Alasdair Santini

Mr Alasdair Santini is a Consultant in Trauma and Orthopaedics at The Royal Liverpool University and Broadgreen Hospitals where he specialises in knee replacements, revision knee replacements, partial knee replacements, hip replacements and knee arthroscopy.
Mr Santini studied at the University of Sheffield where he gained his primary medical qualification (MB ChB). Following his basic surgical training in Sheffield he was awarded his surgical fellowships from the Royal Colleges in both Glasgow and England (FRCSGlasg & FRCSEng). His higher surgical training was gained in the North West region. Subsequently he achieved the specialist fellowship in Trauma and Orthopaedics (FRCS Trauma & Orth) and then won a Royal College travelling fellowship to St Louis, USA.
Mr Santini became a consultant at the Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen University Hospital in 2005 where he specialises in primary and revision knee replacement, knee arthroscopy and hip replacement.
He is the orthopaedic clinical lead in infection control and prevention, having previously had a similar role in clinical audit. He is the lead clinician for the lower limb sub-directorate.
Mr Santini was instrumental in re-designing the then Core Skills Course in Orthopaedics at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He chairs the organising committee and wrote and edited the accompanying book and DVD. Now under the name Specialist Skills in Orthopaedics, the course is run in five centres across the UK and this year, Mr Santini ran the first international course in Dubai. A similar course is planned for India in 2011.
He has an on-going research interest, having won over £30,000 in grants to run clinical trials in knee surgery. The results of these have been presented both nationally and internationally. He also lectures both nationally and internationally on knee surgery.
In 2008, he founded the Grosvenor Orthopaedic Club to promote education and research for hip and knee surgeons in Cheshire and Merseyside. The club meets four times a year and have been joined by a variety of international guest speakers.
He was recently honoured to be appointed as Treasurer of The British Association for Surgery of The Knee (BASK) and takes up his role immediately.
Mr Santini was a keen fencer, captaining the University team but more recently enjoys skiing, scuba diving, hill climbing and following Scotland’s rugby internationals as a lifetime seat holder at Murrayfield.
Consultant Information:
Clinic Times: Monday evening and all day Thursday
Consulting Address: Spire Liverpool Hospital, 57 Greenbank Road, Liverpool, L18 1HQ
Telephone: 0151 522 1860
Email: [email protected]
Year of First Medical Qualification: 1992
Current membership(s): British Orthopaedic Association
, British Association for Surgery of the Knee
Current NHS/University Post: The Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust
Positions Held: Chair of the Speciality skills course in Orthopaedic for the Royal College of Surgeons both nationally and internationally, President of the Grosvenor Orthopaedic Club.
Selected Publications:
Fountain JR, Jakaraddi C, Pope J, Davidson JS & Santini AJA The Effect of Posterior Tibial Slope on Post-Operative Flexion & Functional Outcomes in Total Knee Arthroplasty. A Double Blinded Randomised Conrolled Trial. J Bone Joint Surg (Br) 2010; 92-B:Supp III, 407
Jakaraddi CA, Garcia-Finana M, Neal T, Navin A, Davidson JS & Santini AJA In Vitro Elution Characteristics of Gentamicin and Teicoplanin Loaded CNW and Palacos Bone Cements. J Bone Joint Surg (Br) 2010; 92-B:Supp III, 418
Jakaraddi CA, Metikala S, Wright D, Davidson JS & Santini AJA Use of the International Prostate Symptom Score in Predicting Urinary Retention after Total Hip Replacement J Bone Joint Surg (Br) 2008; 90-B:Supp III, 554
Santini AJA & Raut V Ten-Year Survival Analysis of the PFC Total Knee Arthroplasty – A Surgeon’s First 99 Replacements. Int Orthop 2008; 32(4): 459-65
Hayton MJ, Santini AJA, Hughes PJ, Frostick SP, Trail IA & Stanley JK Botulinum Toxin For The Treatment of Tennis Elbow: A Double Blind Randomised Controlled Trial. J Bone Joint Surg (Am) 2005; 87-A: 503-507
Santini AJA & Walker CR. First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Fusion – A Low Profile Plate Technique. Foot and Ankle Surgery 2001: 7; 15-21.
Kakarlapudi TK, Santini AJA, Shahane S & Douglas DL. The Cost of Treatment of Distal Radial Fractures. Injury 2000: 31(4); 229-232.
Santini AJA & Douglas DL. Second Carpometacarpal Joint Dislocation – An Impossible Situation? The International Journal of Clinical Practice 1998: 52(7); 517-518.
Santini AJA & Frostick SP. Complications. In “Outcome Measures in Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Trauma” 2nd Edition; Ed. Pynsent P, Fairbank J & Carr A, Hodder Arnold 2004, Chapter 9; p81 – 94
Santini AJA, Hayton MJ & Frostick SP. How Should You Treat Tennis Elbow? An Update. In “Evidence-Based Sports Medicine” 2nd Edition, Ed. MacAuley D & Best T, BMJ Books 2007