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Charity News – Greenbank Project

Greenbank-Project-300x137Employees at the Bone and Joint Centre and Spire Liverpool Hospital donated their Easter egg’s to the children at the Greenbank project in an event organised by the Spire Healthcare Liverpool Charity Team.

The Greenbank Project is a Liverpool based charity which provides a range of services for disabled people and other disadvantaged groups. Greenbank aims to enhance the opportunities and status of people with disabilities through education, training, employment, transport, sport and recreation.

The Greenbank Charity is situated on Greenbank Lane and is very local toSpireLiverpoolHospital. The charity team visited the centre to present the 30 children taking part in sport, art and craft activities at the centre during the Easter Camp Week with their Easter eggs.

Everyone involved had a lovely time with the children and the Bone and Joint Centre and Spire Liverpool Hospital would like to thank Jamie Harris and Mark Palmer for their kindness and for allowing the Charity Team to visit their inspiring centre.