Kate Yup Found Dead, Articles K

LET ME GO! LET. And he never said anything! Will was in the AV club, talking to someone. Ringing the doorbell you waited a few seconds, illegible shouts sounding from inside. Theres no cheering anymore - only shocked gasps and exclaiming. Did he tell you to get close to Chad and the others? He nods solemnly and you hum, motioning for him to keep going. I never really fit in so when you just went with everything I did and cared- he smiles with a slight flush on his cheeks and under different circumstances you wouldve cooed at the endearing sight. it was one of the best things that ever happened to me, because will and i grew up to be best friends. What? He knows that he has anger issues, like his father and his step-father. So, when he started realizing you wouldnt leave or betray him, he really started being himself. It was the same damn dream, again and again. Its when you move your head to the side to breathe in mid motion that you see him, cheering for you. She was pretty cool, you decided. They're surviving. The door opens and emotion rushes over you at the sight of Joyce. Oh, Ethan you mumble and pull him into a hug. In your free time El showed you around the town. He was a bit suspicious of your friendship with Robin afterwards, but you were quick to knock some sense into him because yes, shes cute but never in that way. When you part she turns to Ethan who was standing off to the side with furrowed brows. Will Byers x GN!reader summary: On your way to confess to your best friend you would've never expected hearing him admit his feelings for someone - seemingly - else. No, no, no this cant be, please you cry out and shake your head, still in denial. summary You and Will spent some time together the day before Dustin arrives. Coming outside the hot midday sun immediately makes you squint your eyes and huff due to the sweat already building. This was the reason for you to keep going no matter how much your parents disapproved. The boy in front of you hangs his head in shame and you instinctively reach out to lay a hand on his shoulder in a reassuring motion, pulling back quickly after. You were staying with some of the parents from the school, as it was easier than organizing a hotel or so. What an eventful day you think before sighing and leaning your head against the headrest. Which partly was a certain someones fault. So he was shy. It shouldnt have been surprising when you fell for him - quick and deep. You cant shake off the unpleasant feeling in your stomach the closer you seem to get to Watergate as Dustin named it. They were around your age and just as good as you if not better from what you heard and seen. You ruined me, you know? You whisper and he leans his forehead against yours. Thank you so much! Hm, you hum and lean against his chest. Gulping you gathered yourself and focused on Jane. Sad Will Byers - Works | Archive of Our Own Your parents didnt believe you at first - tried making sense of what you were saying, that you were dating Billy and that what you were saying wasnt possible. Max had shot down Dustin, Mike and Lucas questions towards you and got on her bike along with El - following you. Hes looking at you intensely, no smile in sight. Mike is in the middle, standing hunched as always, Lucas and Will looking like two deers caught in headlights. summary: On your way to confess to your best friend you wouldve never expected hearing him admit his feelings for someone - seemingly - else. You were hoping there would be a swimming extracurricular, after all it was one of your biggest hobbies. Youd signed up for it months ago, when it was first announced. Mike thinks he is falling in love again. Apart from that, Google Docs is giving me trouble (nothing is synchronizing anymore Whatever the fuck that means). He was so flustered! They laugh too, and then Max gets a mischievous look. Billy Hargrove survived the events at the mall, but he didnt remained unscathed, or unscarred.Will Byers is moving at the end of the summer, but not before giving it a go with Billy. Will sputtered, shaking his head and raising his hands. Tell her I miss her? His voice is a little shaky considering the fact this was the way his years-long friendship with you would probably end. Angry at himself. Also, I changed the events a bit so beware. Dont cry over him. lostandfound. Max helps you pack your bags, certain youd forget half of the necessities if you were to pack alone. And seeing as she didn't have much going on in her lifeshe agreed to help Eddie. You had hidden it for a long time as it wasnt really welcome in this society - especially in a small town like Hawkins - so you stuck to hiding it. You had seen it in the way he hesitated; that he didnt want to leave Max alone. It takes a while