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Yes, its fine to have acquaintance-level friendships with those who dont follow Jesus, but its so very important that your daughters closest friends are also Christians. Give her discernment in choosing friends and the ability to be a supportive and loyal friend to others. May she stand strong in her convictions and trust in Your plans for her life. I ask that you give me patience, love, and understanding as I try to support her during this time. Pregnancy is beautiful and a great blessing because you are carrying a new life inside your body. Witnessing Gods spirit in the people and my President I felt compelled by God to travel to Washington and went with a peaceful spirit January 6. (Proverbs 10:9 NIV), Heavenly Father, I ask for Your divine protection over my daughter. Aid her in making prudent decisions that enhance her welfare and provide her with the resilience to tackle any obstacles she encounters. We live in a period of rampant evil, danger, sickness and sin. Praying for your daughter to keep the faith and grow up to be a good, decent, and faithful woman can help to give you peace of mind, knowing that you have asked God to watch over her and guide her throughout her life. I pray this through Christ our Lord. A great gloom is on Yeats' mind and is consumed with anxiety as to how to protect his child from the tide of hard times ahead. Protect her from those who would do her harm. Pave a clear way for her and allow the gifts you have placed in her life to grow, develop, flourish and manifest to bring you glory according to your will. Thank you Lord Jesus for her. (Proverbs 18:22 NIV), Heavenly Father, I beseech You to bestow good health upon my daughter, encompassing both her physical and emotional well-being. Pour out your requests before the Lord. Please read our PRIVACY POLICY. Now more than ever, you need to say powerful prayers for your daughter. We need to be praying fervently for our daughters. It is for the best, and entrusting your daughter to the hands of the Lord will guide her to light. Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.. Here are some specific prayers that you can offer up for your pregnant daughter: Prayer 1 Heavenly Father, We thank you for this special gift of life. New to Axis? I place her future into your hands. Divine Father, I ask that my daughters belief in You intensifies with each passing day. Amen. Our culture presents significant and unique challenges for young women. Her parents' love. Whenever she meets other people, give her the gift of discernment. I pray that You shield her from deception, failure, lies and relegation. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in yourbook were written, every one of them,the days that were formed for me,when as yet there was none of them. Psalm 139:13-16 (ESV), But you area chosen race,a royalpriesthood,a holy nation,a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called youout of darkness intohis marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9. Prayers for a Pregnant Daughter and Daughters Trying for Pregnancy Encourage her to share her faith with others, inspiring them to draw closer to You. Protect her from people who may wish her evil, let their wishes and bad words not to come to pass in Jesus name. Please cover her with Your grace and love, protecting her from all harm. Excitement. Furthermore, consistent prayer fosters our trust and reliance on God, empowering us to face our own challenges and uncertainties with grace and wisdom. But the married woman is anxious about worldly things, how to please her husband. 1 Corinthians 7:34. Almighty Father I dedicate her life to you. Lord of Heavenly Kingdom, I pray for my daughter and entrust her to your guidance. I pray You will guard her mind from harmful instruction, and grant her discernment to recognize truth. You want to be the best parent for them, and you wouldn't want them to experience the tough life you've gone through before. Help her to nurture a heart that is true and pleasing to You, reflecting Your character in all that she does. As a mother of six, Ive been in your shoes. All my supplications and prayers I put them through, believing Ive already been answered. A Prayer for My Daughter: Prayer for Strength As our daughters endure the hardships set upon their path of life, let's offer a prayer for strength during difficult times and ask God to lend His strength to our daughters. Amen.". I know You have great plans for her! A Prayer for Perseverance O God, my Strength, I pray You give me the perseverance to fight my cancer. I ask that You protect and guard her. We pray for her health and well-being so that she may be vital in her body and spirit. Watching your precious daughter grow up and slowly leave the nest can be painful for a mother or father. God, King of kings and Lord of lords, I pray that you would