That was a big New Age flag. Well, I wrote a whole book on that. I understand that you are both busy, but I believe that I have documented a number of observations, backed by recent peer-reviewed scientific literature, which directly contradict Dr Leafs teaching. Indeed, one of Dr Leafs own references concluded that Although stressors are often associated with illness, the majority of individuals confronted with traumatic events and chronic serious problems remain disease-free. (Cohen, S., et al., Psychological stress and disease. I would assume a very small number of your readers are qualified to search out all the detailed studies or analyses cited as the various references. Davis, M., NMDA receptors and fear extinction: implications for cognitive behavioral therapy. Also, just quickly, I dont claim that Dr Leaf is a heretic. Gravity and electromagnetism if I remember clearly are each fundamental Laws of physics. Im going to continue to push for critical thinking and the truth, even if I might sometimes come across a little bit irritable. While Dr. He doesnt inflict himself on you like dad does, but neither one has a conscience. Spiritual truth and scriptural knowledge will always compliment one another. Dr. Caroline Leaf has spent the last 30 years researching the mind-brain connection, nature of mental health and formation of memory. Instead this whole thing seems to revolve around you and how you are not too happy with her fame. 9(7): 666-79. I would love to see her research opened up to the rigours of peer-review and the broader scrutiny of the scientific community. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2003(2): CD003592. Leaf. The 21 day brain detox Which you never seemed to get to Then when you finally got there (like a built up crescendo!) Our results also indicate that there were positive changes in the nonconscious mind (QEEG), conscious mind (LMM), body (telomeres and blood) and the whole person (narrative). It was a frightful situation. (Its ingenious really, but its so wicked!). Is keeps you anchored in mental peace. Alzheimers: Can it Be Prevented - Dr. Caroline Leaf Dr. Leaf The contract establishes a relationship between yourself and the Neurocycle LLC founded by Dr Caroline Leaf, so that both parties know what is expected. You are more than welcome to share any of my resources about Dr Leaf with any one you like. Quantum physics sounds impressive but has nothing to do with the brain or mental health or the Bible. You then move on to ask Why is it that we allow medical doctors (Christians and non Christians) to pump us full of drugs and we feel ok about that, but if a doctor who proclaims to be a Christian offers an alternative way based on the power of the Holy Spirit that indwells us, we become afraid that its new age or heretical. First of all, Dr Leaf is not a medical doctor. So, when it comes to our mental and physical health, it is imperative that we take a complete lifestyle approach, especially in todays world, where, for the first time in years, people are dying younger and younger from preventable, lifestyle diseases. WebDr. Whether its Kenneth Copeland, Tim Keller or John MacArthuror Dr. Arnold, C. Gut feelings: the future of psychiatry may be inside your stomach. 7. Here I have been trying to fill my head with Dr. Caroline Leafs teachings thinking and believing that her research is the new breakthrough information I have been searching for, yet all the while having this nagging sense of discomfort due to her affiliation with Kenneth Copeland ministries and here, thank God, is an educated, confident Believer just putting it out there as it should be truthful and straightforward. Theres no stepping down going on here. I know a thing or two about narcissism and psychopathy. But when you die your body still has mass and therefore, gravity. Though I can be even more concise if you want: My blood work was pretty much perfect however the doctor was alarmed when she saw that my insulin stores over the last 3 months showed me to be diabetic. 2. And such my daughter said to me children are born with cancer children die at birth as you can see so on and so on it reigns upon the Judy and the unjust alike! Specifically, Newson and Thiagarajan (2019) call for researchers to contribute to the creation of a large QEEG database of data that might be assessed altogether. Dr. Caroline Leaf | Mental Health | Darkest Secrets | Negative Not only do our choices create real, structural changes in the brain, but they also affect the overall health of our brains, which impacts how the brain and body function on a day-to-day basis, while, if our brains are not healthy, its hard for our minds to be healthy and for us to make healthy decisions. Leaf has studied and researched the mind-brain-body connection. You only need to read the reply that Dr Leafs husband wrote ( to appreciate that they dont care what other people say, and neither do they have any interest in the truth. Evident in the absurdity which she speaks. Not endorsing Dr. Its clear flame throwing/warring words is going on ~ Strife and quarreling does not please Our Father. Something needs to be done, as there is a lot of conflicting and often incorrect information being given by experts and the church leadership needs to learn to be more selective. Im not sure if there is a similar study in the US, but the latest Australian data suggests that all psychological illness only counts for 8% of visits to Australian primary care physicians [5]. You are welcome to email [emailprotected], [emailprotected] or [emailprotected] if you have any questions or require assistance. Thoughts of Health. WebDr. Dr. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist, audiologist, clinical and cognitive neuroscientist with a Masters and PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics, specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. Data is analyzed by an independent research and analysis consulting firm, Elite Research, LLC ( Thats a very good question. Data collection happens within the app every 21 days for the 20 LMM items and the 8 pro-mindfulness factors as well as a web-based survey ( for user demographics, treatment history, and program experience. Her book leaves you not only hanging But is so ridiculously ridiculously ridiculously written with little understanding of the practical outcome of this theory in practice that it pains me. I would take you more seriously if you would just give me the info where you found her quote and maybe even included the youtube video of where you found this quote below? Key findings from the 2021 State of the U.S. I too, am always very skeptical and I shy away from prosperity based theology however I feel this is much different. Not that I believe for a moment that its true. Dr. 14(1): 31-41. I know my path. Thank you for offering that. Your rebuttal is not sound! Science is deterministic, in a material way. I recall noting statements or comments I cannot accept on face value or that I cannot build into the general constructs where I integrate new data into the old. 26. So I guess irritation is in the eye of the beholder. How do I contact the Neurocycle Institute. Your statement, By your comments it is obvious that you have not kept up to date with the latest Scientific research is an assumption that is somewhat arrogant, and ironic since Dr Leaf is content to use superseded references dating back to 1979 to justify her current hypotheses. Again, I will discuss this further soon. The experimental subjects were learning how to embrace and make the anxiety and depression work for them and not against them, which is a much more sustainable approach than simply trying to numb or remove emotions and feelings completely. Dr Leafs assertion that 75 to 98% of human illness is thought-related is a clear exaggeration. And also to promote the truth, since God is the God of all Truth. For instance, low gamma waves and high beta waves can be associated with ADHD and anxiety, respectively, while higher theta and alpha waves can reduce generalized anxiety disorder (Dadashi et al., 2015). Spiritual truth comes through revelation, through the connection of the Holy Spirit and our spirit. Just because I did a bachelors degree in arts and did two papers in sociology doesnt make me a sociologist! Why or why not?. I have a wry smile now, both at your play on words and the fact I missed it. While there are many kinds of therapies and treatments designed to support educators, mindfulness has shown specific efficacy for teachers, students, and educational settings due to its ease of implementation and near immediate positive impacts. The data will be used to identify needs and priorities, benchmark against various population characteristics, evaluate programs and policies, plan for services and programs, and advocate for resources. Apr 23, 2023. Interesting study, and thanks again for the reference, but it certainly doesnt change my mind when it comes to the validity (or non-validity, as it were) of Dr Leafs teaching. Caroline Leaf stops by the Valuetainment studio for a sit down with Patrick Bet-David. And the settling is completely artificial. Happy New Year! Youre right, most people dont listen, but that doesnt matter. One further thing. He was interested to know about this book and reference to his theory. I was the daughter myself of some extremly Pentecostal parents who were very wrapped up in the Copleland ministry and I saw many things that were not biblical my sound in the latec89s early 90s and I also had a twinge of pain when Caroline leaf mentioned the Coplelands on stage! Caroline Leaf, Ph.D, BSc, is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist, specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. Sid Roth I dont watch Sid Roth, though I have watched part of his interview with Caroline Leaf. 7(11): e1000363. Leaf, as she does speak SO fast, and her husband often does not keep up the sides to keep up with her..which was quite distracting. There is high-level evidence to show this to be true [26-28]. Thanks!! Dr. Users are invited and reminded to participate in the survey via emails. Stress is often associated with disease, but it is not specifically a cause of disease. After all, as you correctly pointed out, it transcends all understanding. 72(8): 2036-44. WebJessica L. Neurocycle Institute Attendee. Then she said that covid hit, and so you lost another year.. However, these experiments were done on only nine subjects, and the panic attacks were induced by cholecystokinin. The lord directs us to hold teachers and preachers up to Gods word? Go look up the CDCs ACE study on trauma and stress causing diseases. Its very sad that she has been beguiled and snared by her own mistruth. Become part of a network of like-minded individuals and organizations. Wiedemann, K., et al., Anxiolyticlike effects of atrial natriuretic peptide on cholecystokinin tetrapeptide-induced panic attacks: preliminary findings. None of the research that shes published on her own work has shown any real effect. But if Dr Leaf isnt going to listen, then other people might, and the only way other people are going to hear is if you speak. E-mail us for more info and a custom quote. Im not looking for you to respond, but I am looking for you to do some soul searching and ask yourself, why do I disagree with this woman so much? Since the early 1980's, Dr. We attending with s close friend of mine I purchased the tickets for all three of us I personally had never heard of Caroline leaf! If this is true, then the brain is pre-wired for both optimism and love, but also fear. Make new friends, find a business partner, or a new career opportunity. She has refused to engage with me or any other person who questions her teaching. Hi there!! I understand your comment was a generalisation, but its a scarecrow fallacy. Teacher Mindfulness Training using the NeurocycleTM. Most importantly, take the time to examine your thought life; a chaotic mind will affect your quality of sleep and how much you sleep. WebDr. 