before his words really register and its a split second that you move to him and lay a hand on his jaw. Yes. Turning around the corner you stopped short. Uhm. Or, the letter Will Byers could never send. See? She kept her reasonable distance when it came to stuff like that. It was different, stronger. This is Will, she pointed at the boy with brown eyes and same colored bowl cut, and this is his sister Jane. The boy- Will, stood straight, seemingly not liking being in the front like that. Youd found it years ago when you were playing, and it had quickly become something for just you and him. It had, despite your hopes, gone horrible. Youre an idiot. With that she leaves, and Will is sure he sees her eyes a little glassy. Having to deal with the struggle of staying hidden, bullies, past abuse and having a crush on his childhood best friend who couldnt possibly be able to like him back. Will gets sloppy drunk after a break up with his boyfriend and sits very sadly on the beach. Girls are a different species. He wasnt someone you should mess with or on whose bad side you should get. It would only be a week at most but being alone for the time being would never be your first choice. stranger things - imagines and preferences - will byers stuck Fucking trust me, babe., He sounded annoyed and you laughed but nodded, Sure.. Your heartbeat falters at the warmth radiating off of him and the general comfort he gave you. The walkie-talkie beside her rustles before slowly voices fade in. It has been hinted several times that Will might have a crush on Mike which is why such a couple could make sense. He knew it was his fault, after his mom found out about what happened between him and you he got an earful. Standing in front of the brownish brick house you walk up the stairs, ringing the doorbell after a moment of hesitation. He saved me. Do you want to be with me? His voice is soft if not a little unsure and fondness overtakes your heart and face. So basically, everyone in this big "family" is gay except for Dustin :). With a chuckle he speeds past you, letting go of your hand just to reach the designated spot earlier. Mike and Will meet one day, and it's love at first sight, well for Mike. Their friend groups hated each other, they're basically rivals. He had yet to see it, which was why you were here today without the rest of your friends (and possibly because you had wanted to spend some alone time with the other boy - but no one had to know that, right?). Before the competition is finished, Lucas gets bitten by Something in that room. He hesitates and fidgets with his hands, At the beginning at the party. Trust me, I know. A Howl in the Dark A Stranger Things FanFiction | Fandom After an eventful summer break, Mike returns to school but there's a catch. He flusters just as you do and its way too long before he speaks up. Getting ready you steady yourself and look at the water. Now, with his hand in yours, you pull him up the hill, him nearly tripping with your rush. (y/n) Max sighs and sits down on your bed with you. One girl had red hair and a skateboard next to her table. Youd been in love with him for months now and have been building up courage to tell him. Also, readers gender isnt mentioned as far as I remember. They werent as bad as Billys dad, but definitely found fun in throwing insults your way or making you duck several empty bottles or cans. But still, he had also been an accomplice to two killers. Yes! Well never understand them! Its Lucas voice, and either of the other two boys is eating something in the background. Its so annoying honestly. In one world, on that fateful November night, Will Byers was pulled into the horrifying chaos of the Upside Down. He takes your hand in his and looks down - because of you being shorter and all. You hadnt been home much, practice being overbearing and time consuming. Jonathan and I thought youd like it if we repaired it he turns to you and all you see and feel is the amount of adoration you hold for him. Stranger Things: 10 Fan Fiction Relationships We Wish Were Real Its painful minutes until youre being pulled out, your ears ringing and vision swimming. Only about 30 seconds. Opening the door to the technology filled room was so familiar it hurt. Spoiler alert: they're very Will-centric. While she did the paperwork and occasionally asked a question you studied your timetable. Dont call me that, he sniffs with a small smile, his big eyes glistening a little with unshed tears. Leaning on one elbow, you will away the embarrassment and sigh. It came only as a slight shock if you thought of all the times she brutally shot down any boy that came close. The tape on the inside had shriveled up and he was frustratedly picking at it. Gulping, you let out a scoff, masking your sadness