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Validity of the International Prostate Symptoms Score in predicting urinary retention after joint replacement – Mr Alasdair Santini
Please click on this link to access Mr Alasdair Saniti’s latest paper on ‘urinary retention after joint replacement.’…
Mr Santini – British Orthopaedic Association Annual Conference
The Bone and Joint Centre’s Mr Alasdair Santini, knee and hip specialist, is delighted to be moderating the…
Patient Feedback – Mr Santini
Dear Mr Santini, I waited six month after my last knee replacement before contacting you, please accept my…
BJC sponsor school rugby tour to Namibia and South Africa
The Bone and Joint Centre have been delighted to sponsor the Birkenhead School Rugby Tour to Namibia and…
Welcome to new BESS President Professor Rangan
I would like to express my gratitude to the team at the British Elbow and Shoulder Society for…