17(9): 856-66. Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG) Assessment of the NeurocycleTM. You may not have gained any benefit from medications or counselling, but millions of people around the world do, and when Dr Leaf erroneously criticises psychiatric drugs and instead, promotes her own patented placebo program, she is doing a gross injustice to those who believe her. Participants feedback revealed that the program made it easy to apply their learning in their work and school lives, and that they desired further future mindfulness trainings via this program structure. In her latest blog post, Dr Caroline Leaf attempted to tackle the complex topic of Alzheimer disease. Ps Dennis Clark and Dr Jennifer Clark I dont really know anything about them or their work. I said, So the stress and my thoughts about the trauma is what caused diabetes? She said, it looks that way. Why had I never given thought to the fact that stress cuases illness? I am proud to have been a part of this training, and I am thrilled to be a part of the future trainings with Dr Leaf, because I know I will be able to help more people with everything I'll learn. It is potentially heretical to state that toxic thoughts like anger is a sin ( or new age to suggest that You can shape your reality by the way you think ( She spent the rest of the time speaking very quickly about quantum physics and various other scientific information that has no real practical application to the average person, and telling us that this is all in my book, and we have a three package deal. Your description of her as a self-marketing machine is dead on. I find it odd, that we are comfortable taking mind altering, drugs that have a laundry list of side effects, but we are not comfortable following the advice of someone who recommends a prescription of prayer and meditation both of which the people of the Bible did without fail in order to experience peace and the presence of God. One of the many studies that have come out of this research, done by the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, showed dramatic improvement in patients diagnosed with Data collection happens within the app every 21 days for the 20 LMM items and the 8 pro-mindfulness factors as well as a web-based survey ( for user demographics, treatment history, and program experience. So at least I felt I had done what I could to let the original theorist know of this (to what I felt was akin to) plagiarism and taking credit where none is due to Dr Leaf! I am almost flattered you would step down to my level a bit. Holly Wagner? PItt the Younger cropped up. I would be grateful if you could respond to the points raised and the literature which supports it, rather than an Ad Hominem dismissal or further defense by association. Consequently, many are still stuck in that dark mentality and are so afraid of veering off the straight and narrow. Perhaps I can encounter a forum where my questions may be addressed and given their due. Perhaps you would like to further elucidate how ACEs cause disease. She was one of the first in her field to study how the brain can change (neuroplasticity) with directed mind input. However, I wonder why your gynaecologist just assumed that your cortisol and diabetes are all related to stress. She repeated the same statement in her most recent book so it is something she is confident in. And while there are many leaders in the evangelical movement who are preaching a false gospel, we need to be careful not to lump all unconventional teachers in together and call them guilty by association. Data is analyzed by an independent research and analysis consulting firm, Elite Research, LLC (, The study will provide a detailed picture of changes in mindfulness, mind management skills, and mental-health-related issues in adult populations. I recommend planning aheadand setting aside a few hours every morning, evening or afternoon to read something, listen to a new podcast series or audiobook, or learn a new sport or language (or whatever appeals to you!). Specifically, Newson and Thiagarajan (2019) call for researchers to contribute to the creation of a large QEEG database of data that might be assessed altogether. Lifestyle a Permanente level. Any contributions to this discussion from either yourself or Dr Leaf would be most welcome. 