a new dimension, a sense of harmony and a spirit of liberalism to religious belief of the people. Uploader Agreement. Unity of God or one God though known by different names. Following are the, A man should serve humanity to worship their God, Although, no religion is more prominent than humanity or humankind, The Bhakti movement defines worshiping the Lord as more important than performing ceremonies, People should give up all the caste system and superstitious beliefs regarding the lower caste and racism, All Gods are one; they exist in different physical forms but have the same souls, the only God is the one that lives in our hearts, Honesty and Truthfulness are of utmost importance, Universal brotherhood is of primary importance than disrespecting each other based on different religions and castes, The movement aimed at bringing equality by sharing their meals and kitchen, it led to a decrease in the negative impacts of the caste system, The followers of the Bhakti movement enchant many slogans and poems across different sections of society to remove caste discrimination, The Bhakti movement was propelled by an idea to introduce universal brotherhood and unity in God. One of the most important features of the Bhakti movements is the concept of God as one single entity. Bhakti or devotion for the Almighty was the central theme of this movement. [60][61][62] This literature includes the writings of the Alvars and Nayanars, poems of Andal,[63] Basava,[64] Bhagat Pipa,[65] Allama Prabhu, Akka Mahadevi, Kabir, Guru Nanak (founder of Sikhism),[64] Tulsidas, Nabha Dass,[66] Gusainji, Ghananand,[63] Ramananda (founder of Ramanandi Sampradaya), Ravidass, Sripadaraja, Vyasatirtha, Purandara Dasa, Kanakadasa, Vijaya Dasa, Six Goswamis of Vrindavan,[67] Raskhan,[68] Ravidas,[64] Jayadeva Goswami,[63] Namdev,[64] Eknath, Tukaram, Mirabai,[42] Ramprasad Sen,[69] Sankardev,[70] Vallabha Acharya,[64] Narsinh Mehta,[71] Gangasati[72] and the teachings of saints like Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. 4. In the words of Sheikh- al-Islam Zakariyah Ansari, Sufism teaches how to purify ones self, improve ones morals and build up ones inner and outer life in order to attain perpetual bliss. Thus, according to Sufists, self-purification is the best way to attain eternal bliss. The Muslim rulers in general wanted to enforce the Islamic laws on the Hindus. The term Sufi has come from the word Safa meaning pure which implies purity of thought and action. Copyright 10. The movement has traditionally been considered an influential social reformation in Hinduism in that it provided an individual-focused alternative path to spirituality regardless of one's birth or gender. Bhakti movement deals with the Indian response to face a new challenge that appeared in the form of Islamic religion. It was a complete surrender of oneself to God. Initially, the movement originated around Shaivites and Vaishnavites. [73], The writings of Sankaradeva in Assam however, not only included an emphasis on the regional language, but also led to the development of an artificial literary language called Brajavali. The early 15th-century Bhakti poet-Sant Pipa stated,[94]. Bhakti, devotion, and Love are the sole essence of salvation. Right from the time of the compilation of the Vedas, the word Bhakti has come into vogue. The poet was a disciple of Guru Ramananda Ji, who guided Kabir on the path of devotion. [85] Nirguna Brahman was the concept of the Ultimate Reality as formless, without attributes or quality. The Bhakti movement was propelled by an idea to introduce universal brotherhood and unity in God. Common men in general had developed an averse attitude towards these social evils and were in need of a liberal form of religion where they could identify themselves with simple religious practices. During the medieval time, a new wave of cultural development emerged in the shape of the Bhakti Movement, giving rise to many cultures, rituals, philosophical and theological traditions, and ideas. Although, theBhakti saintsplayed a vital role in the revolution of medieval India. It was a religious reform movement during medieval times which emphasized single-minded intense devotion to God. [15][16] The word also means "attachment, devotion to, fondness for, homage, faith or love, worship, piety to something as a spiritual, religious principle or means of salvation". Sikander Lodi was succeeded on the throne in 1489. They stressed human qualities and moral attitudes. 