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August 18, 2013, Waters have been contaminated with nuclear energy, and leaders keep silent Quin como Dios, nadie como Dios! Great diseases are spreading quickly and when they become known through the medical media, no longer able to hide them, it will be what My Mother has revealed to you for some diseases that will stop them, but in the midst of everything the creatures Faith is needed. , . BE FAITHFUL AND TASTE MY MERCY. St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on February 9th, 2021: People of God: Receive the Divine Call with attention and urgency. Children, I warn you about this., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara La luz negra "se trata de una obra con una trama absorbente y casi detectivesca, . 1,3; I Pe. With scissors, cut grapes from cluster. Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, a celestial body is approaching from space that will alarm humanity. Hermanos, oremos, doblemos rodillas, postrmonos, adoremos a Dios y seamos fuertes. March 10 2014, People of My Son, you must become aware of all that invades you in this instant, you must awaken spiritually, and you must also awaken in other aspects, such as that regarding food, you must be conscious that they are killing you day to day, the Temple of the Holy Spirit is being invaded by all the unknown diseases, and these diseases that you suffer now are caused by contaminated food that you ingest. Pray for yourselves, for your brothers and sisters, for all humanity. May 17 2017, My People, the instant is no longer instant, it grows short and you go on as if nothing has changed. Plantes mdicinales indiques par le Ciel Luz de Maria The pharmaceutical industry in turn, has taken part in this desorder of the human organism; chemistry has not been used correctly. This gift strengthens perseverance and firmness, trusting totally in God who does not turn away from man.THE GIFT OF THE FEAR OF GODendows the human being with the will necessary to turn away from what leads it to fall into evil, in order to work, live and act in the Divine Will.I call you to take seriously My Words by Divine Will for your good and the salvation of souls.The Devil makes pacts with man to assume new power over humanity and thus come to dominate the world. Como criaturas de Dios somos tentados, pero Nuestra Madre nos asegura que no caeremos, porque Dios est con nosotros. Jan. 4, 2018, MY PEOPLE, I LOOK BEYOND, AND THE DISEASE THAT IS NEARING HUMANITY WILL FIND CURE WITH THE MUGWORT PLANT ON THE SKIN., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara Apr. How much evil man commits when he lives his free will and allows to be controlled by it! A LUZ DE MARA 24 DE ABRIL DEL 2023 Hijos de Nuestro Rey y Seor Jesucristo, por Voluntad Divina Me dirijo a ustedes. Hello, Thomas Byrne here Ireland, thank you and bless you for all your suffering for us. Mystic Luz de Maria: Plan to depopulate the Earth Those who live in God will recognize that it comes from God and those who despise the Divine will blaspheme more. Amados hijos de Mi Divino Hijo, esta Madre les ama. Wake up, My children! Take one of the already Blessed Grapes and rub a Sign of the Cross on the fresh grape while saying: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. Each grape must be blessed that way. I think it is a meteorite of great size; it is intercepted, but the biggest part goes towards the sea, towards the United State. October 14 2015, I love you, My children, I love you so much that I will continue to alert you. Perhaps the Blessed Grapes are one of many miracles of the end times which the saints of older times referred to in their visions., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara In Global Organizations the instruction exists to exterminate much of the worlds population. The control of men is the purpose of the antichrist; this is because an instant becomes a minimum instant, the evil will accelerate its plans to first gain control through the food and health, and subsequently you will be totally controlled, since you will have lost your will. COMMENTARY BY LUZ DE MARIA. Her light brown hair was down with waves that seemed to play with a slight breeze that always precedes Her arrival. Use food that still has not been contaminated with radioactivity and not the food from those who wish to make you sick and lead you to death., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara Las Palabras de Nuestra Madre Santsima son fuertes, fuertes para darnos Esperanza y para que seamos conocedores de Cristo, porque no podemos amar a quien no se conoce. Brothers and Sisters:Our beloved Saint Michael the Archangel nourishes us in spirituality, recalling the gifts of the Holy Spirit so that they would be asked for and so that we might strive for conversion. Pray children, pray so that the Word of Our and your King and Lord Jesus Christ is not distorted.Pray children, pray for Hawaii, nature causes the Kilauea volcano to erupt forcefully and the Mauna Loa and Kilauea volcanoes to be shaken.Pray children, humanity is a spectator of the suffering of your brothers and sisters; it will cease being a spectator, with all entering as actors in the history of humanity. 