One study found that adding fenugreek to a carbohydrate-containing meal increased satiety (fullness) in overweight or obese individuals (21). Avoid ultra processed foods, sugary drinks and excessive amounts of alcohol (22). I have been taking fenugreek for more than five years now, no acne, it maybe just a coincidence. I have ovarian cancer that cannot be cured . Other studies have also found increased satiety and reduced food intake with fenugreek supplementation. For 1 week. . A measly two tablespoons have up to eight grams of sugar and 40 calories! They also experienced reductions in total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels (, Fenugreek is also thought to increase the breakdown of fat cells and reduce the absorption of fat from the gut. This has been a fear of mine. You see, when your body runs very low on sugar, it will reduce your energy levels dramatically, and you will feel an almost immediate low! Second, eating a healthy diet is essential for weight loss. Gaining Weight? Your Medication May Be to Blame - DSM Can fenugreek cause weight gain? It results in rapid weight gain in your face (sometimes called "moon face"), belly, back of your neck (sometimes called "buffalo hump") and chest. legumes which are not that popular but can greatly help managing diabetes. Fenugreek: Health Benefits, Nutritional Facts, and More - WebMD I recently had a baby 2 months ago, I stopped breast feeding after 1 month I decided to start breast feeding again when baby was 2 months. Learn more about fenugreek's benefits, safety, and side effects here. Weight Gain You may gain weight when taking fenugreek due to its appetite stimulating properties, according to "Herbs, Botanicals and Teas" by G. Mazza and B. Dave Oomah. Fenugreek is a phytoestrogen, which means its a plant compound that may have weak estrogen-like effects in the body (16). I have no issues with fenugreek body odour because its a clear sign that its amazing compounds and antioxidants are working and are spreading throughout my body. Hi Sahar, Thank you for your reply. One study found that rats given fenugreek seed extract on a high fat diet had less weight gain and body fat accumulation and improved markers of glucose and lipid metabolism (, Additionally, fenugreek is a source of an amino acid called, Finally, fenugreek extract may increase the levels of hormones testosterone and adiponectin. some have even e-mailed me with some very scary subject lines such as these: my period has disappeared or the bleeding wont stop. Dont get discouraged, please, I have been there and sometimes, it can be really depressing not seeing results. Conflicting evidence exists as to whether fenugreek can help with weight loss or weight gain. It may also lower blood sugar levels, so if you have diabetes, be sure to monitor your blood sugar closely. What do you eat and drink for morning, lunch and dinner? If youre interested in using fenugreek for weight loss, there are several ways to add it to your diet. However, there is one very important distinction I need to make, this study was done on mice, its true, we arent mice, however, from my experience, any weight gain I have noticed came not because I was taking fenugreek supplements or ground fenugreek seeds, but because I wasnt paying close attention to what I was eating daily, in other words, whenever I let myself go, whether on fenugreek or not, I would gain weight. Some people also make fenugreek water by soaking the seeds in water overnight and sipping on it like tea. Of course, if you are suffering from liver or kidney issues, you should consult your doctor first before taking anything. They also experienced reductions in total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels (9). Two systematic reviews examined fenugreek's potential for controlling blood glucose (sugar). Key Takeaways. Van fenugreek be our savior to increase testosterone and libido it to normal again? Hi Sahar fenugreek taking may can iffect for Prosted gland or not please let me know ? Hello Liza, I took fenugreek for five years, in fact, I just had it this morning and I have never felt this happy, let me remind you that its a natural ingredient that has been consumed by humans for thousands of years, even when it comes to its side effects, depression isnt one of them. Hello, its not normal, have you been doing breast massage? Cobalamin 0%. For Kat: Look into taking unpasteurized honey from your local bee keepers. How to make fenugreek tea? 1. Fenugreek is an herb and supplement that has many benefits for your health.,,,, If someone is experiencing diarrhea after eating fenugreek, its certainly because of the amount he or she has ingested, however if the amount consumed is very small and the diarrhea is painful and abnormal, then fenugreek consumption should be stopped immediately and its