with anger, Dont think of talking to me again or finding me, Byers. When the bell rang you prepared for being introduced by the teacher, which she did, with not much motivation - or any other feeling for that matter. When someone new joins, jealousy as well as some more chaos ensues. A drunken mistake is all it takes to ruin a friendship. Started yelling at me about how it wasnt real and I was just trying to make them mad and shit, you explain while he adjusts the blanket around your shoulders. The girl had bangs, a few colorful hair clips in her hair. Yes. Okay, okay. Thanks, its basically a question but he chuckles and shrugs, nodding. She laughs and you know its pure relief that you were still alive. Will Byers - Works | Archive of Our Own "I do not like her, El! No, dont-, youre crying against Sams shoulder as she cradles you against her protectively. Degrading thoughts crowded your mind as you walked to the lockers, sitting down on one of the benches there. Him telling you he wished he never met you, broke you. I didnt have a choice. Mike defends and Will sighs, No, you did. Will Byers (1) Will Byers has been through hell and back on Stranger Things and he doesn't deserve your hate. Letters from El. You had dragged some tarp over the whole thing, but with wind and the general Hawkins weather it wouldnt do much if it really rained. Your hands, which were clenching the fabric of your shirt before, fell to your sides limply. His eyes were so heavy, but his heart was heavier. You start laughing like crazy, at their stupidity and obliviousness. Will falls down his knees. You smile in relief that she was at least to an extent okay, getting up to hug her. Time to show everyone how its done. You catch Wills confused look, making eye contact for a split second. You decided not to mention the boys, knowing there was a little tension between Mike and El at the moment. Didnt go well, I take? You nod and he mumbles something under his breath before pulling you next to him in his bed. Flustered, you turn away again and see the trees opening up to reveal the huge meadow that rises to be a small hill towards the end. And, well, your plans on keeping them apart definitely did not work out. He shrinks even more into himself and youre somewhat glad he was still the shy bean he was before. You can do this! Max cheers and hugs you, before pushing you towards the pool and going to her seat. Does that mean you like me too? His voice is slightly disbelieving but he looks hopeful and happy. I dont know. Taking a deep breath, you stepped into the classroom and the chaos you had learned to hate. Talk. He emphasizes the word with a pointed finger, before turning around and leaving. ", "El's not stupid! Whenever he sees Max and her friends, he thinks back to you saving all of them, in a mall fire as it was known to the public. He chokes on a sob and chokes out another apology as his father speaks up. Will took the other flower out of the box and put it in Mikes lapel, he was being so careful and doing everything with kindness. Playing DND wasnt an option - to Wills and your dismay. Id like to have what they have with you. He stammers adorably and you laugh. Mike watches his friend drown in doubts and decides to solve them. Your brows furrow, Seriously, everything alright? He huffs and turns to you. When the adrenaline starts wearing off you skip towards the rest of your friends, who were patiently waiting for you. Mike Wheeler and Will Byers have never met, atleat not yet. Why did you leave me? its a whimper and the pain youve felt for so long is barely audible in it. a/n: first time writing gender neutral reader - hoping its not offending/bad or anything negative! Wills words stuck to you - did he really mean it? He throws a last demanding look over his shoulder and you roll your eyes at his dramatic behavior. ME GO! The sky is turning orange and purple, the sun making everything warm. Heartbreak (and one big misunderstanding) ensues. I have to say something, its bold and kind of funny as its so random, so he chuckles a little but nods. El had been staying at hers for two days so they were already waiting for you. Will feels left out because of his friends. A boy with a crush on Spiderman has been following him, and he's dangerously close to getting seriously hurt. Sighing you turn around, trying to find a bus to your home. Also, for a little context, I'm basing this around the idea that Mike realised his feelings for Will towards the end of season 3. In this world, Mike Wheeler vanishes in the middle of the night, the only trace of him a bicycle laying abandoned on the side of the road and a trail of dried blood leading into the woods. willbyersxreader. Its in a split second that you lean forward and plant a quick kiss on his cheek. So