So the Acacia wood is the Mimosa wood. precious, and their appearance glorious, and their form was beautiful. The Knights TEMPLAR wore a RED cross because they represent the Knights of the TEMP (TIME) PLARS or PILLARS or Jachin and Boaz. M 4 d 19, f 6; M 20), as Rwp'yl, Myx'yl, Gbr'yl, and Sr'yl ( = Istrael). Thank you for Watching Universal Lighthouse. It has always been about the red and the blue. You basically have the most intense, vivid DREAM while you are AWAKE. Btw, I love what you have done here. The skin is the largest organ of the human body. a possible allusion to a ritualized harvest of acacia root. Welcome back to the Ancient Tree Research Project. Enoch's "Angels" Chopped Down The Ancient Giant Trees! will be planted, in a Holy place, by the house of the Lord, the Eternal King. One day Wahari (a God) and his nephew Ruayei, which had been transformed into a lapa (Cuniculus paca), cut down the tree to get all the fruits at once., Another which is Well known is Devils Tower, Wyoming. This is part 2 for the giant cedars of Lebanon., There are No Forests on Flat Earth Decoded,, Ancient Tree Research Project~ Yemen, Estonia and the Baltic Sea (Part 3), Decoding with Scotland Sean (Part 7) The Philosophers Stone, The Age of Reason and The Oera Linda Book. none of them, nor any others, were like it. Feeling beneath the ground at the site of the acacia, the king felt Hirams hand. In the process of recovering his corpse, he first used the grip of the Entered Apprentice, then that of the Fellowcraft, but twice felt the skin slipping off Hirams hand. Notice how it looks just like a yellow version of the Mimosa. Source, Then I, Enoch, replied to him, and said, Concerning everything I am desirous of instruction, but particularly concerning this tree. Then I saw this upload from The Black Child which just validates from opinion. Yes Heroine is bad. rosette- Now we know the Masons love to hide truth in plain sight and they didnt fail us when it comes to the MIMOSA. I need your help. Take The Matrix for instance. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I use Streamlabs and you can too! And in Carl Jungs RED book HE speaks on dreams and the mind and how we are all connected through group consciousness. 1 - 6 - also tells us that the Giants themselves will perish and die. In Venezuela, there are many. And they hide the experience in film as well. If something makes us not believe it crashes. How much money has gone into NASAs research into a form of space which may or may not exist, when our own world and its origins & history,whilst passed off as the fantastic may be more realistic and amazing than a lot of complicated, undecipherable, formulae (albeit they may have a role to play for minds which understand them) of the cold side of science. 11. You can make out a rib cage and full spine with legs. Temp or TIME. Here on the wiki for Cerro Autana we read, Steven Spielberg fans are likely familiar with Devils Tower, even if they dont know it by name. Their spirits shall be full of revelry, that they may be judged in their bodies; because they have denied the Lord of spirits, and although they perceive their condemnation day by day, they believe not in his name. Ive gone through the web, Graham Hancock and other reliable researchers do share this info. There were evident tokens of decay, but the earth was still rich and beautiful in the gifts of Gods providence. The Dead Sea Scrolls: Book of Giants - Gnosis They basically are lights in the sky used for time and seasons. Look here, in Horton Hears a Whoa Mimosa flower. The seed of life shall arise from it, and a change shall take place, that the dry land may not be left empty. Carl Jung wrote a book he called The Red Book and that is HIS book of enlightenment- going through the colors of alchemy. THEY worship this plant and make it their national flowers. In the Book of Enoch, we read that the idea of mixing with human females was discussed and permitted by Shemihaza, the leader of the "wicked" angels, some 200 in total. The FOOLISHNESS of God are those things which are undefined. Like Adam, male and Eve, female. That is the whole goal of the Great Work, to usurp God and become gods in their own right. The men in BLUE or POLICE, Military, and the protectors of the SPACE that the Masons seem to believe they somehow own through their creation of a completely false paradigm of information and force used to enslave the cowan and profane.. Time Pillars. Its height was enormous. 