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Its a relatively faithful adaptation of Kings story (at least for the first two-thirds) that focuses entirely on Carries story as it unfolds, eschewing the epistolary aspect of the novel the interviews, textbook excerpts and reports that provide meta-commentary on the events of prom night. This ending is a significant departure from all previous version of the characters, which makes sense for a film exists not so much to adapt Kings book but to provide an origin story for a new series. Blood is a primary part of the tale of Carrie as her life circled it. Director Brian De Palma's mastery here isn't in satisfying our expectation for teenage-psychic carnage. Kimberley Pierces 2013 adaptation of Carrie had a famously troubled production and post-production. All rights reserved. They should really put a sign up: "Don't flush tampons down the toilet, or throw them at each other ." Importantly, though, Sue is the only one who seems to feel bad about it. There is a sonic flashback of Carries mother stating theyre all going to laugh at you on a loop, (previous things her tormentors have said are also in the sonic flashback) this reveals Carries motive for her revenge. A man patronizingly tells Sue that she was under an enormous amount of stress and asks if its. She is complicit in bullying Carrie in the infamous shower scene and continues to think about Carrie in sometimes uncharitable terms (she could take better care of herself she does look just like a GODDAMN TOAD). It did not go well. She acknowledges that yes, her boyfriend and all of her friends died that night, but she knows what she saw. Gender, sexuality and representation throughout each Carrie adaptation Sue finds Carrie in the parking lot and tries talking to her, but Carrie tries to hurt her, thinking she knew about the plan to humiliate her. . Carrie: Directed by Kimberly Peirce. She isnt pretty. To prepare for her role as Carrie, Sissy Spacek deliberately isolated herself from the rest of her cast members while on set. Carrie's body-shame was handed down by her mom, who's first seen in a prologue giving birth to Carrie, then briefly considering killing her with the same scissors she will ultimately use to cut the cord. write out a theme statement for Femininity in the book. Carrie just happens to be the weakest so she bears the brunt of the evil which explodes forth from Chris. The music compliments the slow motion as they both slowly drawl out the process of Carries prank, when the editing becomes more fast paced so does the score, this indicates the approaching terror. Corn syrup was used for the gallons of pig's blood the bullying teens dump on Carrie during the climax of the movie. Following her performance, Spacek was nominated for Best Leading Actress at the 1977 Academy Awards. Margaret White and Chris Hargensen take the role Carrie occupies at the end of the other adaptations with Carrie essentially taking on Sues role. And though you know what's coming, the scene still works fantastically. King crafts a lean, chilling, and insightful story that has at its heart a pair of complicated teenage girls who resist easy characterization. Actually, its worth noting Carrie spares Sue that fright. Sue Snell in Carrie | Shmoop Chris and Billy escape as Carrie ignites the schools fuel tanks, killing everyone inside the building. It's sincerely interested in exploring the pain that its characters suffer and inflict. Interiority is not the provenance of the novel alone. CARRIE: On Bullying, Revenge And Female Taboos - Film Inquiry hallucination, then pulls of her wig and stars pensively into the distance. The words Carrie White burns in hell appear again here, this time scrawled in red paint across Carries actual gravestone. Pierces original aim was to to be a reinterpretation of Kings novel; there are rumoured to be 40 minutes of cut footage, including filmed versions of many of the White Commission. This kind of horror story suits a spooky or bloody twist ending; it may even demand one. The frantic score is interwoven with sounds of screaming which increase the horror elements of the scene. Although Carrie can be seen as a horror film, it is dominantly a "Coming of Age" story due to the conflicts that are presented against Carrie. In this dream Sue dressed in a white flowing gown and holding a colourful bouquet of flowers, walks toward the site of the former White house, where Carrie White burns in hell is scrawled in red paint across a For Sale sign. I'm going to analyse a scene from Brian De Palma's Carrie. If we accept that Carrie has suddenly become a ghost, we can be reasonably sure she isnt haunting Sue. After that, they were thrown out of the garden of their innocence, or ignorance; each counterplot or attempt to make amends is a doomed attempt to return to the garden. During her rampage, Carrie was projecting her thoughts into the minds of others, allowing Sue to track her down. Moore's Margaret is a purely pitable figure who scratches and cuts her own flesh, and who cannot love herself, let alone a child. The use of cross cutting creates a chaotic atmosphere as the tension swells as the hazy