11,40). Do not wait for the Signs announced by My Mother in order to change; there must be change at this instant. THE GIFT OF UNDERSTANDINGenlightens the human creature in order that it penetrates clearly within the truths revealed by God.THE GIFT OF COUNSEL:with which you can discern among the options presented to you - for this you need to attain, with this gift, the knowledge of how to listen to and help your brothers and sisters. Una denuncia contra la gestin de la exalcaldesa Mara Luz Lastras (PSOE) entre los aos 2015 y 2019 por prevaricacin y malversacin. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN january 28 2016, Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, the plague advances and man suffers. I invite you to remain spiritually prepared. MY BELOVED PEOPLE, THE WARNING IS APPROACHING AND THE HEARTS ARE NOT MOVED FOR THE LACK OF DISSEMINATION OF THIS ACT OF MY MERCY FOR MY PEOPLE. They lie and deceive humanity with the consuming of foods genetically altered in laboratories, with the only end being to economically increase the industry of these foods, without the majority of men been aware of this. . MY CHURCH IS PURIFIED AND WILL BE IN THE BURNING CRUCIBLE FOR THOSE WHO DELIVER MY PEOPLE INTO THE HANDS OF THE IMPOSTOR. Freemasonry is readying itself to present the great impostor to Humanity, the antichrist, and you, being ignorant about the antichrist, will rise up towards him as if he were Me. You live loving lust, therefore, the plague will come and you will feel the flesh burn. DO NOT FORGET THAT THIS IS THE INSTANT FOR PREPARATION., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara Note: A separate post specific on medicinal plants has been published here. One step and man will fall into the abyss of evil. Do not neglect a single second. I WILL BE SEVERE WITH THOSE WHO DO NOT WARN MY OWN ABOUT THE EVENTS THAT ARE DRAWING NEAR OR IS IT THAT YOU DO NOT BELIEVE MY MOTHER? May we delivered for all bondages and come to the love of Christ and Sacramental life. I BLESS YOU, MY BELOVEDS. MY CHILDREN DO NOTHING TO PLEASE ME AND I WHO SEE IT ALL I SUFFER!, Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara The world and its machinations have intensified their struggle to lead the People of God astray, since evil swarms throughout the Earth and man enjoys evil.The People of God preserveDIVINE LOVE, not allowing human character to take the first place with its bad temper, selfishness and so much ballast that drags man the wrong way, but being molded in theMANNER OF CHRIST(Eph. It is necessary that you, People of My Son, be the lights that attract the gaze of the Father to the Earth, so that He sees His faithful in a time of Adoration. About the CHRISTS REQUEST REGARDING THE BLESSED GRAPES, Luz de Mara commented: Thank You and GOD BLESS. Leave that church and look for a traditional Priest. If oil of oregano is not available, oregano can be boiled to make an infusion; however, the oil of oregano is a better antibiotic. She calls Communion in hand "the work of the devil." October 29 2013, In this instant man is fed to degenerate his body, unknown diseases surging and cancer proliferating at the same time. Why do not they announce that I am Love and that out of Love for My People I tell them in advance what will happen so that they repent in time? Thank You and GOD BLESS for all You do for us sinners ME May 01 2014, Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart: You must know that mans food in this instant is not the same as that of the past and that what you use, are weapons that in this instant remain actively poisoning your body, My children, so that if you do not decline by handing over your free will to evil, you decline through the illnesses provoked in your body through what you ingest., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara It is a large and powerful army; the rest of the world practically shudders at the decisive advance of this army towards Italy. El Demonio huye de donde oran el Santo