essential to consult your doctor. Waiting for ur reply, tnks. sudden loss of coordination. I have been using fenugreek oil for breast enlargement in the early morning and before I skeep. This can cause a decrease in testosterone level and libido, which is what has been happening lately. Hi Sahar, I didnt get any answer to my previous post so posting my comment again. However, if you enjoy the taste of fenugreek, using it in dishes like soups, stews, and curries can make them more enjoyable for you, which can help you eat more. Fenugreek has been used for centuries to treat various health conditions in alternative medicine. Thank you! High doses of fenugreek have also been associated with adverse effects on fertility and pregnancy. Should I continue taking it? As mentioned before, fenugreek seeds are one of the best ways to gain weight as they increase your appetite and also relax your stomach muscles and rid your intestines of gas, bloating, and constipation, which is a big no-no if you'd like to gain weight. Fibers in fenugreek seeds can cause gas and even diarrhea in nursing infants. A study of 18 healthy people with obesity showed that consuming 8 grams of fenugreek fiber with breakfast significantly increased satiety. Can fenugreek cause weight gain? Use of more than 100 grams of fenugreek seeds daily can cause intestinal distress and nausea (recommended dose is less than 8 grams per day). i have just studied about benefits n side effects of taking fenugreek .can anybody clear that to me should i take the fenugreek regular in mentiond amount coz my mother passed away coz of brest is it good for me to use?i m looking forward to see the responce.thanks, Hi indu, so sorry to read about your mother and Im also so glad to see that you are taking actions to protect and prevent yourself from contracting cancer. Maca Root and Weight Gain: What you need to know Of course you should stop taking it, and the cramps are probably due to indigestion. In one meta-analysis, fenugreek was found to increase milk production in nursing mothers (7). We will process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy. These plant hormones are going to mimic hormones in the females body which are going to have a significant effect on the morphology of a mans chest. I have read most of the comments above. The Side Effects of Fenugreek on the Appetite | livestrong Symptoms of an overactive thyroid. I have breast cancer running in my family too and I fear that one day it will ruin my life and that of my children, thats why I really think that whatever foods that help the immune system and balance the good functioning of the body can be tremendous for preventing cancer. Fenugreek contains a considerable amount of fibres, more than 3g in each serving of 11g of ground fenugreek seeds, these fibres are the ones responsible for helping people with constipation, but they are also the ones responsible for making people have gas and bloating as well! Fenugreek has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for a variety of purposes. Native to the Mediterranean region, western Asia, and Europe, fenugreek is an herb used for medicine and cooking . Hi sahar,, I have been taking fenugreek alone for a month,, Im seeing visible results thats really great.. You may gain weight when taking fenugreek due to its appetite stimulating properties, according to "Herbs, Botanicals and Teas" by G. What are the symptoms of a overactive thyroid? Can it be used topically ? Fenugreek is a versatile herb and can be used in cooking or supplement form. What Does Testosterone Do: 5 Best Pills and Supplements To Increase Good luck, That was even better than your post, not to say that its bad, bur I got much help from this comment. Should I increase to 3x/day? Gaining weight takes time, so dont expect to see results overnight. Pls, is fenugreek powder good for weight loss & how do I take it to get result. I am hesitant about decreasing the recommended dosage for fear that it wont be effective enough for increase in milk supply. Is this true, and how long before you notice a difference. See additional information. Finally, make sure to get enough sleep. You can also take fenugreek supplements in capsule or tablet form. In this post, you are going to learn about the most dangerous fenugreek side effects and how you can avoid them. In addition to adding fenugreek to your diet, there are other lifestyle changes you can make to lose weight and keep it off. My mom recently recommended me to take fenugreek capsules for my horrible allergies. This article reviews whether they can promote hair and scalp. I eat alot fenugreek sprouts and still no man boobs. Unfortunately, I couldnt find any information about the time it takes fenugreek to leave our system, but since our body is going to deal with fenugreek compounds as any