6. Prominent Sufists like Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti, Hazrat Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya and Naseeruddin Chirag fostered a spirit of reconciliation among the Hindus and Muslims in the medieval society. The Bhakti movement was fundamentally monotheistic, with adherents worshipping a single personal God who may have a form (saguna) or be formless (nirguna). Peasants and Monks in British India, University of California Press, 'The Brajabuli idiom developed in Orissa and Bengal also. Bhakti to God was accepted as salvation MAIN FEATURES OF BHAKTI 1. [89] Yet given the "mountains of Nirguni bhakti literature", adds Lorenzen, bhakti for Nirguna Brahman has been a part of the reality of the Hindu tradition along with the bhakti for Saguna Brahman. [29] Grierson, as well as Carus, note that the first epilogue verse 6.21 is also notable for its use of the word Deva Prasada (, grace or gift of God), but add that Deva in the epilogue of the Shvetashvatara Upanishad refers to "pantheistic Brahman" and the closing credit to sage Shvetashvatara in verse 6.21 can mean "gift or grace of his Soul". All rights reserved. Repetition . As Bhakti movement stressed upon Bhakti or a passionate feeling of love for God, purification of the self was very essential for them. It is perhaps far-fetched to say that Akbars broad outlook was on account of the impact of the Bhakti movement. Bhakti Movement - A Reaction To Islam - Askedon Bhakti, intense love and devotion, the only way to salvation. Sufism, however, gained prominence in the 10th and 11th centuries during the reign of the Delhi Sultanate. Following are the major changes that took place during and after the Bhakti movement: 1. Therefore, popular dissatisfaction against the existing social religious evils was a major catalyst behind the spread of Bhakti movement all over India for a long period of time. It is a reform movement within the Islamic religion which started in Persia. [10] In turn it influenced devotional practices in Islam such as Sufism,[56] and other religions in India from the 15th century onwards, such as Sikhism, Christianity,[57] and Jainism. Surdas spoke in the Brij dialect. Sufism: Meaning, Origin and Main Features of Sufism - History Discussion Self-Surrender. The. But in due course of time both these religions lost much of their vitality due to the tolerant and liberal outlook of Hinduism. [47] Early Tamil-Siva bhakti poets influenced Hindu texts that came to be revered all over India. 5. [1], The movement started with the Shaiva Nayanars[44] and the Vaishnava Alvars, who lived between 5th and 9th century CE. the devotee and the devotee is eager to meet his beloved (God). PDF UNIt 16 BHAKtI AND SUFI trADItIONS* Bhakti and Sufi Traditions This was on account of the spirit of toleration preached by the Bhakti saints. Pechilis in her book on Bhakti movement, for example, states:[135]. Shankaracharya was a great scholar who contributed his life to this movement. The leaders extended their support to help the ordinary people attain salvation between the 14th and 15th centuries. Devotion to the goddesses is more regional and local, expressed in temples and in festivals devoted to Durga, Kali, Shitala (goddess of smallpox), Lakshmi (goddess of good fortune), and many others. Content Guidelines 2. Repetition of the True Name. The Hindus realised that it was difficult to drive away the Muslim rulers and Muslims from India. these teachings will be illuminating. Bhakti Movement: Causes, Hindu Society and Features - History Discussion Before uploading and sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Condemnation of rituals, ceremonies and blind faith. Chaitanya Chaitanya took part in the Bhakti revolution in the early 15th century and led the foundation of Achintya Bheda Abheda. The Bhakti exponents raised their powerful voice against different types of immoral acts like infanticide and sati and encouraged prohibition of wine, tobacco and toddy. The term "Bhakti" means "devotion", which proposed the following features of the Bhakti movement in the early medieval period. The concept was only to propel the Indian society to devote their life for the sake of love, devotion, and equity. Briefly describe the main features of the bhakti movement - Brainly A brief summary of the main features of the movement are given below. The Bhakti movement was fundamentally monotheistic, with adherents worshipping a single personal God who may have aform (saguna) or be formless (nirguna). It also helped to harmonise the conflicting interests. Condemnation of rituals, ceremonies and blind faith. I suffer. These were. Bhakti movement (video) | Early Hinduism | Khan Academy They believe that God lives in ones heart and not in any specific temple or mosque. So it became the religion of the ruling community. [109] Some of the bhagats