12(1): 11-6. The intervention was basically CBT-lite and the outcome could have been a treatment effect that would have occurred with any extra treatment provided, especially since it wasnt blinded. But to take a mans theory widely cited in his field of education and psychology and make it seem to lay people its your theory then you better watch out! Doctors call it quackery and the church calls it new age. BREAST Genes make up 25% of the risk factors for breast cancer, and significantly interacted with parity (number of children born) [9]. Rewiring the Brain through Neuroplasticity, with Dr. Caroline Leaf And while there are many leaders in the evangelical movement who are preaching a false gospel, we need to be careful not to lump all unconventional teachers in together and call them guilty by association. Ive done my soul-searching and I dont need to do any more. Rate and comment on Dr Leafs books on Goodreads and Amazon, Google, B&N etc. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. When we talk about managing sleep, we need to make sure we get enough sleep to allow this regeneration to happen, but this will be different for everyone, as we all have different schedules, lifestyles and needsthe average amount of sleep an adult should try get is 6 to 8 hours (and more for children), but of course this may be different depending on where you are in life. I think she is just saying that stress takes a toll and us and chronic, long term stress is caused by wrong thinking. However, I believe that the information I have read, and referenced from the latest peer-reviewed scholarly works, do not support Dr Leafs fundamental premises. Tim Keller? While on this subject, Im not your treating doctor and I dont want to start giving you lots of medical advice as it certainly isnt my place. Youre welcome to review the body of my work in which I have justified each claim using scientific and scriptural references. From a nutritional standpoint, it is important to detox the body and get rid of toxins by drinking water, using natural herbs, avoiding processed junk foods, eating lots of fresh, sustainable fruits and vegetables and so on. Dr. Pitt, could I ask you one small thing? A critical step for improving mental health is developing non-pharmacological therapies that can treat anxiety and depression effectively without reliance on pharmacological treatments and the accompanying risks for side effects and interactions. Their mindfulness development and mental health were assessed by the Leaf Mind Management (LMM) scale before and after the program. When the components of CBT are considered separately, the cognitive component of cognitive behavioural therapy isnt that powerful. Is it through negative thinking patterns? For our latest peer reviewed article, see here. Thank God we have good Christians like Dr. 14. You may argue that she was speaking to a lay audience, and referencing is therefore not necessary. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. There is one annual four day intensive (32 hours) training course. Could you compile a short document, say 10-20 pages, maybe quite dense, but coherent, possibly with references, where you would focus EXCLUSIVELY on what remains of Caroline Leafs teaching after what you have to debunk is debunked? Ali, O., Genetics of type 2 diabetes. The data collection protocol begins with an email invitation, and non-responders are contacted up to three times by email reminders spaced by 5-7 days each. As you rightly point out, people should be able to make informed decisions. In this step, you will write down what you have been reflecting on in step 2. Thanks for the thought provoking comment. And can you provide a list of articles which have cited Dr Leafs Geodesic Information Processing Model? Contributions to nephrology,. Who Switched Off My Brain? Controlling Toxic Thoughts and Including a download to the Neurocycle App, Neurocycle Method materials & more. Sure too much cortisol is bad. Int J Biol Sci, 2013. The World Health Organization (2022) has reported that there was a 13% rise in mental health conditions and substance abuse disorders from 2007 to 2017. This explains the broad role of the amygdala in emotional learning [23] including fear learning. Your writings and information are liberating and open and I thank you. We live in a society that essentially prevents more than half of our illnesses because of internal plumbing, with additional benefits from vaccination and population screening. Teacher Mindfulness Training using the NeurocycleTM. Sign up on Science of Thought | Caroline Leaf | TEDxOaksChristianSchool The International Agency for Research on Cancer and the World Health Organization has concluded that 80% of cancers are due to lifestyles and are not genetic, and they say this is a conservative number (Cancer statistics and views of causes Science News Vol.115, No 2 (Jan.13 1979), p.23). Its good that she provides a reference to her statement. Youre more than welcome to disagree with the conclusions I draw but I disagree that it is unsound. World J Diabetes, 2013. You have to fufill all training requirements to become a certified facilitator, inclduing the final open book exam that has to be completed 9-10 weeks after training. Access to extensive helpful resources from Dr. Caroline Leaf. Once you are approved, read and sign contract, pay the fee and register for training. I have not had a chance to touch on many, many other points of disagreement. 2. Teachers were provided with webinars covering the rationale behind and 5-step process of the NeurocycleTM, a tool for mental health detoxing and management. Otherwise with out evidence to support a proposal I will have to change my direction. What is Dr Leaf teaching that is harmful? As I know that with our current diet and heavy metals crossing the blood/brain barrier, I thought that was what a brain detox would consist of. I suspect that my husband humored me, or tolerated my pushing this event. And exercise and eat good food, lots of veggies, a glass of red wine every now and then.