other molecule we ingest, I thought to myself that as a point of reference, I could take the information we already know about the way our body handles alcohol. Since can diabetic medications cause weight gain its official launch on April 1, 2005, the best daytime cold medicine for diabetes People s Concern diabetic medication called diametron or dimetron column has always adhered to the mainstream media, the people s sentimental propaganda concept, has formed a good reputation in the hearts of the herbs for diabetics people, and has maintained a . If your doctor has recommended that you gain weight, youll need to make changes that increase your calorie intake. Will Fenugreek Make Me Lactate? - Sweetish Hill Morever I consumed it in empty stomach. Neither dose affects weight, appetite, or fullness. While the current research is promising, more robust human studies are needed to confirm fenugreeks potential weight loss benefits. Be sure to include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats in your diet. Vitamin A 0%. PCOS Weight Loss Tips. Im also taking Fenugreek to increase my milk supply for my 3 month old and Ive also been taking 2, 610mg twice a day as recommended on the bottle. Fenugreek Tea Consuming fenugreek can help you gain weight by increasing your appetite [8] . Diarrhoea is only going to occur when you have a lot of ground fenugreek seeds! The answer depends on the form of fenugreek you have been taking, as mentioned before, ground fenugreek seeds contain more fibre and thus may stay in your system for much longer, the rate of your metabolism plays a crucial role as well. So sorry for not answering earlier, so, for fenugreek, I have never heard of it being used for treating allergies, this doesnt mean that you cant use it, you should use it if you ask me, there is nothing to worry about when it comes to side effects since you are dealing with an herb. Again, I keep receiving so many e-mails from different women complaining that fenugreek made them gain weight. For breastfeeding women, fenugreek . One study in mice linked high doses to decreased fertility and an increased risk of birth defects (7). As far as side effects, I have never experienced mood swings or depression while taking fenugreek, did you check your vitamin D levels? I have more of a question than a comment. Fenugreek is sometimes used to increase milk production in breastfeeding mothers. Also Ive used this powder for my hair and had really good results :) thanks for the post! metabolism slowing down with age. What about your diet? Im insulin dependent diabetic for 35 years, type 1 and I want to try Fenugreek. For centuries, the herb has also been used in alternative medicine to treat various health conditions, such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity. I am looking to counterattack that. They're not only nutritious but also a great source of . Rapid weight gain: 11 underlying causes and what to do - Medical News Today In addition to adding fenugreek to your diet, make sure to fill up on other nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats. Thanks for the information youve provided. Here. But many people need to take them for long periods of time, which can increase the chances of gaining weight. In addition to its possible role as an appetite suppressant, fenugreek is also believed to aid weight loss through several mechanisms. Thats so strange, how much have you been taking? Bacopa monnieri is a plant that has been associated with a host of health benefits, including enhanced brain function and reduced stress levels. I measured before taking it was 30.8 inch, now also it is 30.8 inch. Weight Gain You may gain weight when taking fenugreek due to its appetite stimulating properties, according to "Herbs, Botanicals and Teas" by G. Mazza and B. The twenty third side effect of fenugreek is: Science has proven that fenugreek doesnt make you gain weight. If it does, then you need to understand that you are dealing with a very powerful kind of fenugreek oil and it can cause your skin damages if used on a large portion of your body. puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue. Fenugreek: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage - Verywell Health Hi Sahar, I started taking Fenugreek 2 weeks ago and have recently started my birth control (the pill) as well. But still after going through your blog I thought to try fenugreek seeds and capsules for my small breasts. Do not mix honey in warm/hot water as it becomes toxic when heated or mixed with anything hot and can cause more harm than good. It contains protective phytoestrogens that have been linked with a decrease of breast and ovarian cancer in women, however, relaying only on fenugreek is a bad thing, you have to avoid loading your body with dairy products as they are loaded with