teach her to be respectful to everyone. Powerful Prayers for Family - Holy Land Prayer Answer my prayer like You answered Isaac's. Through prayer, Isaac's wife, Rebekah, became pregnant. Sometimes you will just want a short prayer to pray for your daughter. Let her be beautiful both on the outside and within. Click here to Give now to January 6 Support Patriots under persecution Alicia Searl is a devotional author, blogger, and speaker that is passionate about pouring out her heart and pointing ladies of all ages back to Jesus.She has an education background and master's in literacy. A Prayer For The Childless | Faithfully Free Hope in God; for I shall again praise him,my salvation. Psalm 42:5, Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, Ephesians 4:26. May 1, 2023. A Prayer for Daughters Protection Lord, I pray Your emotional, physical, and spiritual protection over my daughter. Surrender her to the Lord. Let her not fall into the snares of the evil one but instead the evil one should know that she is your protected child that he should not try to go near. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates. Proverbs 31:30-31. Not only will you want to pray for your daughters physical protection, but you will definitely want to be praying for protection against the schemes of Satan as well. Encourage her to step out of her comfort zone, embracing new opportunities, and experiences that will shape her character and faith. Show us, Father, how we can encourage them. Pray that your daughter is willing to be used by God greatly while she is single. 4x Prayer For My Daughter To Give Her Strength Prayer to Give Thanks Thank you Lord for the gift of life and the gift of my daughter. Give her knowledge of your power in her life." A prayer for my daughter will continue for the rest of my days. Since most women eventually do get married, lets be praying already for our daughters future spouses. Including prayer for our daughters in our daily routines, whether in the morning, evening, or during specific times of need, can profoundly affect both of our lives. Instill in her the aspiration to honor You in every aspect of her life, living as a testament to Your grace. If sickness or disappointment bring her low, give her a tenacious faith that trusts youre doing good in her life through it all. 4 Prayers For Our Daugthers No words can express the depth of love I feel for her but I know that You love her a million times more. How to Spend Quality Time With Your Child: Large Family Edition, Stay-At-Home Mom Schedule: The Key To Getting Things Done. Fertility Prayer From Hebrews You are a million steps ahead of the parents who do not pray. Healing Prayers to Heal the Body, Mind, and Soul Dear Father, I come to You with a heavy heart concerning my daughters ill health. Let her find rest in Your shadow as she dwells in the spiritual haven You provide her. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hello! Before praying this prayer, think about what true success is. Why are you cast down, O my soul,and why are youin turmoil within me? e ask that you would bless her on this special day and always. (Psalm 91:11 NIV), Lord, I ask that You bless my daughter with godly friendships that encourage her faith and help her grow in love and wisdom. Being there for your daughter through prayer is a priceless gift. He desires that we ask boldly for His protection and blessing over our offspring. With all the dangers and cruelty in this world, you cannot help but worry about their well-being every day. (Psalm 139:14 NIV), Father, I ask that You grant my daughter wisdom beyond her years. In reality, there is no right recipe or exact ingredients for parenting. Today, I stand before you in seeking your powerful healing for my daughter, Help her heal her inner child, the forgiveness of herself, and acceptance of all of her flaws and imperfections, Please help her to be strong and have faith in you even more, I trust that it is your will for her to heal, Touch her with your healing hands and lift her with your love, Oh Lord, let her be well in mind, body, and soul, May she find comfort and a resting place in your presence, You are gracious, Oh Lord, and I thank you for your benevolence. Prayer For Exam Success For My Daughter. I would love to share with you how Ive grown in this area so that you, . Bless their future marriage with love, understanding, and unity under Your guidance. She is a soft treasure and I am grateful for being her mother and her friend. I pray that You will protect my daughter and keep her safe. Assist him in nurturing his relationship with You and becoming a godly man who adores and treasures her. MOTHER'S PRAYER FOR HER DAUGHTER - adult children relationship 6 6) Catholic Prayer for My Daughter's Relationship with God. Read through downloadable pdfs that will prepare you for conversations on big topics. Through your prayer, Gods grace will touch your daughter and strengthen her. A Prayer for My Growing Daughter. How Many Times Should I Say These Prayers? You hope and pray that they do not stray from the path of God. Prayer serves not only as a method of connecting with God but also as a way to fortify our bond with Him and ask for His guidance in our lives. You are her Rock O Lord; may she stand on Your Word as her foundation. A Prayer for My Daughter is a 1977 play by American writer Thomas Babe. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen. I trust that everything you bless her with is good and worthy. Fill her heart with gratitude and praise, even in the most challenging circumstances. Lord Father, I pray for divine guidance. A great verse to inspire her comes from Deuteronomy 31:6, which says: Be strong and courageous. We can approach the throne of God with confidence that our daughters are in His hands, and that He loves them more than we could ever imagine. However, you can always guide them by praying for their guidance and protection. 10 Short Birthday Prayers for my daughter - OUR GOD IS WITH US As a parent, wouldn't you love to see your daughter be successful in life? I am already feeling the life leave my body. Use these Bible verses to pray over your daughter in order to help her to overcome obstacles in her life. 5 Powerful Prayers For Your Daughter - Mama Reflections By dedicating time each day to lift our daughters in prayer, we commit ourselves to their spiritual growth and well-being. I feel numb. We trust your goodness and faithfulness and know you are always watching over her. Your daughter needs to embrace that her identity is in Christ and Him alone. 300 views, 17 likes, 7 loves, 32 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from St. Boniface / St. Cecilia Parishes: "Fourth Sunday of Easter" Livestream. Before we got married, we had grandiose ideas of how our marriage would be, and now our daughters have them. As you pray for your daughter, you can ask the Lord to protect her mind and fill her with the truth of His Word that will shield her from the enemys deceitful lies. I ask that You would make her courageous in the presence of danger, acknowledging that You have overcome all evil. You cannot always be with your daughter, but you can ask the Lord to watch over her because He is omnipresent. Is it to be the best musician or gymnast? I ask that you bless her with your loving presence and protect her as she navigates the challenges of growing up. And the most effective way is to ground our prayers in His scriptures. You provide joy that no hard circumstance can take away. Help him to be a godly husband who loves my daughter as Christ loves the church. Also we trust in your great love for her and know that you are the source of all healing. He frequently retreated to secluded locations to pray (Luke 5:16 NIV), underlining the importance of spending time alone with our Heavenly Father. We pray that her work will bring you honor and that many will come to know you through it. See the miracle the Lord has given you and the life that you created. . Sam is a founder and editor of Catholics & Bible. Praying for the best of her life can't only make her feel supported but also give there's a sense of security, and she will feel more significant. The intention of wanting them to be happy and have the best life should be pure, but there will always be a conflicting situation on how to raise a. Copyright 2022 | Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. A Prayer for My Daughter to Give Her Strength: Guiding Soul Give her peace, comfort and heal her. By weaving prayer into our everyday lives, we not only strengthen our bond with God but also foster a nurturing and affectionate atmosphere for our daughters. Help her to accept her vocation and fill her with happiness, joy and cover her with your peace. You can use the above prayers as a model for your prayer. Prayer For My Daughter is available to download in our FREE community library. You can also pray daily for your daughters protection from physical, emotional, mental and social harm. 3115. Lord of Heavenly Kingdom, I pray for my daughter and entrust her to your guidance. As a result, may she feel You drawing near to her too. Almighty Father, I thank you for always being present in our lives. Do not be afraid or terrifiedbecause of them, for theLordyour God goes with you;he will never leave younor forsakeyou.. 12 Mighty Powerful Prayers For Mom | Think About Such Things Father, praise You for this life. I pray that she becomes a shining example of Your love and grace. Your daughter must have peace of mind because her inner well-being depends on it. (Joshua 1:9 NIV). Although, there will be certain times that it is difficult being a parent. 