And for a girl who is just trying to come to terms with her addiction to food, its a little overwhelming. The presentation is beautiful and everything must be so much more enjoyable to eat when such care is taken to prepare it. I am following you on twitter :o) So glad I found you, talked about you all night with my husband. Ive lost 50 pounds and I need to lose another 40 pounds and I can use all the help I can get! Did you have to have sugary to remove skin or once you got to your goal the skin went back to shape. Keep up the good work. xoxo, Hi Andrea, I just came across your blog on Jessicas How Sweet post on falafel:) I was reading through your posts and wanted to comment on how wonderful your blog isthen I saw you live in Seattle! Get the latest news and video from Andrea Mitchell, and join Andrea Mitchell's community. This is such a cool blog. You truly are an inspiration to others! Best of luck to you! Thanks so much for sharing! xoxo. I just stubbled upon your blog and wanted to comment on how inspiring your journing is. Youre gorgeous inside and out : ). I love your blog! And more than being terrified of not being able to lose the weight, which I know is ridiculous if I keep to a plan of moderation and exercise, Im afraid of not being able to maintain. I stumbled across your awesome blog via Pinterest. Imagine what my face would look like with those banana muffins. I started this blog in 2010 to sharethat balance, because I know that before you achievebalance for yourself, it can appear to besome dreamy mansion you only wish you could afford. Wordpress redirection plugin sub domain name. I havent been able to stop reading your blogs and recipes for over an hour! Favorite Day of the Week He is very supportive :o). | Fox And A Parasol, Pingback: Falafel with Tzatziki Sauce | The Dietitian Diaries, Pingback: Curry Chicken Recipe Curry with Coconut - GS Seasonings & Spices, Pingback: Favorite Weight Loss Blogs | BeeWell For Life, Pingback: Why I Quit Beachbody | Jess in GR, Pingback: Food Blogger Andie Mitchell on Weight Loss: In Some Ways, It Was Easier People Magazine | Over Shapes, Pingback: Bloguary Day 6 Little Luxuries |, Pingback: EarlyWord: The Publisher | Librarian Connection Blog Archive Both EW and PEOPLE Get GOTT - EarlyWord: The Publisher | Librarian Connection, Pingback: Book Review: It Was Me All Along, Pingback: I love you February | Kelly M. Connolly, Pingback: Loving Lately | The Balanced Blonde, Pingback: It Was Me All Along by Andie Mitchell | Maurice on Books, Pingback: Shoot + Style Workshop | Brooklyn April 25 & 26 :: Cannelle et VanilleCannelle et Vanille, Pingback: It Was Me All Along by Andie Mitchell | The Girl with Book Lungs. And that youre keeping it all off by walking. Pass it along to 10 people and let them know they have received it. Thank you thank you Meagan! Thank you for this. When I was 240 lbs. So you are not working in the entertainment industry anymore? Thats amazing. Sometimes I dread it, sometimes Im so glad I did it. Your blog is so inspiring. I tried pinning one of your recipes to try for dinner later (looked SO good) and the photos of that recipe were unpinnable! Thank you for the comment on my blog. Again, thank you. I am so excited to hear that you are writing 2 books. I will never understand why the weight loss community wants us to torture ourself with things we hate to do, because arent we torturing ourselves enough already. So INSPIRING! Thank you! Cheers! just stumbled across your lovely blog while looking for something else! Everything youve accomplished is so remarkable. Andrea Mitchell age, height, weight, net worth 2023, husband, kids So great to hear from you and I cannot believe youre actually reading about my shenanigans online. I love reading about your journey! Andrea your story is soooo inspirational. (beekeats) I love your blog some fantastic looking recipes (and a beautiful photo of you too). Aran Goyoaga of the completely gorgeous Cannelle et Vanille photographed my cookbook, and took almost all of the photos of me that are seen on this site. I appreciate your advice. I love your site and thanks for the granola bar recipe yesterday! Wow, congratulations on the loss! 1,500 calorie-diet: Meal plan, how-to, and safety - Medical News Today Keep up the great work! Oh, and then walk Green lake of corse! like you, i love to be in the kitchen.i dread this, but reading through your blog gave me some hope. So I just wanted to thank you. The television journalist makes around $750,000 annually. I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! I showed her the photo and asked her who you looked like, and she immediately said Meso I am now hoping and praying that your words would inspire both her and I to continue on our own weight loss journey! Not sure the topic will be helpful in my pursuit of healthy food though! Youre giving me extra drive to find peace with my body and food as well as do what I love write. Thanks for commenting on my blog! Thank you so much, Dreama! I actually try to eat right and stay in shape myself, so I love the concept of your blog. Looking forward to your books. You are an amazing person and I love your story! Someone pinned your blog on Pinterest today, so I followed the link. Interestingly I have found through journaling that my eating habits though not the best were not the main problem. I am officially your new fan :) Thank you! Best of luck with your weight loss! :), Pingback: White Cake Cupcakes | The Adventures of an Epic Baker, I found your blog from a recipe