Rosario (3) y huye de las criaturas que adoran a Mi Divino Hijo. Artculos de Fe y Religin Revelaciones Apariciones. With the grape already blessed by a priest, proceed to bless the rest in the following way: MESSAGE OF SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL Copyright © All rights reserved | REVELACIONES MARIANAS. I defended the Fathers Throne against the wiles of the Devil (Rev. October 19, 2011, Cover yourselves with My Most Precious Blood, bless your bodies constantly, bless your food, do not forget that My Mothers name drives demons away: You possess a weapon which the devil fears with horror and fright: it is the weapon of the Holy Rosary, not recited but consciously meditated, Say often this short prayer: Mother of God, Coredemptrix of the world, pray for us, Act of Consecration to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. THE HUMAN RACE POSSESSES AN ABUNDANCE OF GOOD THINGS COMING FROM THE FATHERS HOUSE - all of it so that the journey through life would be more bearable when the way is heavy. It has come to light certain prophecies in which they say that soldiers that will fight under the banner of Jesus and Mary against the forces of the antichrist will be guided by St. Michael the Archangel. I call you to pray that human beings would discern and continue to be united to the will of the Father. Our Mother told me that true plagues will come and that we should ingest a raw clove of garlic every morning, or oil of oregano; these two are excellent antibiotics. TO LUZ DE MARIA. In this Age, the Devil is roving from one end to the other in search of the slightest opportunity to rule through division, that which is the cause of the downfall of every good purpose of man.People of God, you need to understand that as humans, you are all walking a steep path, you are swimming against the current of the world, you are being formed to live within theTRUE WAY, before which you need to kneel and pray, to fast and offer up in order to find wisdom to work and act. Oren hijos Mos, oren para que no les venzan con mentiras. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Reign over me, dearest Mother, that I may be yours in prosperity, in adversity, in joy and in sorrow, in health and in sickness, in life and in death. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN Tell this to My children to be a blessing for them in moments of food shortage., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara January 2009, I call on you to prepare yourselves. message de saint michel archange luz de mara le 18 aot 2019. peuple de dieu: les bndictions et l'aide du ciel ne se font pas attendre pour ceux qui, humblement, demandent l'aide de la maison du pre et de notre reine et mre du ciel et de la terre (psaume 120), pendant que les ennemis de l'me se dplacent en toute libert sur la terre entire en vue de perdre les mes. LUZ DE MARA - Revelaciones Marianas This must not continue; mens interaction has been cut, diminishing fraternity and the lack of communication being the cause of fatal and unexpected reactions on mans part. MESSAGE FROM THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY TO HER BELOVED DAUGHTER LUZ DE MARIA DECEMBER 11, 2019 Children of My Immaculate Heart: THE EVENTS OF HUMANITY ARE MANIFESTED ON MY MANTLE. Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, to Luz de Maria - The Warning The Lord is calling us with that intelligence that He has provided us, to have sacramentals, to have holy water. 7:6). In case of contagious diseases (pestilences, plagues, others) anoint the doors and windows with holy oil. I am wounded by those who from the pulpits deny My Announcements. Luz de Mara, 28 de Julio del 2019 | Manuel Silveira May 20 2017, Pray My children, pray, do not forget that the disease comes out of the laboratories; use what I have told you for your health., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara The enemy of humanity moves rapidly, he is not far. FASTING IS AN IMPEDIMENT FOR THE DEVIL. War is not a rumor, it advances under the waters of the sea, without My children seeing it. I want to be pure like you. Amados hijos Mos, les mantengo en Mi Corazn. Sanctify our joys and comfort us in our sorrows. Thank you Jesus praise you Jesus, Alleluyah. In this instant, man is invaded by technology, leading him to dissociate and to totally separate the relationship with his brothers and sisters. Changelog: May 04, 2018 An update has been made to the Medicinal Plants Guide: the plant previously translated as White Indigo Berry refers in fact to the Common Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna). 