everyone, youve probably noticed those two by now. she gestured to the new students, those are your new classmates and theyll be with us from now on. When you started dating Billy it was clear to you (and Robin) that youd never tell him. Well, whatever its called. Diving into the water and swimming through it smoothly felt euphoric. Will looks at you with a question clear in his eyes and you just shrug before smiling at him a little. You like her!". Theres a kinked shoe box with something inside. Robin Buckley - Works | Archive of Our Own He watches as your eyes close and your body goes limp in your coachs arms. Ill wait at the exit after school and we can go together.". The flustered expressions on your faces arent from running up the hill. Will on the other hand just watched, happy El was making friends. You definitely didnt trust him anymore - how could you? Heres the place.. He looks up and thanks you quietly before hesitantly taking your hand and interlocking it with his. Like, I went and tried buying something for her and she dumped me? Mike sounds distressed and angry. You regain your composure when the bus arrives and quickly tug at the girls arms. You genuinely wanted to know. Surprised but happy you wave back and watch his cheeks color slightly. 8.6K 360 16. Shortly after coming to Hawkins you joined the schools swim team. I didnt want to. He would never be so cruel. He seems regretful for a second and you hope.he apologizes - takes back his harsh words. His hair is shorter and hes taller, his shoulders broader. Will Byers | Stranger Things Wiki | Fandom He's forced to walk around school carrying the secret that- yup you guessed it. You just smile and lean against his shoulder. Youre clumsy and trip over your own feet, due to the hurry youre in to not be late to school. And dont go in the water, its too cold, its too dark out, and youre drunk.WB: ok whateber. His shoulders shake nearly unnoticeably but you still see it, and you watch as he hastily wipes his eyes. Being the most popular girl and cheerleader meant tons of attention. No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (7886), Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair (3131), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (1911), Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Siblings Will Byers & Eleven | Jane Hopper, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson Acting as The Party's Parental Figures, The party are basically annoying siblings to each other, We can be anyone (It took so long to know someone like you), Will Byers & Eleven | Jane & Dustin Henderson & Maxine Mayfield & Lucas Sinclair & Mike Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper & Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Eleven | Jane Hopper & Maxine "Max" Mayfield & Lucas Sinclair, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down (Stranger Things), kind of got carried away with the whole battle bots thing lmao, lucas sinclair and erica sinclair bonding, Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair-centric, Snow on the Beach (Weird but Fucking Beautiful), Jonathan Byers/Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler, Song: Snow on the Beach (Taylor Swift ft. Lana Del Rey), all the kids friends go on this family vacation, did i tell yall that her name is actually joyce hopper now. Nothing painful. When Will Byers vanishes within the small town of Hawkins, Indiana, Mike Wheeler and his adopted sister work with their friends, Lucas Sinclair and Dustin Henderson, to. Youre confused - didnt he, like, hate you? She turns back to Bailey and Quinn, the two frowning at the closeness between you and Ethan. The small group was basically everywhere, so when you walked past the bike stands their excited talking reached you. It reminds you a little of Hoppers cabin and you bite your lip - there was an insane amount of detail involved. Hes such an idiot! Well, you could agree with that but still, you liked him. you began to cry, putting your hands on his shoulders and shaking him gently. At first you didnt notice his emotional state, busy with the uncomfortable chafing of your short denim pants against your thighs. Finally! Its the day everyone had been dreading - moving day. Major drama at the roller rink. Trying to cough you dont manage to keep yourself afloat which doesnt work. He chuckles and pats your head before inhaling slowly. The bus drive was long and boring. Am I your pet? She sounds more like she doesnt even really know what thats implying, instead of intimidating. Cursing her under his breath Will followed her. Returning to find Hawkins in ruins. Wiping your tears you leave your house, walking quick enough for it to be considered rushing. WB: nathsn and i broke up amd its your fauktMW: Where are