For some strange reason (called 'Harry is a bloody idiot'), she doesn't think that's on the cards. While everyone else looked on. Smart Hermione Granger - Works | Archive of Our Own She came to Hogwarts from a muggle upbringing and yet on her first day she had put all other students to shame with her knowledge and understanding of complex subjects. On that fine day, Petunia Evans swore to herself to make her wrongs right, and protect and love Harry Potter Evans until the day she died. Warnings for grammar, childisms, and overthetopness. At first, he didn't respond. He's dead, also betrayed. Let's Start Again! I almost died protecting them all and all I get is a knife in my back!. In bold emerald green ink, Harry Potter was written. With her greatest enemy made her greatest supporter Harriet will face the world and the treats that come from beyond it. And both boys, who are first cousins, end up going on the adventures of every story in this massive crossover together as a result. It was something that would never change, just as his constant companion was Pain and Tragedy seemed to follow him. To his surprise, this isn't remotely the first time he had died, but to finally fulfil his destiny this time he will be sent back with his memories and some additional preparation thanks to some long dead people like the founders and a few of his ancestors. Have you thought about why he might be trying to get close to you?" Harry introduced Hermione to a guy who then forces her into an abusive marriage. A long time ago he was called Harry Potter. ON HAITUS (not for long, though, I reckon). Harry bashing. M for safety. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Yet this time, controlling her temper was a challenge for the young witch. You always favoured him over me. Tom Riddle is pissed off in any case. Harry is betrayed with her, but the fic is more about him than her. "Gran, was not very forgiving, he now has two girls Fleur and Gabriel one is slightly older then Hermione. Hermione is left picking up the pieces to try and fix his missing memories. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. ** Understanding your Allegiance (60K) and sequel Shadow Play (33K, WIP) by Marari. Believing this to be a sign of Draco's loyalty, The Dark Lord is proud of the young man's efforts. Surrounding him were his friends and family, just one key person was missing and should be here. Literally Death. Expressing remorse and regret is not enough, you know. the one where draco has a birthday unlike any other. So I'm really glad that you're not dragging us down anymore. "I feel no fear." says Hermione in a mature serious tone and she mean it. Hermione Granger-Malfoy always thought that she might have been sorted into the wrong house during her first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but there was hardly much proof. Daphne Greengrass finds this all amusing and Pansy is revolted but will change him to be the true Slytherin he should be (she cant believe she has to teach someone to be selfish). How do I forgive you?. At this point, the wizards, encouraged by him, sat down on the chairs one by one. Hermione Granger has been accused of being a traitor for the Order. Hermione said reading the whole decree and showing it to the Professors. Princess of Darkness by Vic92091 reviews. Updates every weekend! Beneath Your Window Chapter 1: The End, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction With unpredictable heat cycles and multiple mates, several of which she has yet to meet, Hermione can only wonder where this inheritance will take her. People accused me of being a traitor, a traitor! Dumbledore was wrong, Potter was dead. Hermione/Seamus. Upon a first touch she starts to remember everything. 5K complete. "Why couldn't you have just done what Ron has done. In fact, the harsh truth is he just doesn't know how to be anything but selfless and caring. -- Choice by juanafever . All the Marked Death Eaters in Azkaban are falling ill - Draco Malfoy and Theo Nott the worst among them. This first installment of the series focuses on Harriet and Voldemort and how things changed from canon after Voldemort's return. Features a competent, intelligent Harry with some awesome gadgets. 35K words, last update April 2004. "So you destroyed her reputation," said George to Ginny, looking horrified. * Where the Heart Is by darkgoddess2002. The Triwizard Tournaments have come to Hogwarts, and with them a certain danger to Harry, but she's used to that by now. From the Journal of Rose Granger (formerly Weasley): It's six months since Mum died. Hermione begins her sex-craved adventure at a young age. Harry hexed her on the streets despite the number of times she had helped him and believed him when no-one else did. Blaise married someone else because she was a Mudblood. He makes a Vow, swearing his life to her, a butterfly's flap of a wing that will change the very fate of the world. Why does the letter have no return address? Her eyes were filled with pain. He feels useless otherwise. Hermione argued with Harry and Ron about something she just can't remember what. Sirius Black, upon being faced with his goddaughter bleeding and half buried under rubble does the only thing he can. She asks them, who had each, respectively, become The Masters of Death. Harry faces a new set of challenges in her life, and though her friends are with her to the end, she still struggles to achieve her goals.In order to prepare for the future, Harry must learn from the past.Meanwhile, Albus and Gellert continue to struggle for control over each other's futures, and Aberforth is done with his brother's angst. Why are you not insulting me, calling me names now?