whose hymns were included in the Guru Granth Sahib, were bhakti poets who taught their ideas before the birth of Guru Nanak the first of Sikh Guru. [85] In Bhakti, the emphasis is reciprocal love and devotion, where the devotee loves God, and God loves the devotee. But the inner significance of the word Bhaja is to adore or to love with honour. Goswami Tulsi Das composed his works in Awadhi. The chief exponents of the movement were Shankara, Ramanuja, Kabir, Nanak, Shri Chaitanya, Mirabai, Ramananda, Namdev, Nimbarka, Madhava, Eknath, Surdas, Tulsidas, Tukaram, Vallabhacharya and Chandidas. [90] Some scholars disagree that the Bhakti movement was premised on such social inequalities. The former's adherents, known as Vaishnavas, were further classified into Krishna - both avatars of Vishnu - as their personal God. In this article, we will learn about the great ruler, Razia sultan, and the monument, Alai Darwaza. The last of three epilogue verses of the Shvetashvatara Upanishad, 6.23, uses the word Bhakti as follows. God could only be found by love, dedicati Answer: The term Bhakti which means devotion, originated as a news of worshipping God. Some healing touch was needed. I shall deliver thee from all sins. (XVIII 66). Such as Gods oneness, deep love and devotion as the sole means to redemption, self-surrender, formal condemnation, rejection of idol worship, open-mindedness, etc. The term 'Bhakthi' refers to 'devotion'. The term Bhakti means devotion, which proposed the followingfeatures of the Bhakti movementin the early medieval period. The Sufi saints of the Muslims also emphasized devotion to Allah (God). Bhakti movement - Wikipedia Put differently, Bhakti movement was a reply to Islams monotheism and egalitarianism by way of a new interpretation of Hinduism. It came to India towards the beginning of the 13th century A.D. and with the rise of the Muslim power Sufism became more popular. Muslim ideas of surrender to God may have influenced Hindu ideas of bhakti from the start, and later poet-saints such as Kabir (14401518) introduced Sufi (mystical) elements from Islam. No distinction of different castes, higher or low. Bhakti, a state of deep love and devotion, is the only way to attain salvation. [85] Saguna bhakta's poetry were Prema-shrayi, or with roots in love. [7], The Bhakti movement regionally developed around different gods and goddesses, and some sub-sects were Shaivism (Shiva), Vaishnavism (Vishnu), Shaktism (Shakti goddesses), and Smartism. Download our apps to start learning, Call us and we will answer all your questions about learning on Unacademy. In Rig Veda Samhita, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, Chhandyoga Upanishad, Katha and Kausitaki Upanishad, the word Bhakti has been referred to several times. On the other hand the Muslims also appreciated that the Hindus were in absolute majority and it was impossible to force all of them to embrace Islam. Privacy Policy 9. 5. Download our apps to start learning, Call us and we will answer all your questions about learning on Unacademy. The Kama connotes emotional connection, sometimes with sensual devotion and erotic love. Bhakti Movement - INSIGHTSIAS They took their meals together from the common kitchen. [75][76] The language was easily understood by the local populace, in line with the Bhakti movement's call for inclusion, but it also retained its literary style. They claimed that God is omnipresent and lives within mans heart. [82] Several 11th and 12th century writers developed different philosophies within the Vedanta school of Hinduism, which were influential to the Bhakti tradition in medieval India. They condemned the hatred of the fanatic Pandits and Mullas alike. The movement aroused awakening among the Hindus and Muslims regarding the futility of ritualism and superstitions. For example. Condemnation of rituals, ceremonies and blind faith. Sikhism. ADVERTISEMENTS: 4. The Hindu saints of India were influenced by the liberal approach of Sufism. Repeating the actual name. Each of the major divinities of HinduismVishnu, Shiva, and the various forms of the Goddesshave distinct devotional traditions. [83] Similarly, the first translation of the Ramayana into an Indo-Aryan language was by Madhava Kandali, who translated it into Assamese as the Saptakanda Ramayana. The Sufi Saints like Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti, Bakhyiya Kaki, Nizamudin Aulia and Nasiruddin Chirag-i-Delhi etc. [118] He taught, states Jon Mayled, that the most important form of worship is Bhakti. 