lighting blurs the focal points, this serves as the climax. The diegetic sound of Carrie gasping can be heard, this marks the first diegetic sound of the characters. Margaret White and Chris Hargensen take the role Carrie occupies at the end of the other adaptations with Carrie essentially taking on Sues role. Peirce's version sometimes makes Chris seem a bit of a victim, too, by implying that she was spoiled rotten by her yuppie dadplayed by a perfectly cast Hart Bochner, a.k.a. It happens almost entirely inside a teenage girls head, a place we know Hollywood is often reluctant to go. Ehiosun, Joshua "Carrie Plot Summary " Book Analysis, Its after this point that things take a turn for the nonsensical. This ending sits a lot more strangely with the rest of Pierces film because it seems to undermine the connection established between Sue and Carrie at Carries death by ending on a note of fear. Carrie essays are academic essays for citation. Chris decides to exert her revenge on Carrie by ruining her prom and employs the help of her boyfriend and his gang. The shot lingers on the hysterical Carrie forcing us to sympathise with her and possibly even ignore her approaching actions. Show her that if she had remained sinless the Curse of Blood never would have come on her. Bullying Motif. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Carrie by Stephen King. I. t happens almost entirely inside a teenage girls head, a place we know Hollywood is often reluctant to go. At home she is bullied for not being perfect in her . There is also diegetic sound present but it can barely be heard due to the score, ambient noises of people clapping and cheering for Carrie is contrasted to the slightly frantic score. Carrie returns home to confront her mother, who calls her a spawn of Satan. After you claim a section youll have 24 hours to send in a draft. No,Carrieends with blood, pain, shame, and regrets. There is a rich use of figurative language inCarrie.From describing her mother to describing her power and those she hated, there is a rich use of Simile and Metaphors in the novel. Chris is the sinning woman that Carries momma should be praying for. The movie links Carrie's burgeoning power to creativity, watching her develop her gifts until, at the end, she is assured enough to preside over a combination Grand Guignol play and art exhibit. Considering the millions of words devoted to analyzing Stephen Kings novel Carrie in light of the abundance of religious imagery and the seemingly unlikely coincidental naming of a major character, it is actually surprising how rarely one comes across an interpretation that almost begs to be examined. Each killing is a discrete work employing different media and techniques: death by psychic assault, by trampling, by electrocution, by fire, by face-through-glass. . Suddenly, a bloody hand emerges from between Sues legs. Five different endings. Blood reinforces the horror part of the genre. In the beginning of my section, pages 217 to 290, Carrie is onstage at the prom and just won prom queen. Still, Peirce's movie does have a nod to this dress in Sue's unworn prom . Spacek wore a sailor dress made for her as a child and smeared Vaseline in her hair prior to the audition, which she hit out of the park. But films have represented and adapted wordless communication in a variety of interesting, effective ways. Carrie White is, famously, a victim of bullying and abuse, but in Kings hands she isnt a perfect victim. Frankly, though, it reads less like a thoughtful addition to the rest of the film and more like a half-hearted capitulation to the genre dictate to end on a scare. After she got her first period and asked her mother for answers, Margaret began quoting false scriptures that never existed in the bible; this gave an insight into the fact that Margaret believed that anything related to blood had to be evil and from Satan. Sue decides to meet her as she hears the telepathic message. But she was just like me. Where Brian DePalma's 1976 version of Stephen King's novel was a teenage girl's nightmare as seen through the eyes of a straight male voyeur, this one looks through a wider lens, and strikes more universal notes of sympathy. The horrific mayhem that surrounded the scene enabled for a satisfying means to an end; justice had been served. Even though its ending was tragic, the story followed Carrie as she transformed from a young girl into a woman. The horror most strongly associated with. Stephen King also pushes the storys narrative with the gruesome explanation of terrible events; this employs Hyperbole. Psychokinetic retribution. The crossing cutting between Carrie on the stage, and the audience and Chris and her boyfriend, creates a frantic atmosphere as the audience are aware of Chris plan but feel happy for Carrie as she is being praised. The camera is static when showing Carrie, in contrast to her victims, this shows that she is now in control. Carrie is one of the most iconic horror movies ever made, and here are 10 interesting behind the scenes facts about the film. De Palma opted to keep the shot in the film, even though Soles was so badly hurt that she could not hear out of one