_If you can come here and seek our part of the world, why cant we? A one-shot for the 2022 HP Yuletide Bliss Fic Fest, They did not do any of that out of the goodness of their hearts. Of course they would when none other than Ron Weasley was screaming it at the top of his lungs and Harry Potter said nothing. I wasnt looking for your approval; I was looking for understanding and guidance from my friends because I was so confused. My biased self considers those as 'Coming To Your Senses' fics. The Hufflepuffs, known for regarding loyalty very highly, were just as bad as, if not worse than, the Gryffindors, who had all taken to giving Hermione the cold shoulder. Due to personal bias, it also does not include fics where : Fics are labelled with * if I liked them, ** if I liked them a lot, -- if I don't remember them or haven't read them, () if they are included for completeness. After he woke from his coma, Draco Malfoy had lost a decade. * What Time Can Never Heal by M0jojojo. tl;dr It is May 2012 and Loki is coming to Earth for the Tesseract and to conquer but SHIELD and the Avengers wouldnt be standing alone against this threat. "Yes," Fred replied "I just miss her so much! Fred/Hermione. She glared at him. If either of you try to stop me from leaving I swear on your lives, I will not hesitate to risk getting thrown into Azkaban for murder. What do you mean Harry's been missing for six years? Old scores are settled but new enemies gather their forces, determined to crush the new British Ministry. No one had heard from or even seen Andromeda since announced her relationship with a muggleborn wizard and ran off almost two years ago to be with him. Human Stupidity Has No Limits Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction He could hardly be called a boy in the first place. You are a mere stepping stone on the way to a much greater goal. Ce texte est une mini-fic crite lors de la participation lASPIC (Ateliers Scripturaux Promouvant l'Imagination et la Crativit) organis par le serveur Discord Potterfictions. "It's not like you had any idea of what they were planning," states George, shaking his head. The books say Harry Potter is famous and powerful, but he has broken glasses, a too small body, and too cautious eyes. Why do the headmaster's eyes twinkle? Each of them stared at a figure wearing a mask similar to the one used by all Death Eaters. Name me one instance where Weasley and I argued and you supported me. Huffing in disgust, Fred continues, "She had her name ruined. He says that it's going great and that he took her to a fancy restaurant. They are sent back to stop themselves dying but it's easier said than done. OR Harry Ron and Hermione end up going back in time with their memories. I never thought we needed you, and I only agreed to be your friend because Harry felt bad about what we'd said to you back in first year, not because you're interesting or personable. It was no ones fault that this letter was not delivered, for the letter never had an address in the first place. Death wants to kill everyone and be done with it all, Dark Gellertin case there was a question about that, and I will add more tags if and when I think of them, referenced Gellert Grindelwald/Albus Dumbledore - Relationship, The Triwizard Tournaments are Gellert's playground, Harry and Tom have repeated conversations, Things will be happening differently than the book, Canon Divergence - Post-Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Not Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Compliant, Not Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Compliant. However, Coding and human memories are not meant to mix. 10K WIP. Every year, a new set of Hogwarts acceptance letters would be sent out to the young wixen throughout Britain. Which, Tom thought, after tailing him for several weeks, with how delicious the man looked in his oversized jumpers and messy just-fucked hair, was simply unnatural. The Ravenclaws, who had always been angry with a Gryffindor beating them all academically, were positively delighted with the chance to taunt the girl. When Voldemort announced Harry Potter is dead and the war islost.Just before Bellatrix came for her Kreacher apparited Hermione to no 12 Grimmauld place.Where, through an ancient elf magic he send Hermione and himself back in time..In the year 1961 an old elf appears at the