hormones that are going to affect the good functioning of breasts and ovaries! Hi, recently I went through this website. Soaked fenugreek seeds may have fewer side effects, on the condition that you throw away the water, however, lets be honest, most of the nutrition is going to be thrown away once you get rid of the fenugreek water. And Im using fenugreek powder that is available in shop and I have been experiencing symptoms of periods before 2 weeks,is tat bad? Fenugreek: An Herb with Impressive Health Benefits Hello, I am using fenugreek essential oil in a roll on blend to decrease and help regulate blood sugar. I have used it once in a while ever since. Throughout my website, Ive had many comments from different men asking about the dangers of taking fenugreek seeds, and after many comments and questions, I came to realize that most men are afraid of getting boobs! Yes. The problem comes when you start consuming a large number of fenugreek capsules or pills, thats when you are going to hurt yourself the most. To further increase your weight gaining chances drink fenugreek tea. So, follow a healthy diet that relays on whole starchy foods like potatoes and whole grains and add to your daily meals lots of fruits and vegetables. Warmly Reply Breast Enhancement 5 User Reviews Write a review Posted by Samantha (Mt) on 06/08/2020 Fiber helps add bulk to the stool, which can make bowel movements easier and help reduce constipation. For Sahar: Thank you for all of the good, useful information on fenugreek seed consumption. This can cause weight gain. So, use this information as a point of reference, just let me tell you that I have noticed the same effects as well, this time, with fenugreek odour. But before explaining how this happens, answer the following question: When you step on a scale, what do you see? Thanks Sahar . well they do say to take ground fenugreek :/. Check out the app and experience the fun side of fitness and dieting with BetterMe! Your Ultimate Guide On What To Eat Before Early Morning Workout Bodybuilding Sessions, 20 Coffee With Cinnamon Benefits You Wish You Knew Earlier. I know of a lot of other women who take fenugreek for the breast enhancing effects or other benefits (it actually has many health benefits), and it has no impact on their weight. Will just the powder and water cleanse my skin enough? Of course, Im not saying that fenugreek is medicine for PMS, you need to consult with your doctor before attempting to do anything if you are suffering from period pain or cramps, however, for me, it improved my situation a lot. The seeds also are used in feed for horses and cattle to promote weight gain. Thanks so much. Fiber may also help reduce the risk of other digestive problems like hemorrhoids and diverticulitis (14). Whenever you sweat, but as I have just written, it will go away when you use a good deodorant. If youre taking fenugreek supplements, be sure to follow the instructions on the package and always talk to your doctor first. Fenugreek does not cause weight gain ineverywoman (as I said, 2 years ago, I myself did not experience this downside). Its highly preferable if you have never consumed fenugreek before to start very slowly, dont exceed the 6 g a day limit, and if you are noticing any changes in your health, stop immediately! I only want to take 1/2 a teaspoon a day preferrable in my hot grits in the morning. Yes, that is true, but it can also interfere with many drugs, especially those related to blood pressure, better consult with a doctor before he starts taking it. How are you consuming fenugreek? Curry powder is a mixture of spices that has a bright golden hue and a complex flavor. Thank you for such great and feedback to many. Fenugreek is good for hormone leveling, but may cause weight gain Many women use fenugreek as a natural herbal estrogen supplement, but women should be aware that the use of this herb can cause unwanted weight gain. Fenugreek has been shown to lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes (1). Nonsense site with lies. Many people are hypersensitive to fenugreek; these are the one who will experience allergic symptoms such as, besides the ones I have just cited, coughing, wheezing, skin rash, facial swelling and even nasal congestion! Yes, but with the right diet, you can maintain long term results. I have great breast development and large robust nipples. Im sorry Valerie, I havent used fenugreek for rosacea before, I dont think its going to cleanse your skin deeply, but you need to give it a try, and yes, it does wonders when it comes to hair growth and texture. As with any supplement, its important to talk to your doctor before taking fenugreek for weight loss or any other purpose. