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Mr Brownson attends the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons meeting.
Mr Brownson recently attended the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. This is an annual meeting which is the largest of its type in the world.
There were over 10,000 orthopaedic surgeons present at the meeting from all over the United States with many travelling from distant parts of the world.
The meeting was held over 3 days in Las Vegas and during the meeting, Mr Brownson attended instructional sessions on various aspects of shoulder surgery, as well as attending several meetings with industry to discuss new products aimed at improving patient outcome following shoulder surgery.
The meeting has an esteemed Faculty from both the UK and abroad, including USA, The Netherlands and France, who will share their combined wealth and expertise with all the delegates over the two days.
Mr Brownson is also due to attend the Rotator Cuff Masterclass which is being held at the Maritime Museum, Albert Dock, Thursday 14th & Friday 15th May
Themed as a journey from conservative management to massive irreparable tears and complex arthroplasty delegates can look forward to a combination of lectures, panel discussions and lively debate, the course features ReLive surgery, hot topic discussions, pearls and pitfall and current controversies.
The course is not only aimed at surgeons but also encourages trainees who have an interest in the shoulder to come and share their experiences.
Faculty includes: Peter J Millett (USA), Lynn Crosby (USA), Maarten ven der List (The Netherlands), Angelo Di Giunta (Italy), Martyn Snow (Birmingham), Mike Walton (Wrightington), Graham Tytherleigh-Strong (UK) and many more…
Convenors will include: Peter Brownson, Inigo Guisasola, Matthew Kent and Mat Smith from the Liverpool Upper Limb Unit.
Full details including faculty list, programme and booking form can be viewed on