door of a long-lost Black with a one-year-old baby in his arms.Who is the baby?Who is the Black?Was the elf Kreacher?What happens there is yet to find out. Hermione thought over what Harry, Ron and herself had tried during the winter break and kept wondering, where she had gone so wrong with the Polyjuice Potion. After several years, he discovered the truth. What the hell were you thinking!" She searched for the right words and decided to let her heart do the talking. A woman who wanted nothing to do with her past. Short Summary:Harry escaped the Dursley's at the age of five. No ships, perhaps a little boat at the end. She glared at him. I was falling for Draco Malfoy; it was not supposed to happen ever! Side by side they walk into the heart of the snake pit to get whats theirs. Just like that, the Fate of the Wizarding World is yet again disrupted. Everyone else knew about it, and many years later Harry and his friends visited Japan and the U.A, which they met the Pro-Heroes. Hermione has a secret that she has never shared with any of her other friends. Oneshot. Hermione Granger was not short tempered. Her husband, Draco Malfoy, constantly called her out for her Slytherin traits. After taking in that there was only one exit and the various objects scattered around the room Hermione already knew a lot about her new headmistress- she had learned that more information was learned through observation than actually talking to someone. When it all goes wrong by JustADoll. But. He paused again. And Harry Potter has been missing for over six years now. He was a monster. I'm the child of a love potion. Ginny killed Hermione. I don't know how I ever believed Ron in the first place. "You're right, you don't," Harry said, gesturing to the door. Now, three years later Hermione saw concern in Ginnys eyes. Add Tony building bodies for both of them and you get worried Avengers, Loki who makes a friend, avengers getting pranked by an AI, and a Nick Fury who wonders if someone should kill or commend Tony for his stupidity and genius. They may have the finery, but she held the dust and grime, the half-foot spaces, those were hers and hers alone. But Hermione was never one. There was not a soul in the Magical World that hadnt heard the name Black.It was rather infamous, you see. When Draco is asked to torture the young witch and doesn't, Voldemort's pride soon turns to betrayal as he finds himself searching for a means to completely punish the offender. It was a stupid idea, and two months later, she was killed in a rogue Death Eater accident. Under Voldemort's orders, Draco and Hermione are forced to marry in a humiliating ceremony, hoping to tarnish the Malfoy family's place within The Sacred 28, and Hermione's dignity of marrying into a family that loathes her. Not So Human Nature Chapter 1: Sacrifices, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction Disclaimer: Harry potter and all characters are the sole property of J.K. Rowling. She liked to think that she was pretty patient. As a result, she is ostracized by Harry and wizarding society, who refuse to find out exactly what happened. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Which means he doesnt know hes married, doesnt know his wife is pregnant and he doesnt know his wife is Hermione Granger. They do not care about you beyond what you can do for them. Hermione gave a jerky nod, and the ragged breath that followed emphasized how much it pained her to admit, and the redhead strengthened the hold around her shoulders. He cooks, he cleans, and he does whatever she says with no complaint. But they know that you only think about your studies. Ill get to the bottom of you. Hermione thought giving the book a grin. Its a smokescreen, Hermione rushed her words out as the beasts maw opened. "Oh she's thrilled. Ginny straightened herself. The story of how Hermione Granger became Hermione Malfoy, starts from before first year, hermione granger/antonin dolohov pairing. Hermione has been harboring a secret since their failed Polyjuice in second year where she accidentally turned herself into a Neko, a condition that that has no known cure. She had just gotten her letter days before telling her what she needed from the magical shopping center. In fact, the Slytherins began to attack her more often, in the corridors, in classrooms, because she could not defend herself against a whole group of them. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. However the downside is the requirement that her last name was changed back to Black." "Really, so Hermione here is not a Granger," Bill mused. Expect creature Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and Neville, harems and steamy fun. It was for me to decide, Ginny, not you, or Harry or anyone; you should have trusted me. The Fates could have worked with Harry Potter, son of James Potter but when the chance came to steer Loki into Lilys path so they might conceive a child together? When they are forced to work together over the Gem Murders case, can the past be forgotton?