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility! Can this happen? In recent years, fenugreek has gained popularity for its purported effects on body weight. Please, if any of these side effects persist, check with your doctor. Its normal for your sweat to become pungent and smelly because it will contain many aromatic compounds that act as antioxidants and protect your body from infections and free radicles. Are you still there Sahar? In fact, this is what most women have noticed as well, Im sure that you are going to say that since fenugreek increases the appetite, then, it increases weight gain as well! This can happen in some people, its like, in my opinion, asparagus smell, some people are going to notice it while others arent. How would this benefit me with my diabetes? Fenugreek seeds contain a compound thats thought to mimic the effects of the hormone prolactin, which is important for milk production. The pollen in the honey will help your body accept the things that cause your histamines to cause the allergic reactions. My advice is to only start with one teaspoon a day, its just fine. Fenugreek Seeds Benefit Men's Testosterone & Women's Breast? I repeat, this side effect is nothing to worry about, its harmless, and its going to disappear once you stop consuming fenugreek. Just make sure it is unpasteurized though because by pasteurizing the honey, it kills off all the good healing properties. 23 Benefits Of Fenugreek Powder For Skin, Hair, & Health - STYLECRAZE 2023 Healthline Media LLC. But is it safe to rub fenugreek oil on boobs because it seems you are kind of against using it? Fenugreek seeds contain fiber and other nutrients that may help reduce cholesterol levels. Great information. In other words; they are going to increase the lining of the uterus which is going to produce much more flow during menstruation. Im so sorry to read this, she needs to stay away from herbal preparations and supplements, so, no fenugreek and she also needs to consult with her doctor as herbs can interact with many drugs and medicinal compounds. One more thing, most fenugreek essential oil sold nowadays isnt 100% pure; in other words, its usually mixed with other non-essential oils like olive or grapeseed. however, there is a very important issue we need to talk about right now: Its the fact that most fenugreek capsules and pills when you exceed the recommended daily dosage, are going to cause more side effects than the ones we have been talking about. The overconsumption of fenugreek can be associated with different skin problems, ranging from rash, hives and even hair issues. It is said by some to increase appetite and promote weight gain, but limited scientific evidence suggests that it may actually help you feel full and eat less. No health issues. f youre interested in using fenugreek for weight loss, there are several ways to add it to your diet. Hi Sahar, Thanks for your reply. Im really concerned about this. Instead, it promotes weight loss. 9. thank you so much for this website. Stress can lead to unhealthy eating habits, so its important to find ways to manage it (22). But I couldnt find an inch increase in my breasts. Whats the difference between unroasted ground fenugreek and the roasted ground one? stopping of menstrual bleeding. Be sure to include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats in your diet. Getty Images. If you are using blood sugar lowering medications or insulin, stay away from fenugreek. Is fenugreek veggies bad for women who had breast cancer. Get some kimchi and sauerkraut and then follow up with the fenugreek. Estrogen is a hormone that plays an important role in the menstrual cycle. These substances may offer health benefits, such as improved digestion, blood sugar control and inflammation reduction (2). ). Conflicting evidence exists as to whether fenugreek can help with weight loss or weight gain. I have NO idea where it came from but I got here and got fascinated! Lifestyle Factors To Consider shortness of breath. It boasts a strong maple flavor and is a common ingredient in Indian cuisine. No, according to many studies, plants with high amounts of phyto-hormones have been found to even help women with breast cancer. Diabetes: Can Fenugreek Lower My Blood Sugar? You need to be careful when starting to take it, start very slowly and try to notice any changes in your health. In fact, North African women eat fenugreek seeds to plump themselves up prior to marriage. ). Fenugreek seeds are high in fiber, which can help you feel full and eat less. Here are 4 fresh fruits that can help you gain weight. soaked in water or putting it in my mouth then add water and swallow? it was cleared all my doubts. Looking forward for your response. If you are experiencing this side effect, dont worry, it doesnt mean that you are suffering from urinary tract infection or other bacterial issues. Can you take fenugreek and corriander seed together??