2023. Children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, great and serious events of all kinds are beginning in the midst of humanity, leading you to recognize that what is happening is not normal, but that these are signs and signals of the times in which you are living. BELOVED CHILDREN OF MY IMMACULATE HEART, BE FAITHFUL TO MY SON, WORSHIP HIM AND SEE HIM IN EACH BROTHER AND SISTER; AS MY SONS PEOPLE YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Your free will, will be subjected to the commands of the one who will deceive men, Private message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara He hates those who love Me, are obedient to Me and who fulfill the Divine Will. DO NOT LISTEN TO THOSE THAT TELL YOU THAT NOTHING WILL HAPPEN, THIS IS ONLY FOR YOU TO LOSE YOUR SOUL. Please remember me in your prayers I need lots of graces from Heaven May God be with you and may he never leave your side. My children are suffering more frequently from respiratory diseases, which increase, being recurrent and requiring long treatment. At this time, I invite you, children, to assist the healing of the body by what nature provides you for the health of the body and before the current disease: the use of Artemisia annua (SWEET WORMWOOD), Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara At this moment the human organism is saturated by bad foodstuffs, favoring diseases to arrive at him, take the man and cause him great evil., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara Is Luz de Maria approved by the Catholic Church? After years of abandoning herself to the will of God, Luz de Mara began to suffer the pain of the Cross, which she carries in her body and soul. Uno de los afectados es el actual candidato del PSOE en las prximas elecciones del 28-M en este municipio, Luis Haro. Be true testimonies of My Love., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara Mt 16:18-19) of our King and Lord Jesus Christ. MY LOVING INSTRUMENT, LUZ DE MARA, IS A PROPHET OF THESE LAST INSTANTS. Wake up, do not sleep! Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. MY MYSTICAL BODY, GAGGED IN IGNORANCE BEFORE THE DESIGNS OF THE HIGH LEADERS OF MY CHURCH, WILL NOT REVERT SO MUCH EVIL IF IT DOES NOT CONVERT COMPLETELY TO MY WILL. THE DISOBEDIENCE TOWARDS MY MOTHER SHALL BE REPAIRED BY SPREADING HER LOVING WARNINGS., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara Luz de Mara: IN THIS DAY WHEN OUR MOTHER HAS GIVEN ME THIS CALL OF LOVE FOR ALL HUMANKIND, SHE HAS GIVEN ME A VISION THAT I WISH TO SHARE WITH YOU: Continue in the assurance that our King and Lord Jesus Christ loves and protects you. Do not continue to take My Words in vain and be aware that both the Moon and the Sun hold great influence over the Earth and man. Message from Saint Michael the Archangel - This single religion will eliminate the religion that My Son established. They will fight to defeat the forces of the antichrist. Peter Di Iorio from Australia Who is like God? Be part of the communion of Saints.WHO IS LIKE GOD? May 17 2015, Remain attentive, My beloved; the schism in My Sons Church is near. Keep the holy water, useCOMMON HAWTHORN and the ECHINACEA plant, to fight it., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara He will judge the weak with justice, and will decide with equity for the poor of the earth.(Is 11:3-4)THE GIFT OF KNOWLEDGEis not what the world believes, but it is when, inside each person, God reveals to the human being what He knows about each one of you.THE GIFT OF PIETY:this gift allows you to act towards your brothers and sisters in constant praxis towards your brother and sister. If any member of our family should have the misfortune to offend You seriously, please remind him, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, of Your infinite love and mercy for the penitent sinner. Thus, the mind of man, limited deliberately by the earthly power. MENSAJE DE LA SANTSIMA VIRGEN MARA ALTHOUGH IT SEEMS THAT EVIL IS DOMINANT, EVIL WILL NOT TRIUMPH: THE MOST HOLY TRINITY IS ABOVE ALL AND IN ALL FOR EVER AND EVER, AMEN. See the man of science who dismisses the Words that are Divine Will; science has not seen in advance that about which My Son has warned you, so take seriously the Word that I bring to you. If you find yourselves sick, sprinkle the food with holy water and keep in mind the use of the medicinal plants My Mother has indicated you use for these unexpected circumstances., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara Man needs to take a strong and firm decision in order to save his soul, a decision that hasFAITHas its basis. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT - Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria - "By Divine Las vacunas para introducir sustancias letales en el cuerpo llegaron para quedarse.. Oxido de grafeno tambien encontrado en Francia vacuna Janssen , El ministro de Justicia alemn acelera la censura: avanza que quiere cerrar Telegram. Most compassionate Heart of Mary, Queen of Virgins, watch over my mind and heart and preserve me from the deluge of impurity which you lamented so sorrowfully at Fatima. Take one of the already Blessed Grapes and rub a Sign of the Cross on the fresh grape while saying: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. Each grape must be blessed that way. When Christ mentioned to me again this request of the blessed grapes, I remember also the Grapes of Saint Damian, which I share as follows: The brandy is used as a preservative. to luz de maria april 26, 2019. my people, beloved people, i bless you. Semana Santa del ao 1991, primera vez que se manifest con sangre la imagen de la Reina de la Paz en el hogar de Luz de Mara, las mismas continan hasta el presente. This will have astonished other people who will join these soldiers, increasing the small Marians forces until they become a gigantic army. Si la Fe es verdadera, fuerte, convencida y la criatura est convertida puede ser tentada, pero no vencida. Humanity refuses to recognize what is happening in one place or another, mocking Divine Mercy towards Its children. Is Luz de Maria approved by the Catholic Church? THE GREAT FOOD INDUSTRIES POISON THE BODYS SYSTEM OF MY CHILDREN, WITHOUT THEM BEING AWARE OF IT. An Urgent message given by our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz De Maria || Prayer requests ||We will offer your intentions in our daily community prayer session, a . 121,2). Festival AGORA on Instagram: "Com ttulos clssicos a lanamentos, o # ("Revelamos Quen Es la Vidente Luz de Mara . Luz de Maria: Revelations on Foods & Health (2019) From a Cloud Luz de Maria: Revelations on Foods & Health 04 Jul. The blessings are transferred from one of the original grapes from San Damiano. Be reconciled with Me and give thanks for having been called to live in My Love, from which comes everything that man requires. Our Mother warns us and we are witnesses that Heaven tells us in advance of what will happen, in order that we would remain prepared in the spirit. Dans certains cas, ils indiquent les usages, les proprits et les contre-indications que possde chaque plante mdicinale. Then you store the grapes that are blessed in sterilized jar and afterwards in each jar pour wine or brandy, no other liquor. Marian Revelations to Luz de Maria, Argentina - Prayer-Warrior I call you to pray and make reparation for young people. He exposes himself to the suns rays, which, combined with the chemical elements that some nations throw into the air via airplanes, cause great diseases in the skin, in the eyes, in the mucous membranes of the human body; the purpose of the great nations is to exterminate the human being. People of God:OUR AND YOUR KING AND LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND OUR AND YOUR QUEEN AND MOTHER ALERT YOU OUT OF LOVE. Do not deceive yourselves, do not dig your own condemnation. whoever enters into my will, making reparation and loving constantly without departing from me, and makes the firm decision to begin a life fused with me, that child of mine is born again and that being born again is to what our house call you in this revelation. Jan. 22, 2019 (Added Apr. I resolve to receive Holy Communion on the first Saturday of every month when possible, and to offer daily five decades of the Rosary, with all my sacrifices in the spirit of penance and reparation. Jan. 03, 2019, Stay alert, serious epidemics loom before humanity and attack the respiratory system, for which I call on you to use PINUS leaves*, with extreme caution, in doses not greater than twice a day, as an infusion., St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria Cover the newly blessed grapes with a wine brandy. I am wounded by those who continue saying that I am not a God of catastrophes, and that therefore My children should not know of all of what I am warning them about. Michel Rodrigue, Do not Put Tattoo Marks on Yourselves (Leviticus 19,28), NO game where one requests information from the afterlife is good, Parents, pay much attention to the video games your children play, Pay attention to the cartoons that your children watch, Pray My Holy Rosary with your children, as the family that prays together stays together.