2. Learn about a brief history of Adi Shankaracharya, one of the most revered teachers in India's spiritual history. The Muslim rule had put dread in the hearts of the Hindu masses. The Bhakti saints strongly denounce image-worship of the Hindus. Sufism derives is inspiration from Islam. Although, his lessons greatly impacted the Indian society that still enchanted Kabir Chaura Varanasi. 2. Seen as a reform movement, bhakti presented a parallel to the orientalist agenda of intervention in the service of the empire. Any object could be used as a symbol of the god. They condemned several social evils. The Sikh scripture includes many verses on devotional worship. Thus in a general sense Bhakti means devotion to God. Get answers to the most common queries related to the UPSC Examination Preparation. The principles and features of the Bhakti movement are interconnected. Therefore, one should constantly chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra, - Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. what message has the dark-hued lord The most important social impact of the Bhakti movement was that the followers of the Bhakti movement rejected the caste distinction. Andal went a step further by composing hymns in praise of God in vernacular Tamil rather than Sanskrit, in verses known as the Nachiyar Tirumoli, or the Woman's Sacred Verses:[97]. Though the movement originated in the South, very soon North India came under its spell. It is not the way of worship but the love of a selfless devotee of pure heart that matters for Whoever offers to me with devotion, a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or water I accept (IX, 26). What are the similarities between Bhakti and Sufi movement? They brought necessaryprinciples of the Bhakti movementthat could convince many to urge on the path of devotion, love and tenacity. Bhakti movement that originally began in South India in the 9th century with Shankaracharya spread over all parts of India and by the 16th century was a great spiritual force to reckon with, especially after the great wave made by Kabir, Nanak and Shri Chaitanya. It also describes maintaining unity in society, which begins with worshipping God. [81][80], The earliest writers from the 7th to 10th century CE known to have influenced the poet-saints driven movements include, Sambandar, Tirunavukkarasar, Sundarar, Nammalvar, Adi Shankara, Manikkavacakar and Nathamuni. According to them there was no distinction and consideration of high and low on the basis of birth. They began to mix together on the basis of equality. Bhakti, intense love and devotion, the only way to salvation. What were the main features of the Bhakti Movement? - Vedantu It promoted the need of providing social services to the underprivileged and needy. The Bhakti movement succeeded to a very small extent in realizing its two-fold objective i.e. Notes on the Bhakti Movement | Medieval India - History Discussion Their efforts helped in the promotion of Bhakti poems, songs and mantras. On the philosophical front, both the Saguna and the Nirguna adhered to the Upanishadic doctrine of Advaita, with slight variations provided by various Bhakti saints. Bhakti movement constitutes a very important chapter in the socio-cultural history of India. Answer: The Bhakti movement was primarily dominated by the significant contributions of Guru Nanak, Kabir and Ramana Answer: The Saiva Nayanars and Vaishnava Alvars founded the Bhakti movement. One should accept a genuine spiritual master (Guru), and under him or her constantly practice the activities of Bhakti yoga to achieve the highest perfection of life. The status of women received more importance. Main features of the bhakti movement In terms of acquiring an answer to the question of what were the main features of bhakti , some significant factors need to be noted. Five writers of repute Achyuta, Balaram, Jagannath, Yasobanta and Ananta heralded the age of Panchasakha literature, known for its socio-religious exposition of Bhakti. The spirit of synthesis manifested itself in the teachings of the preachers. 2. Corrections? Ranade, in his book, The Rise of Maratha Power, sums up the deep impact of this spiritual awakening. It prescribes Gnana (knowledge), Karma (action) and Bhakti (devotion) as the three essential features to shatter the bondage of material world and to serve the Almighty God. We also learn about the Shankaracharya, salvation, idol worship and much more about the topic. No other formalities like ceremonies or rituals were required to worship God. We also know about the person who built Alai Darwaza and much more about the topic. Through the Indo-European language connection, early orientalists believed that they were, in a sense, seeing their own ancestry in the antique texts and "antiquated" customs of Indian peoples.