ear for the following six months before the eardrum eventually mended. But films have represented and adapted wordless communication in a variety of interesting, effective ways. In contrast to DePalma's version, Carrie's mom seems less a standard-issue, frothing-at-the-mouth "religious nut" movie character than a mentally ill single mom, eking out a living as a seamstress and dry cleaner. The most literal, clumsy interpretation would be that Sue is now wedded to her trauma of that night. The final scene of de Palmas film begins with Sues mother talking on the phone about Sues slow recovery from the trauma of prom night. An adverse effect of Carries ostracization was her not even knowing how the female body works. The novel ends with an Appalachian woman writing to her sister about her daughter, who exhibited telekinetic powers. And when Carrie unleashes the full brunt of her powers, it's a magnificent and appalling spectaclethe teenage sci-fi rampage that the "X-Men" films never dared show us. Due to how well the book articulated its themes in the life of its characters, Carrie was regarded as an excellent first book for Stephen King. The story gets euphoric when Carrie begins to unleash terror on her classmates, and even though the reader feels bad for the innocent people of Chamberlain, they get forced to side with the main character who suffered the most. The 10 Best Brian De Palma Movies, Ranked (According To IMDB). The effect of the slow editing teases the audience as it builds the suspense, the use of slow motion makes the viewer anticipate what Carries reaction is going to be like. Carrie got tormented by her mother, who seemed to be far from reality; this forced Carrie into social ostracization and limited mental capability. Carries momma had also warned her daughter, on more than one occasion. Though Sue tried desperately to atone for her sin and make Carries life better, she ended up making her life worse; this made Sue a passive antagonist in Carries life. There is a difference, though. Interiority is not the provenance of the novel alone. These various adapted endings all have their points of interest but its hard to argue with Kings original. To create a surreal effect, the shot was filmed backward. There is a straight cut to a POV shot of the audience from Carries perspective. RELATED: Every Carrie Movie Ranked, Worst To Best. Carries rage extends to all of Chamberlain as she delivers a telepathic message to Chamberlains citizens and then rains hell on them by destroying buildings and killing people. Swearing revenge on Carrie, Chris brings her father to school but gets banned from the school prom. It establishes a connection between the two girls and gives Sue a voice to tell their stories. Frankly, though, it reads less like a thoughtful addition to the rest of the film and more like a half-hearted capitulation to the genre dictate to end on a scare. She isnt smart. Carries mother forces her into the closet. Sue is disdainful of the future she very easily sees for herself, the same future as so many other girls like her: marrying her high school boyfriend, never leaving town, and joining the local country club. The fact that there is non-diegetic and diegetic sound but no dialogue may suggest that the impending violence cant be justified by verbal means, instead what happens is based on the heat of the moment. The camera pans toward Sue sleeping on a makeshift bed in the living room and then fades into a misty dream sequence (famously made eerie by being filmed backward and then reversed to play forward in editing). likely calls to mind one of two iconic scenes: Carrie getting her period for the first time in the school shower and being pelted with tampons as her classmates scream Plug it up! or Carrie wreaking fatal havoc on a gym full of students after being drenched in pigs blood just as she was crowned prom queen. This measure was also taken to maintain visual continuity in the film, as the fake blood would often dry under the hot filming lights and stick to Spacek's body. The community's original sin was attacking Carrie in the shower, humiliating her for manifesting signs of Eve's "curse." Mentioning Stephen King's classic 1974 horror novel likely calls to mind one of two iconic scenes: Carrie getting her period for the first time in the school shower and being pelted with tampons as her classmates scream "Plug it up!" or Carrie wreaking fatal havoc on a gym full of students after being drenched in pig's blood just as she was Anatomy of a Scene: The Many Endings of Carrie - BOOK RIOT In the final scene of Pierces theatrical cut, Sue is interviewed by an investigative committee, the only extant footage of the White Commission. Prom Dress. The prom is a masterpiece of mixed-media slaughter, "Hellraiser" by way of Columbine. It is a scenecomprised of telepathic communication. Even when Carrie tried her best to fit in, she still got rejected; this only added to her torture. This infantilizing is made clear when her mother fails to tell her about menstruation, her first period being her rite of passage, as it were, into womanhood. Whatever the book. Carrie passes a telepathic message to everyone