4. The initiate learns of the OUTER portico while the Master Mason knows the INNER portico- the true secrets. Like the Phoenician purple. This is what I believe is the message for the Adepts: Ordo AB Chao should be written pyramid style. TY always. Please be advised There is Problem with yahoo and some other Email Providers receiving our posts. From Matthew 6:22, The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. Christ is talking about the Pineal Gland here. Not all information may be a current event, but is to be used as a Library of information. Software. So does this mean that the ringing cedars the GIANT cedars cut, were MIMOSA CEDARS and NOT the traditional Cedars depicted in the Lebanese flag? We offer this information free for Research and Study Purposes. The AB at the top is the Prime Creator. 4. Be sure to subscribe to Their Content as well. This makes so much sense. Enoch, the seventh patriarch in the book of Genesis, was the subject of abundant apocryphal literature, especially during the . Mandela Effect flipped the rainbow. 4 Enoch 26-36 - The Ends of the Earth. height they were all like the seat of a throne, and fragrant trees surrounded Dr. Seuss was definitely in the know something Ive known for sometime but wasnt sure what I knew he knew lol. I went from thence to another place, and saw a mountain of fire flashing both by day and night. Research and study from Universal Lighthouse including But not limited to, And when all this was effected, from the fluid mass of fire, and the perturbation which prevailed in that place, there arose a strong smell of sulphur, which became mixed with the waters; and the valley of the angels, who had been guilty of seduction, burned underneath its soil. So no king COULD defeat it. So their androgynous god at the top. And I blessed the Lord of glory, the everlasting King, because He has prepared this tree for the saints, formed it, and declared that He would give it to them. different from one another, and precious and beautiful stones, and all were To the north-east I beheld seven mountains full of choice nard and mastic and cinnamon and pepper. Your email address will not be published. Absolutely beautiful! So specifically angels laboured at the trees translates to Nephilim cut down the trees and then God stepped in to preserve the seed, which is why we still have trees, granted they are no longer the humongous size that they once were. All around the world we find these strange giant Mountain Towers that just don't fit in with where they are located. It is hidden in plain sight all around us. )Returning home, upon looking back over the city from the train and there hung a lovely rainbow. In that burning valley it is, that they shall be confined, which at first my great-grandfather Enoch showed me in the west, where there were mountains of gold and silver, of iron, of fluid metal, and of tin. Their stones were brilliant and beautiful; all were brilliant and splendid to behold; and beautiful was their surface. So I would say the same with the Chinese elements. 6 Enoch 45-57 - The Second Parable - the Son of Man, The Messiah. Judgment has come upon them, because they trusted in their carnal revelry, and denied the Lord of spirits. Ancient Tree Research Project ~ Giant Cedars of Lebanon (Part 2) and I am keen to see what is realy behind it as it seems all so sureal. We have seen how periods of gigantism have repeatedly affected the fauna and flora of this planet, ours, whose true past remains largely unknown. In the past, for reasons that have not been elucidated, such as the hypothesis of the. 25.2 Then I, Enoch, answered him saying: "I wish to learn about everything, (I call them 'fringe' benefits get it?? Not sure if they meant to subscribe here or YouTube. Some people believe Our planet has not always experienced the heavygravity it has today. View Our Blog Here: The Book of Giants (2009 Translation) | PDF - Scribd the Earth for good. Nice one again and eye opening series. They use it in their most infamous saying. I asked them to clarify but havent heard back yet. T-H-E L-A-W or switch the letters around W-E-A-L-T-H. Those things outside time but possessed by time. .or the 5 element system has been inverted. Mathew 6:22, he is talking about the PINEAL gland. It is what you have when you follow the RIGHT hand path. BLUE represents space, or the SQUARE, that which is stable and can be measured by a RULER. Thank you. This is a great read, some information is new like the Dr. Seuse but the buttes and mesas being giant trees I have watched before on Mudfossil University. We dont see anything