23 Prayers for a Friend Best Friends Prayer (Jeremiah 17:14 NIV), Lord, I pray that You would provide my daughter with the strength she needs to face each day. Please watch over us and keep us safe as we go about our day. Prayer For Exam Success For My Daughter. Download The Full Text of "A Prayer for my Daughter" 1 Once more the storm is howling, and half hid It is the best thing you could do for your daughter, and it is such a loving way to support her. May she grow in discernment and be able to navigate the challenges she faces with grace and humility. I am losing the will to live. Prayer For My Daughter To Give Her Strength Catholics & Bible Pray that your daughter learns to respond carefully, even in the midst of strong emotions. Thank you for giving me such a blessing that completes my life, My daughter needs my guidance, but she needs your light more than anything in this world, Oh Lord, please keep my daughter safe in your loving arms, Give her peace and comfort in your presence. You want her to honor her father and mother, and her talk has been far from honoring. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heartbe acceptable in your sight,OLord, myrock and myredeemer. Psalm 19:14, Let your speech alwaysbe gracious,seasoned with salt,so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Colossians 4:6. A Prayer of Thanks for My Sister Lord Jesus, thank You for my sister and for the wonderful memories we have made together. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. "A Prayer for my Daughter" has ten stanzas, with each stanza eight lines long. Let the story of the healing of the officials son in John 4:46-50 renew your faith. 10 Important Prayers For Your Daughter | Axis Praying for your daughter to keep the faith and grow up to be a good, decent and faithful woman is essential for several reasons: By praying for your daughter to keep her faith and grow up to be a decent and faithful woman, you are entrusting her to Gods care and protection. Dogs Barking At Night Spiritual Meaning: Should I Worry? If your daughter is facing some difficult times, you can also say this prayer for hard times that seeks Gods help. With the help of your prayers, she will lay the foundations for a successful life. Thank You for all that my sister has taught me and the encouragement she pours out onto me when I need it most. 5 Prayers from a Mother's Heart for Her Daughter, the Bride - I pray that you will direct her steps. Amen. God wants us to say powerful and impactful prayers for our daughters and their future. As long as you think about her, you can whisper a prayer for her, asking the Lord to protect and guide her daily steps. Thank You for Your blessings and love amid trials. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Its important to be praying over all areas of our childs life, so I have given you some topics of prayer for your daughter. What Happens If A Catholic Eats Meat On Friday? Devotional for Today, January 24, Prayer for peace in the family Christian Source of Love, Harmony, Daily Devotional for 1 May Pray for guidance and wisdom, GODS POWER TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE Prayer for April 30, BUILDING A GOOD RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD Prayer for April 29, GOD MADE US ALL UNIQUE Prayer for April 28, GOD IS IN CONTROL OF MY LIFE Prayer for April 27, SHORT PRAYER FOR PROTECTION Against Evil, Harm, Enemies, Intercessory Prayer Example and Prayer Points in the Bible, 8 Prayer Points for the Family Most important for Breakthrough, St Anthony Prayer for lost things. As we prepare for surgery to. Lord, lead her to scriptures that will strengthen her relationship with you. Dont miss the prayers for your daughter below. It is a different feat of strength and power to be able to create a new life. Please surround her with Godly influences and role models, leading her towards a life of honesty and virtue. Please give her strength and health so that she can continue living the fullness of Your will here on the earth. Thank you for those who have adopted, thank you for those . Your daughter is a gift and blessing to you that completes your life. It is a beautiful time for women, but it also has challenges. Explore tough topics together through teen-friendly videos that break down barriers and offers keys for deeper conversations. Now that youve seen what you can pray for your daughter, Bible verses to pray over your daughter, and model prayers to pray, I hope you are inspired to put action to your knowledge. Joshua 1:8 reminds me that true success comes when my daughter follows Your Word. While you can never run out of things to pray for concerning your daughter, the ultimate aim is commemorating all that she does in life. As we pray for our daughters, we welcome Gods insight, protection, and affection into their lives, asking Him to be with them as they walk through lifes challenges with bravery and tenacity. Please comment below. It is there, that a mother shows her undeniable love and power.