in Chamberlain as she unleashes terror on the entire town. However, the novel also tended towards the young adult fiction genre as it used elements of fantasy and fiction in character building. She stabs Carrie in the shoulder. A character analysis of Carrie reveals an adolescent who is unable to separate psychologically from her mother. It belongs to the culture. Analysis Paragraphs: The ending of the book Carrie by Stephen King is very unique. Not for nothing does Carrie check out library books on magic as well as paranormal power: when she becomes a gore-drenched avenging angel, her gestures become more ritualized, almost dancer-likeas if she's not just committing gruesome murders, but in some sense "presenting" them, as a performer might. The camera stays on the gravestone as Sues black-booted feet walk away and an electric guitar riff starts up. Momma had told her there was Something. With Julianne Moore, Chlo Grace Moretz, Gabriella Wilde, Portia Doubleday. The role marked the first time Laurie acted in a film since The Hustler in 1961. The reader never learns if Sue Snell marries or joins a country club, but we do know that she wrote a book, a memoir of her account of what happened on prom night that both exonerates her from implication in Chris Hargensens horrific prank and humanizes Carrie. Because Carrie is an abused child, she feels ugly; because she feels ugly, she radiates a sense of worthlessness. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. Carrie Symbols, Allegory and Motifs | GradeSaver Brian De Palma has forged a reputation as a director who often pays homage to his cinematic idol, Alfred Hitchcock. Carrie's prom scene serves as a climatic eruption of revenge. Carrie Climax Prom Scene - Classic Scene - Esquire By ending with this reference de Palma aligns Carrie with these psychopaths, recasts Carrie simply as a creature haunting Sues unconscious. Unlike in de Palmas film, there is no indication that the gravestone shattering moment exists in the context a dream: Sue doesnt even see the stone shatter, only the audience does. Carrie makes it home to kill Momma. A bond, however conflicted and short-lived, forged between the pair. Sue, one of the girls who bullied Carrie, felt guilty for what she did, and trying to atone for her misconduct, she tells her boyfriend, Tommy, to ask Carrie to prom. As Sue walks away, Carrie feels a hand clap her on the shoulder. Sue remains firm. The one thing which that description does not apply to throughout most of the book isCarrie White. To remain in the character's tormented headspace, Spacek returned to her trailer after three full days of filming and would sleep in her gore-sodden wardrobe. Soon, the vote for the prom king and queen begins, and because of Chris rigging the vote, Carrie and Tommy get crowned prom king and queen. Quite a large percentage of those millions of words of analysis delve into the symbolism of blood throughout the novel and connection between Carrie Whites telekinetic powers manifesting so soon after her first menstruation. Im going to get her! The intention of the editing and sound is to set up tension in the build up to the pig's blood being poured on Carrie. The fact that Carrie is silent about the abuse she suffers at home and school is contrasted to the prom scene where she is also silent but she finally takes control and the silence signifies that. Its a relatively faithful adaptation of Kings story (at least for the first two-thirds) that focuses entirely on Carries story as it unfolds, eschewing the epistolary aspect of the novel the interviews, textbook excerpts and reports that provide meta-commentary on the events of prom night. She never cranked the volume up when the Ramones blared through the radio speakers. Their clapping stops and the score slowly distorts into an empty silence, the only diegetic sound present is the dripping of the blood from the bucket. However, Chris sets her plan into motion. Once Sue passes, the music builds, nearby fallen leaves begin to levitate in the air, and, with the sound of a scream, Carries headstone cracks. She had hopes and she had fears. In high school, Carrie begins to experience what being a woman was about as she got her first period in the shower room after gym class. Becoming prom queen was a realization for Carrie, and even after she felt that being crowned would be one of her best memories, it became the sole memory she dreaded. Piper Laurie also scored an Oscar nod for her performance as Margaret White, Carrie's abusive and religiously fanatical mother. She may have committed the Sin of Lustful Thoughts. Curiously, for such a secular movie, this "Carrie" lends Biblical significance to every blood drop spilled. In the end of Deliverance, the protagonist is jolted awake by a nightmare of the sadistic cannibal strangers who hunted him throughout the film. Class differences play a part in Carrie's mistreatment; a few early shots establish that Carrie and Margaret live far from the obviously privileged high school, in a modest neighborhood. Whatever the book. Ironically, despite her own desperate desire to fit in, it is Carrie who frees Sue from a life of stifling conformity. Its