posted on Pinterest by one my favorite authors (Laurie Notaro). Oh my god. eve. In 2011, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Your food always looks delicious and your photos are gorgeous! A friend posted a picture of your coffee cake muffins on her facebook after making them. The thought of spending two hours a day in the gym doesnt sound like fun to me, so whats a girl to do? I love your story and I cant wait to read more of your blog. You are a beautiful woman who has an amazing gift for cooking. Andrea, I just came across your blog and am amazed by your weight loss and dedication to staying true to yourself instead of being a slave to the scale and gym. Something to strive for =) Best of luck!!! Sarah, Andrea Mitchell Wedding But your words are wise and so full of inspiration and truth. Your article in Womans world was very inspirational to me, thanks for sharing your story with all of us! Info, rules and my own entry from my nomination are here: You are beautiful!! they puntured my spine during th epidural which caused me to have severe nerve damage on my right leg and back. I hope I will be one of those people one day. Your blog is amazing. I just checked your blog and its wonderful- the chocolate dipped peanut butter cookies made my mouth water :), stopping by to say congrats on the weightloss and I love your pics on the blog! Please come to my blog and we will have a cup of musings together. I really get inspiration and ideas from your postings. Well, I adore you. Andrea Bocelli Weight Loss Story: Reason and Secrets [2022] It was so so wonderful meeting you at HLS! Tenaya Roberts. :) :) :). Thanks! Good Morning America, Dr. Oz, The Better Show, The View, The New York Post, The Daily Mail, People Magazine, Marie Claire, Elle, Shape, Glamour, Southern Living, and many more. 'Today' Viewers Express Concern for Andrea Mitchell - Adweek How Did Andrea Mitchell Lose Weight? Andrea Mitchell Bio, Age, Wiki, Nationality, Height, Family, Husband Interesting story, great writing. Look forward to reading more about your blog! I started to eat bad foods again, more and more often. I remember your Mom and love the note you blogged about her using the internet and email. Im going through my own weight loss journey and your story is truly inspiring to me. MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell faced the ire of her network's viewers when she criticized former Vice President Joe Biden over an injury to his foot. What an inspirational story! lighter. Inspiring weight loss!!! Love the blog! I read everyday on one email site but Im going on vacation and cant access that email so Ive signed up on another. I love your blog, I found it a few weeks ago and have tried some of the recipes. When Andie Mitchell lost 135 pounds half her body weight she was surprised to find she was more depressed than happy. Dont want to miss out on any new content? Anyway, well done, and congratulations on your book deal. [Im from Chile, so I will try to write with my best english], Dear Andrea: How kind of you, and what a beautiful name!! I love your site. My email address is [email protected] Thanks for the good reminder! I stumbled onto your blog and Im so happy I did. Your story is really fantastic and it sounds like we share a similar philosophy regarding food. I read it non stop for two days. :), Wow, amazing job on the weight loss! Debi. 16 Espressos and a 5 a.m. Call Time: A Day In The Life of NBC's Andrea I am so eager to go through all of your recipes. Just this week have I been able to bring myself to start back working outa little! Thank you so much for your kindness! Every year, we go on a big trip together to celebrate our best friendship. Maybe Ill go back to showbiz someday though :), your blog is wonderful. (actually you were gorgeous even when you were heavy, but I know you are much healthier now, and that is what is most important, isnt it!?). You are a gem and an absolute inspiration! :). Pingback: 1st Monday Pain Reliever | The Daily Sampler. Andrea Mitchell age, height, weight, net worth 2023, husband, kids Youve been brave enough to try all of my baking adventures over the years and I know youre a foodie like me- always looking for a great new restaurant or bakery! Waiting for your book! Its ironic though that it only makes me feel happy for a little while- while its being consumed and making me feel full and satisfied- then it makes me feel miserable, not just physically but emotionally miserable by guilt, depression and disgust. I am inspired to follow in your footsteps. I love your blog, your perspective, your word choices, your recipes. I give into temptation, and wind up gaining the 10-15 lbs I lose. Yours looks great, and what an amazing success story! Awesome.. thanks for sharing. My good friend Lynsay shared it with me and this is what i just shared on my Facebook about you: Um love it! Your blog has added a whole new outlook to some of the ideals I have been looking into. In the past 10years, Ive moved from Massachusetts, where I grew up (and live now), to Philadelphia, then Hamden, Connecticut, to Seattle, to New York City, and New Jersey. Hello beautiful lady and lover of food, A friend of mine who follows my blog shared a link with me, (your fab blog) and I am so glad to meet you. You have a style about your writing that has no words its simply amazing! found it via stumbleupon and the recipes caught my eye but your blog posts, your writing are what is making me stay! Thank you so much for sharing this piece of light on the internet.