in our reality, in our day to day lives that even remotely look like a cartoon. Some years ago at the Department of Theology at Durham University i was first introduced to the book of Enoch (since then it has become fashionable. Gold, silver, and precious stones existed in abundance. Peacocks have the All Seeing Eye represented in their feathers. I want to shine some light on the word firmament, Some years ago at the Department of Theology at Durham University i was first introduced to the book of Enoch (since then it has become fashionable. How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?, It makes you feel cold. It matches up with the Bible verses, and it also matches up with the Book of Enoch. 1.1 The words of the blessing of Enoch, according to which he blessed the chosen and righteous, who must be present on the Day of Distress, which is appointed for the removal of all the wicked and impious. The rainbow is a gift from God so I use that as my base, my starting point. Now remember when we say on the right, the view is ALWAYS from the object facing outwards. Every thought you process? And after these fragrant odours, as I looked towards the north over the mountains I saw seven mountains full of choice nard and fragrant trees and cinnamon and pepper. Let thine eye be SINGLE and the whole body shall be full of light. is good, and its fruit is like bunches of dates on a palm. The giants ravaged the earth, filling it with destruction and evil; they depleted the world of food and terrified humankind. Nobody has ever met him, but the name alone should ring a bell. But no one confirms a reliablesource, so doubt still remains. 10, 1; or: Uriel, or: Fanuel). Many questions I have had since childhood are explained. The virtual erasing of antediluvian history might have been complete had it not been for rumours of a surviving copy of the long lost Book of Enoch which drew Scottish explorer James Bruce [1730-1794] to Abyssinia ---later to become Ethiopia--- where true to hearsay he discovered that the Book of Enoch had been preserved by the Ethiopic Church. Which is represented by the Pine Cone and is in the court yard of the Vatican. Their two-headed Janus god. Acacia is considered sacred in those lands it seems. The Book of Noah, The Call of the Watchers and The Book of Enoch, also The Book of Jubilee's and other Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha texts. It absorbs everything. 2. But DMT is a natural element found in ALL life. Just as sacred as marijuana is on healing cancers and diseases, every plant and tree on Earth has the potential to heal the human body. Full text of "The Book Of The Giants.pdf (PDFy mirror)" - Archive Was there once a time when trees were unimaginable in size and they reached high up into the heavens? In those days the word of God came to me, and said, Noah, behold, thy lot has ascended up to me, a lot void of crime, a lot beloved and upright. Mount Connor in Australia (also know as the Crimson Plateau). And I came to the Garden of Righteousness, and saw beyond those trees many large trees growing there and of goodly fragrance, large, very beautiful and glorious, and the tree of wisdom whereof they eat and know great wisdom. 25You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like the ox and be drenched with the dew of heaven. We are dedicated to enlightening this Earth with Truth, Knowledge and Love. Piaroan mythology tells how -the tree-top went as high as the infinite, and its branches were full of fruits which fell and gave life to the Amazon. Ayahuasca would be a form of DMT but with added ingredients to extend the experience. Cain worked in the soil, while Abel worked the sheep. Chapter 31 - The Book of Enoch The seeds of these trees are found all over the world consolidated into stone under pressure in a liquid. My name is ODD and I am one out of a growing population of people that believe that many of the buttes and mesas that we see use to be giant trees, but now they are just remnants of what they once were. French Philosopher and Mathematician Ren Descartes, dedicating much time to the study of the pineal gland, called it the principal seat of the soul. In. day and night. Audio. Enoch 24-25 Fragrant Trees - Book of Enoch Very informative for me and is encouraging more research and the necessity to order some books. 14. The BLUE bloods. and punishment, will not touch them." 25.3 And he answered me, saying: "This high mountain, which you saw, whose 10. Is this a topic you would be interested in to look at from your perspective?