about the horror of being alone in the dark. Sue remains firm. The epistolary style of writing adopted by Stephen King madeCarrieeerily realistic as Stephen King used different peoples perspectives to narrate the events of Carries life and death. It's been referenced and indexed and parodied (and soon, remade) so exhaustively that it no longer seems like a part of the movie. It stands alone. Carrie had some kind of power. Analysis of 'Carrie' - Infinite Ocean In the original script, a hail of rocks and boulders rain down on the White's house and crush the structure to rubble. All of Carrie's pent up emotions from the malevolent bullying she had faced throughout the film were finally released. After the incident at prom, Carrie snapped, and that was when all her emotions of hate and revenge came flooding back in. Momma tells her how she almost killed herself, and how she's tried to kill Carrie multiple times. With a harsh and vengeful tone, Stephen King sets the readers mind to become attuned to love the main character and hate everyone that hurt her. He shows the bucket of blood. Carrie cant seem to turn around without stumbling over Chris Hargensen: The catcall came first from Chris Hargensen., Chris Hargensen called up after school from the Kelly Fruit Company downtown and asked her if she knew that pig poop was spelled C-A-R-R-I-E., She cant get away with it! Even when the film was released, everyone knew what was going to happen. As Carrie dies Sue is able to offer company and the comfort of knowing at least one person meant her no harm. Telekinesis is an ability that Carrie had from childhood. Carrie finally understands that Sue did not intend to trick her. With the original film version celebrating its 44th anniversary this year, here are 10-Behind-The-Scenes Facts about the making of Carrie (1976). One overlooked theme in Carrieis mental health. Expand Your Bookshelf With These 8 Interstellar Books Like The Expanse, The Best Sci-Fi Spaceships from Across the Galaxies, When Children's Book Authors Don't Like Children's Books, Love & Other Epic Adventures: Science Fiction Romance Books, 10 Bedtime Stories for Adults to Help You Get Some Shut Eye. This kind of horror story suits a spooky or bloody twist ending; it may even demand one. However, viewers can spot the optical illusion when a car in the background drives down the street backward. After all, mothers dont like to their daughters. From the rain of tampons in the locker room shower to the shower of pigs blood at the prom, Carries blossoming into maturity is always accompanied by her torturous nemesis, Christine Hargensen. Carrie gets home and asks her mother why she hid the truth of menstruation from her, but instead of explaining, her mother begins quoting false scriptures, and when Carrie tries protesting, her mother locks her up to pray in a tiny closet, which freaked her. Long before the blood arrived. Soles) in Carrie dies via fire hose. Blood represented an entity that Carrie knew she was never going to escape. Pino Donagios quietly unsettling score teases the audiences as they await the prank, but after the climax of the scene the score turns manic as Carrie exerts her powers. Whatever the genre. Pig's blood. When De Palma gave Spacek the role, he cast Amy Irving as Sue Snell instead. Carrieshows how bullying affects the mind of young adults and shapes them to become enemies of society. Howdo you solve a problem like Carrie? Carrie dies from excess blood loss. Carrie is a movie inspired by one of Stephen King 's first novels, a dark story mixed with dramatic notes, where all the uncertainties and fears of adolescence, such as the problem of being different in a society that does not forgive, are transformed into anger and the desire for revenge. And totally memorable. The intention of the editing and sound is to set up tension in the build up to the pigs blood being poured on Carrie. And the shock ending of Kings novel is that just for a moment and far too late she isnt. Carrie (2013) - Prom Scene - YouTube De Palmas film also reduces the role Sue plays in the story and the depth of her characterization. is gore, the horror of mass murders and pigs blood. King also ensures that Carrie isnt an angel. While bathing, Carrie discovers blood oozing out of her body and freaks out; this causes a group of girls to laugh at her and bully her. Though the story is fictional, its elements of realism push the mind of its reader to the extreme. At school she is bullied for her appearance, her general difference to others and of course the very public beginning of her menstruation. Miss Desjardin, the gym teacher, places the girls on punishment, and after their leader Chris protests, she gets banned from prom. Carries body language is reminiscent of Christian icons of tortured saints and martyrs, this links to her religious upbringing and her change from a young angelic girl into a vengeful demon. She stabs her in the shoulder with a knife. The Cast Of Carrie (1976): Where Are They Now? But when famed production designer Jack Fisk suggested his wife Sisssy Spacek audition, everything changed. Carrie Film Analysis - 1019 Words | Internet Public Library