you?WB: the beachMW: Im on my way now. Will and Mike have very much drifted apart since the summer of '85 and nothing can make it right, Will is sure of it. So, closing off was the option you chose now. It seemed that school wasnt over yet, some people were walking in and out of the big building. You didnt change a lot apart from the fact you were more quiet and closed off. He hasnt noticed your presence yet, still focused on the small piece of plastic in his hands. Weve been friends since forever! Your heart stopped and your mouth went dry. Wallowing in self pity and disappointment wasnt your goal for tonight but, oh well. Gareth and Will have been together for a few weeks and things are going great, but Gareth is waiting for the other shoe to drop, knowing that no one stays. To get closer to Sam and Tara? You ask and when youre close enough you look up and push him back with a hand on his chest, sneering. Youre hiding under his bed as you and Billy had forgotten the time and you had stayed too late. or, Billy gets incredibly protective when he finds he has to get you to the hospital instead of school. Or at least, that's what he'd thought. Pls enjoy also im morally this is very wrong and that he actually kinda coo coo towards the end of the movie but Im delusional and gonna keep believing he was how he was most of the movie. LET ME GO! He wonders, his grip on your hand loosening until he lets go completely. He flinches a little before realizing its you and lays the tape aside. This was low.. we went through the tragedies of the upside down, getting bullied at school, and dark stormy nights together. Gay Will Byers. Getting closer to Billy meant feeling more and more bothered by how little you knew about whatever lifestyle he had going on. Max scoffs, Dude. Especially not because of a boy.. Eat. Will opens the door and there is Mike, standing next to the door completely soaked and- in fact, not wearing a jacket. that scene in S2 E8 where Neill finds out Billy didnt babysit Max and gets super mad. Alright, youre all set. Why would you even confess to him? [1] Casting and concept This section needs expansion. Bailey nudges him with a disgruntled look and they move, taking the mask off. Your coach is hyping up the team, paying no mind to your distraught state. His striped shirt is looking even cute today, you have to admit. A hundred thoughts crossed your mind but most importantly, who could it be? Its been a while, huh? You nod and enjoy the comforting gesture. Until he meets artist Will Byers. Willbyersxreader Stories - Wattpad You guys hung out basically all the time, either in Mikes basement or a different spot, sometimes even in the woods. A moment later El also joins you two, a small bag in her hands. #will byers x reader on Tumblr So, meeting him again after months could never end well, right? Let..me..go.. Will says soft. You could go to Robin, shed understand you after all, but Billy was just a tad bit more the comfort you were leaning towards right now. Not only was she annoying but she could be really mean if she wanted to. Will is too worried about what his friends will think to realize his feelings for Mike. Weve been waiting all day! She grins, giving you a quick hug. You could see Eleven and Maxs smile from Miles away, the brown haired girl waving excitedly as you approached. Hi, you replied, just as quiet. He stays silent for a second before sighing and raking a hand down your back. You could have everyone! You can help by adding to it. Whatever, you thought, waiting for them to take their seats which they quickly did. Should we go to yours? The red haired girl asked El who was still busy with her ice cream. The air was bad, stuffy, but still better than the suffocating closeness of Will right now. Listen I know (y/n) doesnt want anything to do with me anymore, but can you please tell her goodbye? Mike said its important? Your voice is smaller than youd like and he notices, a small frown settling on his soft features. More than friends should. He remembered the time that he'd gotten his ass kicked by Jonathan Byers in an alley after he'd called him a screw up, and he didn't blame Jonathan. It's not my fault you dont like girls!". Youre guessing it was her brother - Billy - and you hoped he wouldnt be the one to open the door. It's basically just a modern AU partial chatfic where the Losers meet the Party. "will, please, i'm right here for you. Just glad youre with me., He scoffs and slaps your shoulder lightly - lightly in his book. Like what is wrong with her? you groaned, telling her all about Angela and why she was so annoying. Stop whatever youre doing, its important! he misses the pained look on your face, happy when you get up to follow him. Like, a lot. You know him! You sigh and turn to the water.